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lower AD

Bronchitis, other lung disorders in lower airway

Acute Bronchitis, Legionaires, Anthrax, TB, pneumonia, age alterations, Antitussive agents, Pleurisy, Pleural Effusion, Empyema, Chest Tube Management, Atelectasis include a four step process of medical treatment: Etiology, S/S, DX test, Medical/Surgical MGM, Nursing MGM
Explain the different types of Chest tubes:
Bronchitis Secondary to an upper respiratory infection, exposure to inhaled irritants, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the major bronchi and their branches
signs of Broncitis productive cough, low grade fever, diffuse rhonchi/whezzes, dyspnea, chest pain, malaise, H/A
DX test chest x ray, sputum culture
treatment bronchodilators, antibiotics, cough suppressants, antipyretics, nursing-facilitate recovery and prevent secondary infections
Nursing Diagnosis infection, risk for, related to retained pulmonary secretions; Airway clearance, ineffective, related to tenacious pulmonary secretions,
interventions for airway clearance bed rest, humidifier, encourage increased fluid intake, teach/assess understanding signs that may indicate worsening infection
interventions for risk for infection assess for signs of infection, admin ABX, frequent VS, Encourage adequate PO intake
other bronchitis interventions teach/assess importance of prescribed medication regiment, understand importance of limiting exposure to others, avoid smoking or other irritating fumes
Legionaires Etiology Legionella pneumophila, gram neg bacillus, Airborne, two courses of infection influenza and legionella disease(life threateninng pneumonia
patho phisiology of Legionaires Pneumonia cause by Legionaella pneumophila, lung consolidation, alveolar necrosis, may result in resp/renal failure and bacteremic shock and death
S/S of Legionnaries elevated temp (102-105), h/a, nonproductive cough, diarrhea, general malaise, pt's complaints of dyspnea, h/a, and chest pain on inspiriation, crackles/wheezes, hematuria indication remal failure
diagnostic tests blood culture, sputum, pulmonary tissue, chest xray (patchy infiltrates and small pleural effusions)
medical management observation for disease progression, o2 support and possible mechanical ventilation,possible temporary dialysis due to accute kidney failure, IV therapy
meds ABX-erythromycin IV, then po (rifampin), Antipyretics, vasopressors/inotropes, analgesics
nursing diagnosis tissue perfusion, ineffective cardiopulmonary or renal , related to lack of oxygen
tissue perfusion interventions monitor and report any s/s of impending shock, administer vasopressors and closely monitor VS, maintain hydration and urinary output (30ml/hr)assess for changes in loc
breathing patter, ineffective, related to respiratory failure assess for S/S of resp failure, be alert for cynaosis/dyspnea, assist with o2 therapy or mechanical ventilation, facilitate optimal ventilation- place patient in semi-fowlers, suction as needed, have patient CDB every 2 hrs
Etiology spore-forming bacterium bacillus antrhacis, anthrax most commonly infects wild and domestic hhoofed animals, spread through direct contact with bacteria and its spores, it is not contatious by person-to person
Antrhax Patho direct contact with bacillus anthracis and its spores that lie dormant and become active when contact is made with a living host,
Anthrax patho part 2 macule or papule occurs as an insect bite, black eschar formation and edema to the site, bacterial toxins> hemorrhage, necrosis , lymph edema
initial symptoms of inhalational anthrax resemble those of the common cold or inluenza except, infected persons will not develop nasa secreions hemorrhage, tissue necrosis, and lymph edema, death usually results due to blood loss nd shok
diagnostic test chest x-ray, inhalation anthrax vs pneumonia(infiltrates,no single reliable screening avail, rapid dna test available to id antrax in people and the environment, culture most reliable for cutanious and intestinal anthrax
Med mgm abx-cipro 60 day course, anthrax vaccine-30 days antibiotic and 3 doses of anthrax vaccine
TB etiology chronic pulmonary and extra pulmonary infectious disease, acquired by inhalation, most commoly, affects the lungs, results in inflammatory infiltrations, characterized by stages of early infection, latency and potential for recurrence
