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5th grade science vocabulary for animals and ecosystems

metamorphosis a change in the shape of characteristics of an organism's body as it grows
complete metamorphosis the four stages of an insect's life (egg, larva, pupa, and adult)where the larva and pupa do not look anything like the adult
incomplete metamorphosis the three stages of an insect's life (egg, nymph, and adult) where the nymph is similar in appearance to the adult
adaptation behaviors or body parts that help organisms survive in an ecosystem( example - birds have webbed feet for swimming; hyenas hunt in packs to drive away cheetahs.)
invertebrate animals without a backbone, including mollusks, spiny skins, stinging cells, worms, arthropods, and sponges
vertebrate animals having a backbone, both warm and cold blooded, including birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles
cold-blooded animals having a body temperature that adjusts to the temperature of their environment (example - snakes)
warm-blooded animals having a constant body temperature (example-human)
instinct a behavior that an organism inherits
migration the movement of animals from one locations to another because of temperature change
learned behavior a behavior an animal learns from its parents
food chain the flow of energy through a community in an ecosystem
food web the relationships between many different food chains in a single ecosystem
producer organisms that use sunlight to make the food they need from carbon dioxide and water
consumer organisms that must eat to get the energy they need
decomposer consumers that break down the tissues of dead organisms (example - mushrooms and bacteria)
predator animals that hunt other animals for food
prey animals that are hunted by other animalsd
herbivore first-level consumers that eat producers
carnivore second-level consumers that eat first-level consumers(herbivores)
omnivore third-level consumers that eat first- and second-level consumers (herbivores and carnivores) and producers
energy pyramid shows the amount of energy available to pass from one level of the food chain to the next
ecosystem a community and its physical environment together
habitat a place where every population lives in an ecosystem (neighborhood or community)
niche the role of a population in its habitat
camouflage patterns of body color that allow an animal to stay in hiding
mimicry an organism has a similar outer appearance to a different organism (example - viceroy butterfly mimics the monarch butterfly)
pollution any waste product that damages an ecosystem
Created by: 1007757085
Popular Science sets



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