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immune system SLE

Immune system SLE & HIV Focus

immunity -body protection against infectious disease -series of actions in response to a pathogen - destroys or neutralizes organism
bone marrow all the cells of the immune system are initially derived from the bone marrow
thymus the function of the thymus is to produce mature t cell
spleen the spleen is an immnunologic filter of the blood
lymph nodes the lymph nodes function as an immunologic filter for the bodily fluid known as lymph. the cellular components of lymph are mostly t cells. B cells and macrophages are also found in lymph nodes
innate immunity is present from birth and consists of many factors that are relatively specific
acquired immunity is more specialized during the first encounter with a foreign substance the body develops an immune response against the substance. Memory cells will allow the body to react immediatley on each subsequent encounter with the foreign substance
Leukocytes defense against viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites
monocytes defend the body against bacterial and other infection and ingest aging and degenerating blood cells
granulocytes neutrophils, eosinophil and basophils. neutrophils combat infection by rapidly increasing in number, engulfing and destroying foreign substances
lymphocytes T, B and NK cells - patrol the blood and lymphatic systems for cancerous cells, fungi, viruses and bacteria.
leukocytes pt 2 protect the body from invasion, neutrophils 60-70%, lymphocytes 25-35% WBC, monocytes, basophils and eosinphils
Neutrophils most numerous cell in WBC, acct for 60-70% of WBC, primary function is phagocytosis, increase in bacterial infections
NKC acts with t cells to provide cell mediated immunity, kill tumor cells and some virally infected cells
monocytes - macrophages first responder to invading microbes, chews up microbe and take antigen to T and B cells to activate specific immunity Phagocytosis
Eosinphils increase during allergic response release enzymes which degrade histamine and other mediators of inflammation
Basophils and tissue Mast cells responsible for inflammatory and anaphalatic responses. secrete heparin, histamine, serotonin, kinins, leukotrienes, prostoglandins. ARE ACTIVATED BY BINDING WITH IgE
lymphocytes pt 2 acct for 25-35% of WBC. Increase with viral infections. B, T and NKC
anaphylactic reaction an antigen/antibody response, which cause a life threatening release of histamine, vasodilation and capillary permeability
medical treatment for anaphylactic rxn epinephrine, benadryl, o2, iv fluids and corticosteroids
immune system and stress more depression, mire compromise of cell mediated immunity, lower NK activity, altered # WBC
autoimmune disease produced when the body's normal tolerance of antigen on its own cells is disrupted
autoimmune responses may be systemic or organ specific
systemic autoimmune response SLE - systemic lupus erythematosus, and Rheumatoid arthritis
Local autoimmune response myasthenia gravis, graves, addisons and insulin dependent diabetes
SLE systemic lupus erythematosus SLE - an autoimmune disorder that affects multiple body systems and is characterized by exacerbations and remissions
dx SLE malar "butterfly" rash, discoid skin rash, photosensitivity, mucus membrane ulcers, arthritis
s/s SLE fatigue, low grade fever, loss of appeetite, muscle aches, arthritis, ulcers of the mouth and nose, facial flush, unusual sensitivity to sunlight, inflammation
LUPUS poor circulation to the fingers and toes with cold exposure, serious organ involvement with inflammation occurs in the brain, lier and kidney, WBC and Blood clotting facros also can be decreased in SLE, most pt with SLE will develop arthritis,
SLe kidney inflammation in SLE an cause leakage of protein into the urine, fluid rentention and HTN, involvement of the brain an cause personality changes, thought disorders, seizures and even coma. Damage to nerves can cause numbness tingling. Alopecia
SLE tx no permanent cure for SLE, goal is to relieve s/s. Drugs -> NSAIDS, antimalarial drugs (plaquenil) and corticosteroids
HIV vs AIDS HIV means having the virus, there is no cure for HIV, HIV attacks the body's immune sys by invading t cells, tx can slow HIV attack on immune sys, early detection of HIV means early tx which keeps the immune sys healthy,AIDS occur over time after HIV
you cannot get HIV from kissing, hugging, sneezing, coughing, sweat, urine, vomit, sharing a toilet, sharing food, sharing a glass, sharing utensils, sharing clothes
HIV can be found in blood, semen, pre-semen, vaginal/cervical secretions, breast milk, any body fluid containing blood of an infected person
HIV-1 Antibody tests:ELISA Enzyme linked immnosorbent assay, CD4+ cell count
Created by: starr8904
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