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Chp 12 Female Reprod


OB-GYN short for obstetrician gynecologist, a physuician specializing in womens health care and childbirth
postpartum after birth
neonatology study of the care of the newborn, treatment and diagnosis of disorders of the newborn
urology study of the urinary system and the reproductive system (only in men)
purpose of reproductive system to produce and unite gametes and transport them to the site of fertilization, produce hormones
gametes reproductive cells, have only half the number of chromosomes as body cells
gonads reproductive glands-male, testes; female, ovaries
ovulation process in which an egg is released from the ovary
menstruation, menses Monthly shedding of uterine lining
menopause the time of natural cessation of menstruation; also refers to the biological changes a woman experiences as her ability to reproduce declines
lactation the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glands
female internal repro organs ovaries, uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes
female external genitalia Vulva: mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, clitoris, Bartholin glands
female hormones estrogran, progesterone
sperm transportation ducts epididymis, ductus deferns, ejaculatory duct, urethra
accessory glands, male seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral gland
copulatory organ, male penis
semen thick fluid containing sperm and other secretions from the male reproductive system
supine lying on the back
CS, C-section cesarean section
D&C dilation and curettage
Dx diagnosis
G gravida (pregnant)
GYN gynecology
HRT hormone replacement therapy
IUD intrauterine device
IVF in vitro fertilization
LMP last menstrual period
OCPs Oral contraceptive pills
Pap papanicolaou test (smear)
para 1, 2, 3 unipara, bipara, tripara (number of viable births)
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PIH pregnancy-induced hypertension
PMP previous menstrual period
PSA prostate-specific antigen
TAH total abdominal hysterectomy
TRAM transverse rectus abdominis muscle
TSS Toxic Shock Syndrome
TVH total vaginal hysterectomy
BPH benign prostatic hyperplasia/hypertrophy
DRE digital rectal examination
GU genitourinary
TURP, TUR transurethral resection of the prostate
XY male sex chromosomes
GC gonorrhea
HPV human papillomavirus
HSV Herpes Simplex Virus
STD sexually transmitted disease
VD venereal disease
Candidiasis an infection caused by fungi of the genus Monilia or Candida (especially Candida albicans); yeast infection
Cervicitis inflammation of the uterine cervix
Ectopic Preganacy Inflammation of the uterine cervix
Endometriosis the presence of endometrium elsewhere than in the lining of the uterus
Fibroid benign tumor in the uterus composed of smooth muscle and fibrous connective tissue; also called leimyoma
Leukorrhea discharge of white mucous material from the vagina
Oligomenorrhea scanty or infrequent menstrual flow
Pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) Potentially life-threatening disorder that usually develops after the 20th week of pregnancy and is characterized by edema and proteinuria.
PIH may occur in nonconvulsive or convulsive forms.
Pyosalpinx pus in the fallopian tubes
Retroversion turning or state of being turned back, especially an entire organ, such as the uterus, being tipped from its normal position
Sterility inability of the female to become pregnant or the male to impregnate the female
Toxic shock syndrome (TSS) Rare and sometimes fatal staphylococcus infection that generally occurs in menstruating women; most of whom use vaginal tampons for menstrual protection.
Trichomoniasis protozoal infestation of the vagina, urethra, or prostate
Anorchism Congenital absence of one or both testes; also called anorchia
Balanitis inflammation of the skin covering the glans penis
Cryptorchidism failure of one or both testes to move into the scrotum as the male fetus develops
Epispadias congenital defect in which the urethra opens on upper side of the penis near the glans penis instead of the tip
Hypospadias congenital defent in which the male urethra opens on undersurface of the penis instead of the tip
Impotence inability of a man to achieve or maintain a penile erection; commonly called erectile dysfunction
Phimosis stenosis or narrowing of preputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be retracted over the glans penis
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) Any disease that may be acquired as a result of sexual intercourse or other intimate contact with an infected individual and affects the male and female reproductive systems; also called venereal disease
Genital warts wart(s) in the genitalia caused by human papillomavirus (HPV).
Gonorrhea contagious bacterial infection that most commonly affects the genito-urinary tract and, occasionally, the pharynx or rectum
Herpes genitalis Infection in females and males of the genital and anorectal skin and mucosa with herpes simplex virus type 2
Syphilis infectious, chronic STD characterized ny lesions that change to a chancre and may involve any organ or tissue
Amniocentesis obestric procedure that involves surgical puncture of the amniotic sac under ultrasound guidance to remove amniotic fluid
Colposcopy the process of using a colposcope to examine tissues of vagina and cervix
Hysterosalpingography Radiography of the uterus and oviducts after injection of a contrast medium
Laparoscopy visual examination of the abdominal cavity with a laparoscope through one or more small incisions in the andominal wall, usually at the unbilicus
Mammography radipgraphy of breast; used to diagnose benign and malignant tumors
Papanicolaou (pap) test Microscopic analysis of cells taken from the cervix and vagina to detect the presence of carcinoma
Cells are obtained for a Pap test via insertion of a vaginal speculum and the use of a swab to scrape a small tissue sample from the cervix and vagina
Ultrasonography (US) Imaging technique that records high-frequency sound waves bouncing off body tissues and uses a computer to process those waves to produce an image of an internal organ or tissue
Digital rectal examination (DRE) examination of the prostate gland with finger palpitation through the anal canal and the rectum
Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test blood test is used to screen for prostate cancer
Cerclage obstetric procedure in which a nonabsorbable suture is used for holding the cervix closed to prevent spontaneous abortion in the woman who has an incompetent cervix.