TB transmitted yto host by airborne droplets during cough or sneeze, host inhales infected droplets, infection spreads to susceptivle organs sites via blood &lymphatic system
TB infection always precipitates active disease, mycobacteria in the tissue, only about 10% of infections progress to active disease, those infected but not converted will have a positive skin test and a negative chest x-ray
TB Disease destructive activity of mycobacteria in host tissue
predisposing factors family history of TB, low income populations- crowding
predisposing factors conitued immunosuppression (HIV +), increased resk of develop
TB stats 15 mil American are infected, 5.8 cases per 100,000 in 2002, incidence of usborn active TB is decreasing, but foreign born us residents has increased 65j% since 1986
s/s fatique, anorexia, productive cough, fever, weakness, daily reoccurring fever with chills night sweats hemoptysis,
note reports loss of muscke strenght and weight loss, report characteristics of sputum (amount & color) DX mantoux TB skin test, sputum culture-acid fast bacillus (AFB)to confirm the dx of active TB, chest x ray, all patients with TB must be reported to the appropriate public health authority,
medical managemnt isolation, resp isolation, neg pressure room, particulate matter mask, infants and chilren do not requre isolation
nursing diagnosis infection, risk for, related to viable M tuberculosis in resp secretions
rifampin(rifadin) preventionf ro those exposed to isniazid restiatnt MTB (meningocci)
rifampin action inhibit protein synthesis
monitor for in rifampin hepatitis, hematologic, c/o red-orange-brown urin, tears, sweat sputum
important considerations in rifampin- beta blocker increased metabolism of beta blockers and anticoagulants, increase bleeding tendancies
2nd line antitubercular drugs amikacin, capreomycin, cyloserine, ethionamide, levoflaxacin, ofloxacin, Para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS)
labs Anemia: HCT, HGB and fatigue; Hepatic q week: ALT, AST, bilirubin; Renal : BUN, creatinin, I&O specific gravity, urinalysis
Pneumonia susceptible patients disease affectivng antibody response, alchoholics, delayed WBC reaction ito infection, mode of transmission dependant on infectiv organism, classfied according to organism,
causes of pneumonia bacterial, aspiration, viral, fungal, chemical
patho of pneumonia cillia cannot remove secretions, retained secretions become infected, inflammation, edema leads to decreased oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange,
S/S of pneumonia sudden onset of peurisy, severe chills, elevated temperature and night sweats, paiful productive cough, increased heart rate, tachypn3ea with difficult expiration
streptocoocal rust colored sputum, possible friction rub
staphylococcal same step and copious salmon colored sputum
Klebsiella gradual onset more inflamma of the terminal bronchioles and alvioli, if reatment delayed bedyond second, day critically ill pt wi/ increased risks
Hemophilu commonly follows URI, croupy cough, arthralgias, yello or green sputum,
mycoplasmal gradual onset, cough severe & son productive, deceased breath sounds, crackles, cxr-clear, wbc normal
viral generaly mild s/s, cold symptoms, irritating cough produces mucopurulent or bloody sputum bronchopeumonic tuype on cxr, wbc usually normal increase in antibody
subjective; description of onset, duration, and history of cough, complaints of fever and night sweats,
objective loc, vs, monitor sputum, observe resp effort, crackles
Diagnostic tests pt history and physical exam, blood and sputum cultures, chest xray, CBC PFT ABG oximetry
med management aBX therapy (pcn, e-mycin, ceph, tetracyclin)O2 thereapy, analgesics/antipyretics, expectorants, brochodilators, vaccine, physiotherapy, humidifacation
nursing diagnosis breathing patern ineffective,related to th inlmmatory process, --assess ventilation to include respiratory effort and sighs of resp distreess, elevate HOB
pneumonia nursing interventions auscultate breath sounds, instruct patient on importance of consuming large quantities of fluid, encourage patient to conserve energy, admin abx encourage deep breaything and couging
s/s of pneumonia atypical fever, sputum cough often absent
Created by: redhawk101
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