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Nurs1000 Abbreviatio

Nursing 1000 Abbreviations

ac before meals (Latin: "ante cebum")
A.D. right ear (Latin: "auris dextra")
ADLs Activities of Daily Living
ad lib as desired
amp ampule
AP anterior-posterior
A.S. left ear (Latin: auris sinistra)
A.U. each ear (Latin: auris utraque)
b.i.d. twice a day; "bis in die"
BP blood pressure
BR bedrest
caps capsule
D/C discontinue
disch discharge
drsg, dsg dressing
IM intramuscular
IVPB IV piggy back
os mouth (Latin: oculus sinister)
pc after meals; "post cibum"
PR per rectum
qh every hour
q (2,3,etc.) h every (2,3,etc.) hours (Latin: quaque)
q.i.d. four times a day (Latin: "quater in die")
q.s. quantity sufficient
SC, sub q, sq subcutaneous
SL sublingual
S.S.E. soap suds enema
q.d. "quaque die" / once a day
ss one-half (Latin: semis)
t.i.d. three times a day; "ter in die"
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TO telephone order
VO verbal order
VSS vital signs stable
w/c wheelchair
WNL within normal limits
AKA above the knee amputation
BKA below the knee amputation
NWB non-weight bearing
O.D. right eye (Latin: oculus dexter)
O.S. left eye (Latin: oculus sinister)
O.U. each eye (Latin: oculus uterque)
ORIF open reduction and internal fixation
CNS central nervous system
DOE dyspnea or exertion
DTs delirium tremens
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide
HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease
HEENT head, ear, eye, nose, throat
I&D incision and drainage
LLE left lower extremity
LLQ left lower quadrant
LOC level of consciousness
LUE left upper extremity
LUQ left upper quadrant
MI myocardial infarction
PERRLA pupils equal round & react to light and accommodation
RLE right lower extremity
RLQ right lower quadrant
RUE right upper extremity
RUQ right upper quadrant
URI upper respiratory infection
UTI urinary tract infection
WNWD well-nourished, well-developed
BMR basal metabolic rate
CAT computerized axial tomography
Dx diagnosis
EEG electroencephalogram
FBS fasting blood sugar
HCT hematocrit
HGB hemoglobin
LP lumbar puncture
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
a-, an- without, not (ex: aseptic - free of infection; anoxia - lack of oxygen)
ab- away from (ex: abduct - to move away from midline)
ad- to, toward (ex: adduct - to move toward the midline)
auto- self (ex: autoimmunity - an immune response to one's own body tissue)
brady- slow (ex: bradycardia - slow heart rate; bradypnea - slow respiratory rate)
dys- abnormal, difficult, painful (ex: dysmenorrhea - painful menstruation; dysgenesis - abnormal formation of an organ
ecto- outside (ex: ectopic pregnancy)
endo- within (ex: endotracheal - within the trachea; endogenous - growing or originating from within the body)
epi- Above (ex: epigastric - above the stomach)
eryth/r/o- red (ex: erythrocyte, erythema - redness of the skin)
ex/o out (of) (ex: excise - remove surgically; exogenous - growing or originating outside the body)
extra- outside; in addition to (ex: extracellular - outside the cell)
hyper- high, excessive (ex: hypertension - high blood pressure)
hypo- low, decreased (ex: hypoglycemia - low blood sugar)
inter- between (ex: intersitial - b/n the cells)
intra- within (intracranial - within the skull)
iso- equal, same (isothermal - having the same temperature)
macro- large
mal- bad, poor (malnutrition)
mega/lo- large, huge (megalocyte; megacolon)
micro- small; one-millionth (microcytic - pertaining to a smaller than normal cell)
pan- all (pandemic; pancytopenia - decreased RBCs, white blood cells (WBCs) and platelets)
poly- many (polydactyly - having extra fingers or toes)
retro- behind, backward (retroperitoneal - behind the peritonium)
supra- above (suprapubic - above the pubis)
tachy- fast (tachypnea - rapid respiratory rate)
aden/o gland (adenocarcinoma - malignant tumor of a gland)
angi/o vessel (angioplasty - surgical repair of a blood vessel)