Dilation and curettage surgical procedure, widening of the cervix and scraping the endometrium of the uterus
hysterosalpingooophorectomy Surgical removal of a uterus, a fallopian tube, and an ovary
Lumpectomy excision of a small primary breast tumor (a "lump") and some of the normal tissue that surrounds it
Mastectomy complete or partial excision of one or both breasts, most commonly performed to remove a malignant tumor
Total excision of an entire breast, nipple, areola, and the involved overlying skin; also called simple mastectomy
Modified radical excision of an entire breast, including lymph nodes in the underarm; (axillary dissection)
Radical exicision of an entire breast, all underarm lymph nodes, and chest wall muscles under the breast
Reconstructive breast surgery reconstruction of a breast that has been removed because of cancer or other disease
Tissue (skin) expansion common breast reconstruction technique in which a balloon expander is inserted beneath the skin and chest muscle, saline solution is gradually injected to increase size, and the expander is then replaced with a more permanent implant
Transverse rectus abdominis muscle (TRAM) flap surgical creation of a skin flap (using skin and fat from the lower half of the abdomen), which is passed under the skin to the breast area, shaped into a natural-looking breast, and sutured into place.
Tubal ligation sterilization procedure that involves blocking both fallopian tubes by cutting or burning them and tying them off
Circumcision surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis, usually performed on the male as an infant
Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) surgical procedure to relieve obstruction caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (excessive overgrowth of normal tissue) by insertion of a resectoscope into the penis and through the urethra to "chip away" at prostatic tissue and flush out chips
Gonadotropin Hormonal preparation used to increase sperm count in infertility cases
amni/ o amnion (amniotic sac)
cervic/ o neck; cervix uteri (neck of uterus)
colp/ o, vagin/ o vagina
episi/ o, vulv/ o vulva
galact/ o, lact/ o milk
gynec/ o woman, female
hyster/ o, uter/ o uterus (womb)
lapar/ o abdomen
andr/ o Male
balan/ o glans penis
orchid/ o, orhi/ o, orch/ o, test/ o testis (plural, testes)
adip/ o, lip/ o fat
carcin/ o cancer
cyst/ o bladder
hemat/ o, hem/ o blood
-ectomy excision, removal
-pexy fixation (of an organ)
-plasty surgical repair
-algia, -dynia pain
-cele hernia, swelling
-genesis Forming, producing, origin
-itis inflammation
-lith stone, calculus
-logy study of
-logist specialist in study of
-megaly enlargement
-oid resembling
-arche beginning
-cyesis pregnancy
-gravida a pregnant woman
-para to bear (offspring)
-al, -ic, -ous pertaining to; relating too
-ia condition
a-, an- without, not
dys- bad, painful, difficult, abnormal
hyper- excessive, above normal
metr/o uterus; measure
mamm/o, mast/o breast
men/o menses, menstruation
nat/o birth
oophor/o, ovari/o ovary
perine/o perineum
salping/o tube
prostat/o prostate gland
spermat/o sperm
vas/o vessel; vas deferens
hydr/o water
muc/o mucus
olig/o scanty
-rraphy suture
-tome instrument to cut
-tomy incision
-oma tumor
-pathy disease
-plasia, -plasm formation, growth
-ptosis prolapse, downward displacement
-rrhage, -rrhagia bursting forth
-rrhea discharge, flow
-scope instrument for examining
-spasm involuntary contraction
-uria urine
-salpinx tube (usually fallopian or eustachian [auditory] tubes)
-tocia childbirth, labor
-version turning
-ist one who specializes in
neo- new, recent
post- after, behind
pre- before
amenorrhea absence or suppression of normal menstrual flow
aplasia Lack of development of an organ or tissue
aspermatism a condition in which there is a lack of male sperm
cervix uteri The lower neckline portion of the uterus
dysmenorrhea painful menstruation
epididymis coiled duct on top and at side of the testis that stores sperm before emission
estrogen hormone produced by the ovaries; promotes female secondary sex characteristics
gravida 4 women in fourth pregnancy
hydrocele disorder in which serous fluid accumulates in a body sac (especially in the scrotum)
oophoritis inflammation of an ovary
para 4 woman who has delivered 4 infants
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
postmenopausal after menopause
progesterone A hormone produced by the ovaries which acts with estrogen to bring about the menstral cycle.
prostatic cancer Is an enlargement of the prostate gland, can be a benign condition, caused by inflammation, a tumor or it can be malignant (cancerous) condition
prostatomegaly enlargement of the prostate gland
testopathy disease of the testes
testosterone the most important of the male sex hormones. Both males and females have it, but the additional testosterone in males stimulates the growth of the male sex organs in the fetus and the development of the male sex characteristics during puberty
uterus organ of the female reproductive system in which a fertilized egg can develop
vas deferens tube that carries sperm from the epididymis to the urethra
vasectomy removal of a segment of the vas deferens to produce sterility in the male
Created by: mkduff
Popular Science sets




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