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Chptr 1-11

number of live births in 1 yr per 1000 Birth Rate
embryo or fetus that is removed or expelled from the uterus at 20 wks Abortus
Number of maternal deaths from births & complications of pregnancy,chilbirth,puerperium Maternal mortality rate
Infant who at birth demonstrates no signs of life Stillbirth
Number of stillbirths and neonatal deaths per 1000 live births Perinatal mortality
Number of births per 1000 women between ages 15-44 Fertility rate
Infant whose weight at birh is less than 2500g (5lb8oz) Low-birth-weight infant
Number of deaths of infants less than 1yr of age per 1000 live births Infant mortality rate
Number of deaths of infants less than 28 days of age per 1000 live births Neonatal mortality rate
Infants born before 38 weeks of gestation Preterm infant
Promoting healthy lifestyles thru immunizations, encouraging exercise, heathly nutrition Primary Prevention
tageting populations at risk for certain disease - mamograms & prostate screening Secondary Prevention
rehabilitation of an individual who already has a disease back to optimal health Tertiary Prevention
belief in the rightness of one cultures way of doing things Ethnocentrism
Changes in one's culture pattern to those of the host society Acculturation
A group existing within a larger cultural system that retains its own characteristics Subculture
Becoming in all ways like the members of the dominant culture Assimilation
biological or adoptive parents Married Parent Family
children live with two unmarried biological or adoptive parents Cohabitating Parent Family
Unmarried biological or adoptive parent who may or may not be liveing with other adults Single Parent Family
Entire set of genetic instructions found in each cell Genome
Pictorial analysis of the number, form and size of an individual's chromosomes Karyotype
Observable expression of the genotype (what you can see, blue eyes, brown hair) Phenotype
Genetic makeup of a specific gene (what your gene says, BB, Bb,) Genotype
Having an extra chromosome (47 vs. 46 - 23+23) Trisomy
periodic uterine bleeding that begins aprox. 14 days after ovulation Menstruation
First Menstruation Menarche
Broad term that denotes the entire transitional stage between childhood & sexual maturity Puberty
Refers to the last menstrual period Menopause
Actual or threatened physical,sexual, psychologic or emotional abuse by a spouse, exspouse,boyfriend, girlfriend.... Intimate Partner Violence
unwanted completed or attempted touching of the victims genitals, anus, grouin or breasts Sexual Assault
Legal term, usuall refers to forced sexual intercourse (different w/ea state) Rape
consits of non-coital sexual activity between a child and an adolescent or adult Molestation
The absence of menstual flow Amenorrhea
Pain during or shortly before menstruation Dysmenorrhea
Complex, poorly understood conditions, affecting lifestyle to the degree of affecting work Premenstural Syndrome
Sever variant of PMS,irritability,dysphoria, mood disturbances, anxiety,fatigue- Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder
intermenstrual bleeding,episodes of bleeding, spotting, occurs other than time of menses Metrorrhagia
Painful Intercourse Dyspareunia
Excessive menstrual bleeding Menorrhagia (hypermenorrhea)
Subfertility, a prolonged time to conceive Infertility
Inability to conceive Sterility
Most common tumor in adolescence, solitary lumps (<3cm)tenderness during menstrual cycle Fibroadenoma
Benign condition that developes in the terminal nipple duct Intraductal Papilloma
Protrusion of the bladder into the vagina Cystocele
Benign tumors of the smooth muscle of the uterus Leiomyomas
Begins as a neoplastic changes in cervical epithelium - 3rd most common Cervical Cancer
Herniation of the anterior rectal wall thru the relaxed or ruptured baginal fascia & rectovaginal septum Rectocele
Cervix & body of the uterus protrude thru the vagina/vagina is inverted Uterine Prolapsed
Endocrine imbalance results in > levels of estrogen, testosterone & LH Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
The union of a singel egg and sperm, marks the beginning of pregnancy Conception
Egg & Sperm formation Gamete
Union of the ovum and a sperm Fertilization
Cell formed by the union of two reproductive cells or gamets Zygote
Finger-like prjections, develop out of the trophoblast and extend into the blood filled spaces of the endomentrium Chorionic Villi
Conceptus from the 2nd or 3rd week of developement until about 8th wk after conception Embryo
Child in utero from appox. 8th wk after conception until birth Fetus
<300mL of amniotic fluid - associtated w/ fetal renal abnormalities Oligohydramnios
>2L of amniotic fluid, associated w/gastrointestinal and other malformations Polyhydrmnios
Special circulatory pathway, fetal lungs do not function for respiratory gas exchange, bypasses lungs Ductus Arteriosus
Passes thru the inferior vena cava, mixes w/deoxygen. blood from fetal legs & abdomen on wat to r. atrium Ductus Venosus
Opening from R to L atrium Foramen Ovale
Fist infant stool Meconium
1st feel of fetal movement Quickening
Woman who is pregnant Gravida
Number of pregnancies where fetus reaches 20 wks Para
Capacity of fetus to live outside uterus Viability
Pregnancy from completion of 37 wks to 42 wks of gestation Term
Pregnancy completes 20 wks but ends before 37 wks gestation PreTerm
Pregnancy that goes beyond 42 wks PostTerm
Changes noticed by the woman - amenorrhea, fatigue, n/v, breast changes Presumptive Changes
Changes noticed by an examiner - Hagar sign, ballottement, PG test Probable Changes
Signs of presence of a fetus - fetal heart tones, visualization of fetus, palpating Positive Changes
Pigment Line that goes from symphysis pubis to umbilicus Linea Nigra
Facial melasma or mask of pregnancy over nose, cheeks & forehead Chloasma
Movement of the unengaged fetus, identified between 16-18 wks Ballottement
Fundal height drops as the fetus begins to descend & engage in the pelvis (38-40wks) Lightening
Vomiting excessive enough to cause weight loss, electrolyte imbalance in pregnancy Hyperemesis Gravidarum
N/V that affect women during the first few months of pregnancy Morning Sickness
Method of calculating the estimated date of birth (EDB) Nagele's Rule
Three periods that a pregnancy is divided into Trimester
Needle inserted in abdominal & uterine walls to withdraw amniotic fluid for assessment of fetal health & maturity Amniocentesis
Created by: scottg
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