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PSYC King Chapter 3

Biological Foundations of Behavior

The body's electrochemical communication circuitry, made of billions of interconnected cells. Nervous System
The brain's special capacity for modifications and change Plasticity
Sensory nerves that transport information to the brain Afferent Nerves
Motor nerves that carry the brain's output Efferent Nerves
Neural Networks Network of nerve cells that integrate sensory input and motor output
CNS The brain and spiral chord.
PNS The network of nerves that connects the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body. It is divided into the somatic nervous system and the automatic nervous system
Somatic Nervous System The division of the PNS consisting of sensory nerves, whose function is to convey information tot he CNS, and motor nerves, whose function is to transmit information to the muscles
Automatic Nervous System The division of PNS that communicates with the body's internal organs and monitors processes such as breathing, heart rate, and digestion. Include's sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic NS The division of the automatic NS that arouses the body.
Parasympathetic NS The division of the automatic NS that calms the body
Neurons Nerves cells that are specialized for processing information. Neurons are the basic units of the NS
Glial Cells Cells that provide support and nutritional benefits in the NS
Cell Body The part of the neuron that contains the nucleus, which directs the manufacture of substance that the neuron needs for growth and maintenance
Dendrites Branches of a neuron that receive and orient information toward the cell body, most neurons have numerous dendrites
Axon The part of the neuron that carries information away from the cell body to other cells.
Myelin Sheath The layer of fat cells that encases and insulates most axons. The myelin sheath speeds up the transmission of the nerve impulses
Resting Potential The stable, negative charge of an inactive neuron
Action Potential The brief waves of positive electrical charge that sweeps down the axon during transmission of a nerve impulse.
All-or-Nothing Principle The idea that once an electrical impulse reaches a certain level of intensity , it fires and moves all the way down the axon without losing any of its intensity.
Synapses Tiny junctions between 2 neurons generally where the axon of one neuron meets the dendrites or cell body of another neuron
Neurotransmitters Chemical substances that carry information across the synaptic gap from one neuron to the next
Agonist A drug that mimics or increases a neurotransmitter's effects.
Antagonist A drug that blocks a neurontransmitter's effects.
Reticular formation A midbrain system that consists of diffuse collection of neurons involved in stereotypical behaviors, such as walking, sleeping, breathing
Brain stem The region of the brain that includes much of the hindbrain (excluding the cerebellum) and the midbrain
Forebrain The highest level of of the brain including the limbic system, thalamus, basal ganglia, hypothalamus and cerebral cortex
Limbic System Loosely connected network of structures- including the amygdala and hippocampus-that play important roles in memory and emotion.
Thalamus Sorts information and and sends it to appropriate areas in the fore brain for further integration and interpretation
Basal Ganglia Controls and coordinate voluntary movements
Hypothalamus Regulates eating, drinking and sex.
Cerebral Cortex Highest level of the forebrain, where the highest mental functions, such as thinking and planning, take place.
Occipital Lobe In the back of the brain and involved in vision.
Temporal Lobe Involved in hearing, language, processing and memory.
Frontal Lobe Involved in voluntary muscles, intelligence and personality
Parietal Lobe Involved in attention, motor control and registering spatial location
Somatosensory Cortex Area of the cerebral cortex that processes information about body sensations.
Motor Cortex Processes information about voluntary movement
Association Cortex Includes thinking and problem solving
Corpus Callosum The large bundle of axons that connects the brain's two hemispheres.
Endocrine System A set of glands that regulate the activities of certain organs by releasing their chemical products into the bloodstream
Hormones Chemical messengers manufactured by the endocrine system
Pituitary Gland An important endocrine gland at the base of the skull that controls growth and regulates other glands
Adrenal Gland Important endocrine glands that are instrumental in regulating moods, energy levels and the ability to cope with stress.
Stress The response of individuals to change in circumstances and events that threaten their coping abilities
Stressors Circumstances and events that threaten individuals and tax their coping abilities
Created by: wee_vee
Popular Psychology sets




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