arthr joint (arthroplasty - surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint)
carcin/o cancer (carcinogen - agent that causes cancer)
blast immature, growing form (i.e. osteoblast, erthroblast)
cardi/o heart (cardiomyopathy - any disease affecting the heart muscle)
cerebr/o brain (cerebrovascular - pertaining to the vascular system and blood supply to the brain)
cephal head (cephalagia - headache)
cholecyst gallbladder (cholecystectomy - removal of the gallbladder)
crani skull (surgical opening into the skull)
derm skin (dermatosis - any disorder of the skin)
encephal brain (encephalitis - inflammation of the brain)
enter/o intestine (enterococcus - streptococcus that inhabits the intestine)
gastr stomach (gastrectomy - excision of all or part of the stomach)
hem/o, hemato/o blood (hematuria - blood in urine; hematoma - collection of blood in the tissues)
hepat/o liver (hepatomegaly - enlargement of the liver)
myel/o marrow, spinal cord (myeloma - tumor composed of cells found in bone marrow; myelopathy - disease of spinal cord)
nephr/o kidney (nephrotomy - procedure in which incision made in kidney)
neur/o nerve (neuralgia - pain along path of nerve)
phag/o eating (dysphagia - difficulty swallowing; phagocyte)
phleb vein (phlebitis - inflammation of vein)
pneum/o lungs, air, breathing (pneumonitis - inflammation of the lung; pneumoperitoneum - air or gas within periotneal cavity of abdomen)
proct rectum - (proctoscopy - endoscopic examination of rectum)
vas/o vessel, duct (vasoconstriction - narrowing of lumen of blood vessel)
-algia pain (gastralgia - pain in stomach)
-centesis puncture, tap (thoracentesis - surgical puncture of chest wall for removal of fluid)
-ectomy excision (tonsillectomy)
-emia blood (ischemia - insufficient blood supply to an area)
-esthesia sensation (anesthesia - absence of normal sensation)
-itis inflammation (pericarditis)
-lysis separation, disintegration (hemolysis - breakdown of RBCs)
-megaly enlargement (splenomegaly - enlargement of spleen)
-odynia pain (cephalodynia - pain in head, headache)
-oma tumor (sarcoma - tumor of connective tissue)
-pathy disease (myopathy - any disease of muscle)
-penia lack of (leukopenia - decreased number of leukocytes (WBCs)
-plegia paralysis (paraplegia)
-pnea breathing (apnea)
-poiesis formation (erythropoiesis - production of RBCs)
-rhaphy surgical repair (herniorrhaphy - surgical repair of hernia)
-stasis stoppage of flow (hemostasis - termination of bleeding by mechanical or chemical means)
-stomy surgical formation of an opening (colostomy - surgical formation of opening in colon)
-tomy incision into (tracheotomy - incision into trachea)
-uria urine (hematuria - blood in urine)
Abd Abdomen
ABO The main blood group
Adm Admitted or admission
AM morning
amb ambulatory (outpatient)
amt Amount
approx approximately
BM (bm) bowel movement
BRP bathroom privileges
C Celsius (centrigrade)
CBC complete blood count
c/o complains of
DAT diet as tolerated
ECG (EKG) electrocardiogram
F Fahrenheit
fld fluid
GI gastrointestinal
gtt Drop (Latin: In medicine, guttae, the plural of gutta, is Latin for drops. It is frequently abbreviated as gtts (gtt for singular) and often seen on prescriptions.)
h (hr) hour
I&O intake and output
IV intravenous
(L) left
LMP last menstrual period
MEDS medications
mL Milliliter
mod moderate
neg negative
NPO (NBM) nothing by mouth
NS (N/S) normal saline
OD Right eye or overdose
OOB out of bed
PE (PX) physical examination
PM afternoon
po by mouth (Latin: per os)
postop postoperatively
prep preparation
preop preoperatively
prn when necessary (Latin: Pro re nata)
(R) right
stat at once; immediately
TPR temperature, pulse, respirations
WT weight
s - with dash on top without
c - with dash on top with
p - with dash on top after
# number or pounds
0 with slash through it none
mod Moderate
per By or through
Created by: jxlab2aa
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