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Passage 5

Iam res Romana firma et finitimis civitatibus bello par erat. Already the Roman state was strong and equal to its neighboring states in war.
Sed Romani neque uxores neque cum finitimus ius conubii habebant. But the Romans had neither wives nor the law of marriage with its neighbors.
Tum Romulus quosdam ex patribus legatos in vicinas gentes misit qui societatem conubiumque novo populo peterent. The Romans sent some legates from the senators, to seek a marriage law for its new people, into the neighboring populations.
Nusquam benigne legati auditi sunt; nam finitimi non solum Romanos spernebant, sed etiam tantam in medio crescentem urbem metuebant. The legates were never heard kindly; for the neighbors not only rejected the Romans, but also they feared such a city growing in their midst.
Itaque irati Romani vi uti statuerunt. And so the angry Romans decided to use power.
Ad eam rem Romulus, ludis paratis, finitimos ad spectaculum invitavit. For this situation, Romulus, with the games having been prepared, invited the neighbors to the spectacle.
Multi convenerunt ut ludos spectarent et novam urbem viderent. Many gathered to watch the games and to see the new city.
Sabinorum omnis multitudo cum liberis ac coniugibus venit. The entire population of Sabines came with their wives and children.
Ubi spectaculi tempus venit omnesque intenti in ludos erant, tum, signo dato, Romani rapere virgines coeperunt. When the time of the spectacle came and everyone was intent on the games, the, with the signal, having been given, the Romans began to steal the maidens.
Parentes virginum profugerunt clamantes Romanos hospitium violavisse. The parents of the maidens fled shouting the Romans had violated the law of hospitality.
Nec raptae virgines aut spem de se meliorem aut indignationem minorem habebant. The stolen maidens did not have either a better hope for themselves nor a lesser anger.
Sed ipse Romulus circumibat ostendebatque id patrum virginum superbis factum esse. But Romulus himself was going around and showing that this was done because of the arrogance of the fathers of the maidens.
"Quamquam vi captae estis," inquit, "omnia iura Romanorum habebitis." "Although we were captured by force," he said, "you will have all the rights of the Romans."
Iam multo minus perturbati animi raptarum erant. Now the minds of the captives are much less disturbed.
At parentes earum civitates finitimas, ad quas eius iniuriae pars pertinebat, ad arma concitabant. Their parents were stiring up the neighboring states to arms, to whom a part of there injury was concerning.
Hae civitates omnes a Romulo victae sunt. All these states were defeated by Romulus.
Novissimum bellum ab Sabinis ortum est, quod multo maximum fuit. The latest war was begun by the Sabines, which was the greatest one by far.
Sabini arcem Romanam in monte Capitolino dolo ceperunt. The Sabines captured the Roman citadel by trickery on the Capitoline Hill.
Romani postero die arcem recipere conati sunt. The Romans tried to retake the citadel on the next day.
Tum Sabinae mulieres ausae sunt se inter tela volantia inferre, ut pacem a patribus virisque implorarent. The Sabine women dared to throw themselves amungst the flying spears, to ask for peace from there fathers and husbands.
Duces ea re moti non modo pacem sed etiam civitatem unam ex duabus faciunt; regnum quoque consociant atque Romam faciunt sedem imperii. The leaders having been moved by this act make not only peace but one city out of two; also they join the relm and they made Rome the seed of power.
Multitudo ita aucta novo nomine Quirites appellata est ex Curibus, quae urbs caput Sabinorum erat. The population having been increased thrustly with a new name; was called Quirites from Cures, which was the head city of the Sabines.
Deinde Romulus, populo in curias triginta diviso, nomina mulierum raptarum curiis dedit. Then Romulus, with the population having been divided into 30 curias, gave the names of the captured women to the curias.
Dum Romulus quodam tempore exercitum in Campo Martio recenset, tempestas subito coorta eum nimbo operuit. Then Romulus counts his army in the Campus Martius at a certain time, suddenly a storm having risen covered him with a cloud.
Patres qui proximi steterant dixerunt regem sublimem raptum esse. The fathers those who had stood close said that the king was taken up high.
Deinde universi clamant: "Salve, deus limem raptum esse. Then they shouted to all,"Hail, God born from a God."
Romulus dicitur postea cuidam civi se ostendisse et eum his verbis allocutus esse Afterwards Romulus is said to have shown himself to a certain citizen and he spoke with these words.
"Nuntia Romanis deos velle meam Romam caput orbis terrarum esse; proinde res militaris colenda est; nam nullae opes humanae armis militaris colenda est; nam nullae opes humanae armis Romanis resistere possunt." "The Gods want my Rome to be the capital of the word; the art of war must be cultivated; no human efforts are able to resist the roman weapons.
Postea nomen Quirinus Romulo additum est. Afterwards the name Quirines was added to Romulus.
Regnavit septem et triginta annos. Ge ruled for 37 years.
Created by: samh
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