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DSM Sub Dis

Substance Disorders

a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring any time in the same 12-month period: Substance Dependence
Tolerance, as defined by either of the following: (a) A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or the desired effect or (b) Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance. Substance Dependence
Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: (a) The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance or (b) The same (or closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. Substance Dependence
The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than intended. Substance Dependence
There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use. Substance Dependence
A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects. Substance Dependence
Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use. Substance Dependence
The substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance. Substance Dependence
a maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring within a 12-month period: Substance Abuse
Recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obligations at work, school, or home. Substance Abuse
Recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (such as driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by substance use) Recurrent substance-related legal problems Substance Abuse
Continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the effects of the substance. Substance Abuse
For at least 1 month, but less than 12 months, no criteria for Substance Dependence or Abuse have been met. Substance Dependence, Early Full Remission
For at least 1 month, but less than 12 months, on or more criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met, but full criteria have not been met. Substance Dependence, Early Partial Remission For at least 12 months, no criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met.
Evidence of tolerance or withdrawal Substance Dependence, With Physiological Dependence
No evidence of tolerance or withdrawal Without Physiological Dependence
A. The development of a reversible substance-specific syndrome due to recent ingestion of, or exposure to, a substance. Substance Intoxication
B. Clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes that are due to the effect of the substance on the CNS and develop during or shortly after use of the substance. Substance Intoxication
C. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder Substance Intoxication
A. The development of a substance-specific syndrome due to the cessation of, or reduction in, substance use that has been heavy and prolonged. Substance Withdrawal
B. The substance-specific syndrome causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning Substance Withdrawal
C. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder Substance Withdrawal
Caffeine Dependence, Abuse, and Withdrawal; Cannabis Withdrawal; Hallucinogen Withdrawal; Inhalants Withdrawal; Nicotine Abuse and Intoxication; Polysubstance Abuse, Intoxication, and Withdrawal. Substance disorders that would NOT be diagnosed based on DSM categories.
During the same 12-month period the person was repeatedly using at least three groups of substances (not including caffeine and nicotine), but no single substance predominated. Dependence could be met for the substances as a group but not for any one. Polysubstance Dependence
Created by: turnfam3
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