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N110 History/Research

Clara Barton school teacher, volunteered during civil war; organized the American Red Cross
Fabiola wealthy Roman matron--saint of early nursing who used her position and wealth to eastablish hospitals for the sick
Florence Nightingale "Lady with the Lamp"; founder of modern nusring; influential in developing nurising education, practice, and adminstration
Harriet Tubman "The Moses of Her People"; nursed the sick/suffering in the Underground Railroad "project"
Knights of Saint Lazarus Men in nursing; knights that dedicated themselves to care for people with leprosy, syphillis, and chronic skin condition
Lavina L. Dock nursing leader and suffragist who was active in the protest movement for women's rights; result 19th Amendment--women vote
Lillian Wald founder of public health nursing
Margaret Sanger founder of Plan Parenthood; imprisoned for 1st birth controlled info clinic (1916)
Mary Breckinridge practiced midwivery in England; founded Frontier Nursing Service (1925)--familty centered primary health care to rural populations
Sojourner Truth abolitionist, Underground Railroad agent, a nurse during Civil War; nurse/counselor for the Freemans' Relief Association
1900 BC Babylonians earliest law regarding medicine (nonspecific to nursing)
1550 BC Egyptian 1st recorded nurse; hired women to attend births; wet nurses
1200-600 BC Hebrews Mosaic Health Code; preventative medicine (plate for meat and a plate for milk)
500 BC Hippocrates 1st to separate science from religion
300 BC Romans Roman noblewoman cared for the sick; "respectability" to nursing
0-500 AD Christianity "Love thy neighbor as thyself"; nurse=dedication, service, help others; also hygiene and comfort measures
roles of nurse caregiver, communicator, teacher, client advocate, counselor, change agent, leader, manager, case manager, research consumer, expanded career roles
caregiver assist client physically/psychologically while preserving client's dignity
caregiver encompasses physical, psychosocial, developmental, cultural, spiritual level
communicator rn identify with client problems and then communicate these verbally or in writing to other members of health team
teacher nurse helps cliens learn about their health and the health care procedures they need to perform to restore or maintain their health [assess learning needs/readiness/learning goals]
client advocate acts to protect the client; represent client's needs/wishes to other health professionals [assist clients to excercise rights and help them speak up for themselves]
counselor process of helping a client to reognize and cope with stressful psychologic/social problems
change agent assisting others to make modifications in own behavior
leader influences others to work togehter to accomplish a specific goal
criteria of profession specialized education; body of knowledge; service orientation; ongoing research; code of ethics; autonomy; professional organization
ANA american nurses association
NLN national league for nursing
NSNA national student nurses' association
protecting rights of human subjects not to be harmed, full disclosure, self-determination/not coerced; privacy/confidentiality
quatitative research systematic, logical steps according to a specific plan to collect numerical info that is anaylzed using statistical procedures
quatitative research hard science; deductive reasoning; measurable attributes of human experience
qualitative research associated with naturalistic inquiry; explores the subjective an complex experiences of human beings
qualitative research "the human experience as it is lived through careful collectionn/analysis of narrative, subjective materials [inductive reasoning: id themes/patterns to develop a theory
quantitative research state problem, define study's purpose, review related litature, formulate hypothese/define variables; select a research design testing hypothesis, select population/sample/setting; conduct pilot study; collect data; analyze data; communicate conclusions
research problem has this: significance, researchability, feasibility, interest in researcher
significance has potential to contribute to nursing science by enhanceing client care, testing or generating a theory, or resolving a day-to-day clinical problem
researchability prblem can be subjected to scientific investigation
feasibility availiability of time as well as material/human resources needed to investigate a research problem or question
validity degree to which instrument measures what it is supposed to measure
reliability degree of consistency with which an instrument measures a concept or variable
measures of central tendency mean/median/mode
measures of variablity range, variance, standard deviation
Nurse Latin word nutrix - to nourish
Nursing is both Art and Science*“The oldest of the arts and the youngest of the professions”
Aims of nursing Promote health & wellness*Preventing illness*Restoring health*Care of the dying
1900 B.C. Babylonians Regulated sanitation, practice of surgery, nonspecific for nursing
1550 B.C. Egyptians Hired women to attend births – wet nurses - first recorded nurses
1200-600 B.C. Hebrews Mosaic Health Code - preventive medicine*Care of sick and aged
400 B.C. Greeks - Hippocrates first to separate medicine from religion
300 B.C. Romans Roman noblewoman, including wives of emperors, cared for the sick
0-500AD Dawn of Christianity “Love thy neighbor as thyself”*Hygiene and comfort measures
500-1500 A.D. Middles Ages Dark Ages - Church in conflict with science*Women in subordinate position but could achieve dignity as a nun.*Hotel Dieu (542 A.D.)*14th Century - Bubonic Plague killed 25% of world population
1000-1500 Late Middle Ages Military male nursing*Knights of Hospitalers of St. John of Jerusalem*Augustinian Sisters (Hotel Dieu) thought to be the first purely nursing order of Sisters
1400-1600 Renaissance and Reformation Catholic and Protestant hospitals*Women were sent to work as nurses in lieu of serving jail sentences*Sisters of Charity*Lying-in hospitals, hand washing
Birth of Modern Nursing Florence Nightingale (1820-1919) “Lady with the lamp” *Crimean War - organized military hospital *Decreased infection rate ~ decreased death rate*1860 - wrote book and opened Training School for Nurses*Statistician
Influence on Nursing Nutrition*Personal needs of patient*Standards of hospital management*Respectable occupation for women*Nursing Education & continuing education*Occupational & Recreational therapy*Roles for nursing in health and illness
Influence on Nursing Separate from medicine
Civil War 1861-1865 Dorothea Dix *Harriet Tubman & Sorjourner Truth*After Civil War, schools of nursing were hospital based*19th amendment in 1920 (women vote)
Dorothea Dix Support of female nurses in the Army (1861) - After war, reforming treatment of mentally ill
WWII women worked outside the home*More nurses needed*Medical and technological explosion
After WWII schools of nursing moved to college/university settings
Contemporary Nursing Nurse Practice Act*Licensure (first law requiring licensure
Nursing - Roles & Functions Caregiver*Communicator*Teacher*Client Advocate*Counselor*Change Agent*Leader*Manager*Case Manager
Nursing is a profession specialized education, body of knowledge acquired through research, ethics, & autonomy
Socialization process to become a member of the nursing profession
Benner: From Novice to Expert 1.novice 2. advanced beginner 3. competent 4. proficient 5. expert
Factors influencing current nursing practice Economics, Family structure, Science & Technology, Legislation, Demographics, Collective Bargaining, Nursing Associations
Consumer an individual, a group of people, or a community that uses a service or commodity
Patient a person who is waiting for or undergoing medical treatment and care
Client a person who engages the advice or services of another person who is qualified to provide this service
novice no experience (students); limit performance, inflexible, goverernd by context-free rules/regulations rather than by experience
advanced beginner marginally acceptable performance, recognizes aspects of real situation; experienced enough real situs to make Judgements about them
competent 2-3years experience; orgainzation/planning abilities; differentiates important factors from less; coordinates multiple complex care demands
proficient 3-5yrs experience; perceives situs as WHOLE rather than parts; uses maxims as guides; holistic understanding; focuses on long term goal
expert perfomance is fluid, flexible, highly proficient, requires no rules, guidelines, or maxims to connect understanding of situ to action; highly skilled, INTUITIVE/analytical; Becasue "it FELT RIGHT"
Created by: aimeeNC
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