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Biology Lab

Morphology, Stains & Cultures

Morphology: Pairs Diplo
Morphology: Chains Strepto
Morphology: Cubical Packet of 4 Tetrad
Morphology: Grapelike Clusters Staphlo
Morphology: Cubical Packets of 8 Sarcina
Morphology: Singles or no specific arrangement Random
Morphology: Side-by Side Palisading
Morphology: V shaped Snapping
Morphology: Oval Shaped Coccobacillus
Morphology: One-half Spiral Turn Vibrio
Morphology: Loosely Wound Spiral Spirillum
Morphology: Tightly Wound Spiral, Corkscrew like Spirochete
Morphology: Spherical Shaped Cocci
Morphology: Cylindrical or Rod Shaped Bacilli
Bacillus Anthracis - Gram Type Gram Positive, Purple
Bacillus Anthracis - Morphology Strepto, bacillus
Bacillus Anthracis Endospore forming bacterium and is the causative agent of anthrax.
Escherichia Coli - Gram Type Gram Negative, Pink
Escherichia Coli - Morphology Random Bacillus
Streptococcus - Gram Type Gram Positive, Purple
Streptococcus - Morphology Strepto Coccus
Staphylococcus - Gram Type Gram Positive - Purple
Staphylococcus - Morphology Staphylo Coccus
Staphylococcus This is the genus but we used Staphylococcus epidermidis in class several times
Morphology: Spherical Bacteria in chains Streptococcus
Morphology: Spherical Bacteria in pairs Diplococcus
Morphology: Rod Shaped Bacteria in chains Streptobacillus
Morphology: Rod Shaped Bacteria in pairs Diplobacillus
Morphology: Spherical Bacteria in Grape-like Clusters Staphylococcus
Tiny Rods which look like cocci Coccobacillus
One-half Spiral Turns Vibrio
The mixture that provides micro-organisms with the suitable nutrients in the right composition? Culture Medium
The liquid culture medium used in class? Broth
The solid culture medium used in class? Agar
Certain practices that keep the outside organisms from contaminating transferred cultures? Aseptic Technique
Normal Incubation Temperature? 36 C
Why do we Flame the lip of the tube? The flaming directs air flow upwards and away from the open tube thereby minimizing the chance of contamination.
What is the point of a streak plate? To isolate pure cultures.
Why is it important to cool a loop after flaming prior to touching it to a culture of microorganisms? As to not kill the microorganisms
What is nosocomial? An infection whose development is favoured by a hospital environment, such as one acquired by a patient during a hospital visit or one developing among hospital staff.
What is colony morphology? The features of a particular species which aid in their identification.
What are agar slants? Tubed media which is allowed to solidify while slanted, thus allowing for a greater surface area.
Colony Morphology: Size Could be described as pinpoint, small, medium, and large.
Colony Morphology: Elevation Could be described as flat, raised, convex or umbonate.
Colony Morphology: Edge Could be described as entire, undulate, erose, rhizoid, or spreading.
Colony Morphology: Color any and all colors could apply
Colony Morphology: Surface Could be described as smooth, rough, granular, glistening, wrinkled, or dry.
Colony Morphology: Odor Can be useful in identifying the microorganism.
Odor of Pseudomonas Sweet, grape-like odor
Odor of Proteus Burnt chocolate odor
Odor of Clostridium Fecal, putrid odor (this genus as well as other anaerobes)
Nutrient Agar This is recommended as a general culture medium for the cultivation of many less fastidious microorganisms as well as a base to which a variety of materials are added to give selective, differential or enriched media.
Fastidious organisms that require specialized environments due to complex nutritional requirements
Created by: sbiosweitz
Popular Biology sets




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