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A Cool House

Ch. 9 New Oscience Essentials 8

What is the acronim for radiation? R S S N A I R
What is Radiation? Radiation is the heat transfer through space in air, mainly in the infrared band.
What form does radiation take place in? Radiation takes place in the form of electromagnetic waves.
Give 4 examples of electromagnetic waves. Four examples of electromagnetic waves are:- heat from the sun, camp fire, light bulb, microwave
What things that come from the sun don't reach Earth? Things like UV A & B, gamma rays, microwaves and x-rays don't reach Earth.
What things from the sun do reach Earth? UV C, sunlight and indigo to red rays reach Earth from the sun.
How does radiation travel through space and what do to Earth once it gets there? Radiation from the sun travels easily through space. Once it reaches Earth, it warms the ground and air.
What animals can see radiation? Animals such as mosquitos can see radiation because their eyes are able to see infrared radiation.
Can humans see radiation? Humans can't see radiation, but we have special cameras that can photograph infrared radiation.
What can protect a house from radiation? Things like eaves, verandas, awnings and trees can protect a house's walls and windows from exposure to the sun's radiation for most of the day in summer. They don't, however protect from the low-angle winter sun.
How can radiation be mirrored and what does this do? A silver reflective surface works as a mirror to the sun's radiation, reflecting the heat energy back to where it came from.
What is the acronim for convection? C D V I A L
What does RSSNAIR mean? Radiation, Sun, Space, No air, Air, InfraRed
What is Convection? Convection is the heat transfer in air and liquids.
What does convection to to hot and cold? Heat rises, then becomes cool and sinks. It then heats up again and rises. This continues on.
What is a convection current? A convection current is the flow of air or liquid caused by heating.
What do air currents move around? Air currents move around a fire or a heater.
How do Hang-Gliders use convection currents? The warm ground heats the nearby air which rises, carrying the Hang-Glider up with it.
Why does hot air rise? Hot air rises because it has a lower density than cool air.
How can heat transfer in convection be reduced? Heat transfer in convection is reduced by disrupting the convection current.
What can confine a convection current? Give 2 examples. Placement Barriers such as doors and screens can confine a convection current.
Why do windows with curtains lose a minimal amount of heat? Windows with curtains lose a minimal amount of heat because of the still layer of air between the window and curtain.
What do Pelmets do? Pelmets move the convection current away from the window so that less heat is lost throught the glass.
What do ceiling fans do? Ceiling fans disrupt convection currents as well as making sure more heat stays closer to the ground.
What does CDVIAL stand for? Convection, Detection, Visible, Invisible, Air, Liquid
What is the acronim for conduction? C C T S
What is conduction? Conduction is the heat transfer through touching solids/objects.
How are particles in solids packed together? Particles in solids are packed togehter tightly and in a very organised way.
What is a good conductor? Give examples. A good conductor is an object/solid that heat can pass through and into another easily. e.g. metals such as zinc, aluminium, iron, etc.
What is an insulator? Give examples. An insulator is another name for a poor conductor. In an insulator, it is difficult for heat to pass through and into another object. e.g. wood, rubber, glass, paper, etc.
Define insulation. Insulation: blocking or slowing down heat transfer.
How does the thickness of an object effect conduction? The thicker the object, the better conductor it is.
What is heat energy? Heat Energy is the increased movement of particles in an object.
How do materials conduct heat? Solids are made up of particles. Theses particles twist and rock back and forth (vibrate). When a particle is heated, it begins to vibrate faster. This particle then pushes the one beside it, making it speed up also. This continues on.
What effects an object's ability to conduct heat? An object's ability to conduct heat depends on how quickly it can increase the speed the particles vibrate. Things like shape, size and how the particles are packed together also have an effect.
How is conduction reduced? Conduction is reduced by sandwiching an insulator between two heat conductors.
Give 4 examples of good insulators for houses. Four examples of good insulators for houses are fibreglass, cork, wool and polystyrene.
What makes a good insulator? A good insulator contains tiny pockets of air.
What is the best way to reduce conduction? The best way to reduce conduction is to use a vacuum.
What is a vacuum? A vacuum contains no particles or heat.
What does CCTS mean? Conduct, Contact, Touching, Solids
What does our body temperature need to stay close to? Our body temperature needs to stay as close to 37°C as possible.
What is temperature? Temperature is a measure of how hot or cold something is.
How does heat energy flow? Heat energy will always flow from a hotter object to a cooler one.
What happens when heat energy is given off? The object gets hotter.
What happens when heat energy is taken away? The object gets cooler.
What is the Law of Conservative Energy? Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only changed from one type to another.
What is the melting point of water in °C? 0°C
What is the boiling point of water in °C? 100°C
What is the melting point of water in °F? 32°F
What is the boiling point of water in °F? 212°F
What is the name of the lowest possible temperature? Absolute Zero
What temperature is Absolute Zero? -273.15°C
What is the boiling point of water in K? 373.15K
How do you convert K to C? K = C + 273.15
What temperature is red? 3000 K
What temperature is orange? 4000 K
What temperature is Yellow-White? 5500 K
What temperature is White? 7000 K
What temperature is Blue-White? 10000 K
What temperature is Bluish? 18000 K
What temperature is Bluest? 40000 K
How long should you wait for a thermometer to reach the temperature of what you're reading? About 3 minutes
What's a parallax error? the error that occurs when reading a scale from the wrong angle
What happens to a object's reactions when it gets hotter? When objects get hotter they usually react more quickly.
The change from one form of energy to another is known as ______ ______________. Energy Transformation
The energy made by resources that will never run out is called: Renewable Energy
Why do you need to read a thermometer at eye level? To make the measurement accurate and not make a Parallax Error.
Define Heat. Heat: a form of energy that moves into materials to make them hotter, or out of materials to make them colder.
What is the Mpemba effect? In some special cases, warm water freezes faster that cold water.
What is Standard Atmosphere? The air pressure at sea level.
A substance that will make ice melt if mixed with it. heat
The name of the point in which a solid turns to liquid. Melting point
The name of the point where liquid turns to gas. Boiling point
A type of invisible radiation that's given out. Infrared
The type of thermometer invented by Fahrenheit. Bulb
A graph that changes from one temperature unit to another. conversion
The liquid used in Bulb thermometers. Alchohol
The liquid originally used in Bulb thermometers. Mercury
A good colour for reducing radiation. Silver
What substance can lower the melting point of water? Salt
Created by: Liddi
Popular Science sets




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