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LFA 1, Unit III

Latin for Americans Unit III vocabulary

ager, agri, m. field
amicitia, amicitiae, f. friendship
animus, animi, m. mind, spirit, courage
annus, anni, m. year
barbarus, barbari, m. barbarian
captivus, captivi, m. prisoner, captive
casa, casae, f. house
castra, castorum, n. pl. camp, military camp
cena, cenae, f. dinner
colonus, coloni, m. settler, colonist
consilium, consilii, n. plan, advice
disciplina, disciplinae, f. discipline, instruction
filius, filii, m. son
frumentum, frumenti, n. grain
gloria, gloriae, f. glory
gratia, gratiae, f. gratitude, thankfulness
lingua, linguae, f. language, tongue
magister, magistri, m. teacher
materia, materiae, f. material, matter, timber
patria, patriae, f. fatherland
praemium, praemii, n. reward
puer, pueri, m. boy
signum, signi, n. sign, signal, standard
socius, socii, m. ally, comrade
vir, viri, m. man, hero
altus, alta, altum tall, high, deep
amicus, amica, amicum friendly
barbarus, barbara, barbarum barbaric, foreign
liber, libera, liberum free
noster, nostra, nostrum our
sacer, sacra, sacrum sacred
singuli, singulae, singula one-by-one
ibi there
a, ab from, away from
de down from, from; about
e, ex from, out from, out of
in in, on; (+ acc.) into
augeo, augere, auxi, auctus to increase
doceo, docere, docui, doctus to teach
evoco, evocare, evocavi, evocatus to call out
habeo, habere, habui, habitus to have, hold
habito, habitare, habitavi, habitatus to live in, dwell
libero, liberare, liberavi, liberatus to free, set free
maneo, manere, mansi, mansurus to remain, stay
mereo, merere, merui, meritus to earn, gain
migro, migrare, migravi, migratus move, depart, migrate
sum, esse, fui, futurus to be
teneo, tenere, tenui, tentus to have, hold, keep
terreo, terrere, terrui, territus to terrify
video, videre, vidi, visus to see
voco, vocare, vocavi, vocatus to call, summon
Created by: edavislatin
Popular Latin sets




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