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Osteopathic Principl


Four Tenants of Osteopathic Medicine 1)Body is a unit,person is a unit of body,mind,spirit 2)Body capable of self-regulation, self-healing and health maintenance 3)structure+function are reciprocally interrelated 4)treatment based on understanding unity,self-regulation,struc+fn relationsh
Body is a Unit We have multiple organ systems, they all work together and affect one another. Heart disease can lead to kidney disease. anxiety can cause physical symptoms. Must cure underlying physiological symptoms before you can fix the rest
Holistic Medicine revolutionary concept in 1874. commonplace now. Whole body view.
Body is capable of self regulation, self healing, and health maintenance Preventative Medicine. People heal themselves. Not good enough to treat disease, also have to promote health.
Founder of Osteopathic Medicine Andrew Taylor Still
Structure and function are reciprocally interrelated Exactly what it means.
Rational treatment is based upon an understanding of the basic principles know and understand anatomy and physiology to make the diagnosis. Treat the entire person, not just the symptom.
Motion Act or process of a body changing positions in terms of direction, course, and velocity. Can be active or passive.
Barrier Factor that restricts or limits motion
Active motion motion voluntarily caused by patient. constrained by physiologic barrier
Passive Motion Motion produced by force outside the patient and without patient assistance. Constrained by anatomic barrier.
Anatomic Barrier Maximum motion that anatomy will allow. Further motion will result in tear/dislocation
Physiologic Barrier motion that active muscle contraction will allow. As motion occurs through a plane, soft tissue tension increases until it limits further motion.
How to move physiologic barrier Warming up soft tissue
Ease of Motion Freedom of motion as tissue moves through its active range
Resistance Also bind. Increase in tension and loss of motion as tissue encounters a barrier
End Feel Sudden rapid increase in tension as tissue moves from physiologic barrier to anatomic barrier. Should be present under physiologic conditions.
Major Motion Loss Grossly obvious loss of range of motion. Stroke, joint dislocation, acute muscle spasm
Minor motion loss caused by somatic dysfunction, subtle loss of range, require palpatory skill to perceive. Creates a new Barrier, called Restrictive Barrier
What characterizes minor motion loss? Loss of End Feel in the tissue.
Restrictive Barrier Created by minor motion loss. Not anatomic or physiologic. lies within physiologic barriers. Causes a functional reset of neutral point
Where does the neutral point shift when a restrictive barrier occurs? to the middle of the remaining range of motion.
Somatic Dysfunction Impaired or altered function of related components of the somatic system: skeletal, arthrodial and myofascial structures, and their related vascular, lymphatic, and neural elements. TART are all present in some measure when somatic dysfunction is present.
Characteristics of Somatic Dysfunction Tenderness (hurts to touch it) Asymmetry on static palpation (body is anatomically asymmetric) Restricted Range of Motion(cant quite move past physiological barrier) Tissue Texture Change (changes in a way that is palpable to you)
Timing of Somatic Dysfunction Somatic Dysfunction appears different in Acute states vs Chronic states. Acute becomes chronic between 3-6 months.
Tenderness, Acute/Chronic Dysfunction Acute - severe, sharp. chronic - dull, achy, burning.
Asymmetry, Acute/Chronic Dysfunction Acute - present. chronic - present with compensation in other areas of body
Restricted range of motion, Acute/Chronic Dysfunction Acute - present, with pain on range of motion Chronic - present, with decreased or no pain on range of motion
Tissue Texture Change, Acute/Chronic Dysfunction Acute - edematous, erythematous, boggy, increased moisture, hypertonic muscles. Chronic - decreased or no edema, cool, dry skin, decreased tone, ropy, fibrotic
Created by: nady
Popular Osteopathic Principl sets




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