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Geography Final Test

practicing your geography for finals!

ethnicity Group identity based on ancestral homeland, common history, language, and religion.
ethanol Alternative energy source made from plants, often corn or sugar cane.
Indigenous Native to or living naturally in an area or environment.
pandemic Disease spread over a large geographic area.
Cartographer A person that makes maps
Census a systematic count of population
Great Circle Route The shortest possible distance from point to point
Map projection A way of showing the round earth on a flat surface such as paper.
relief The differences of elavation of the two different landforms in any particular area
10)geography the study of people and places around the world and their relationship to each other
11)physical map- displays physical features such as mountains, lakes, and deserts
12)political map- show political features such as borders and capital cities
13)special purpose map- maps designed to display very specific information such as climate, natural resources, population density, etc.
14) population density - The number of people living in a given area such as square mile or square kilometer.
15) life expectancy - The average number of years a person is expected to live.
16) literacy rate - Percentage of people age 15 and older who can read and write.
17) urban - Relating to cities and their surrounding suburbs, the opposite of rural.
18) rural - Relating to the countryside, the opposite of urban.
19) demography - The study of human populations, including their size, growth, density, distribution, and rates of births, marriages, and deaths. Literally means - to write about people.
20) Gross Domestic Product - Total value of goods and services produced in a country in one year.
21) GDP per Capita - Total value of goods and services produced in a country in one year divided by the country's population.
22) Standard of Living - A measurement of a person's or group's education, housing, health care, and nutrition.
23) Continental Divide - The boundary that separates rivers flowing toward opposite sides of a continent.
24)Drainage Basin – The entire area of land drained by a major river and its tributaries. (Area of low lying land channels excess water from precipitation and runoff from higher elevations, into a rivers and streams.)
25) Tributary - a small river or stream that carries water to a major river.
26) Prairie - Temperate grassland, characterized by a great variety of grasses and wild flowers
27) Plateau An elevated area of flat land
28) Plain - a large flat area of land or gently rolling land
29) Coniferous - Cone bearing tree with thin needles rather than leaves
30) Deciduous- leaf shedding tree that loses its leaves in the autumn
31) Taiga- region of coniferous forests
32) Tundra- A region that is always cool or cold and only specialized plants can grow
29) Hydroelectric Power - Electricity that is generated by moving water.
30) Responsible Development - Balancing the needs of the environment, community, and economy.
31) Oasis - An area in a desert / dry region that has a source of fresh water, plant and animal life.
32) Sinkhole - A hole formed when the limestone below dissolves and causes the land above to collapse.
33) Isthmus - A narrow strip of land with water on both sides, that connects two larger bodies of land.
34) Mestizo - A person of mixed European and Native Indian descent.
35) Encomienda - The system in which a conquistador would be given land and/or villages that included everything and everyone on the land.
36) Conquistador - 16th Century Spanish soldier.
37) Hacienda - A large Spanish-owned estate in the Americas, often run as a farm or cattle ranch.
38) Ejido. - Farmland owned collectively by members of a rural community
39) Subsistence Farming - Farming that only grows enough crops to meet their families needs.
40) Latifundio - Huge commercial farms owned by individuals or farming companies.
43) Migrant worker - A worker who travels from place to place, working where extra help is needed to cultivate or harvest crops.
44) Campesino - Spanish word for "Migrant Farm Workers".
45) Isthmus - A narrow strip of land with water on both sides that connects two larger bodies of land.
46) Archipelago - A large group or chain of islands.
47) savanna -tropical grassland
48) deforestation - The process of stripping the land of its trees.
49) guerilla - A member of an organized armed force, who is not part of a country's regular army.
50) caudillo- Military dictator
51) communism – highly authoritarian government in which the state controls the economy and freedoms are limited
52)subsidized - partial financial support from public/government funds (food, housing, etc.)
53) ration- fixed allowance of food, electricity, etc, limited to citizens of a country during times of economic crisis, scarcity or war.
54) sanction – an action taken by a nation against another nation guilty of violating international law
55) embargo - a government order which prohibits trading with another country
56) Industrial Revolution - Manual labor changed to machine based labor dramatically changing the way in which people lived.
57) Textiles - Cloth products.
58) Nationalism - Extreme pride in one's county.
59) Alliances - Agreements between countries to help one another in case of an attack.
60) Imperialism - When nations take over other countries and turn them into colonies.
61) Urbanization - The migration of people from rural communities to urban centers (growth of cities).
62) Multicultural - A country's way of life is influenced by many different cultures.
63) European Union - A group of democratic European countries, joined together for a purpose of promoting prosperity, peace, and human rights, free trade, and better opportunities for all members.
64) Euro - The official currency of the European Union.
65) Prophet - A person whose teachings are believed to be revealed by God.
66) Hajj - A pilgrimage to Mecca.
67) Monotheism - A belief in one God.
68) Muslim - Followers of Islam.
69) Mosque - Islamic places of worship.
70) Muezzin - Crier who climbs the minaret to call the people to prayer.
71) Minaret - Tall, thin tower attached to the mosque.
72) Arable - Land that can be farmed.
73) Bedouin - Nomadic herders travel from place to place throughout the desert.
74) Emir- A chieftain, prince, commander, in an Islamic country
75) OPEC - (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)
76) Infrastructure - The basic support facilities of a country, such as, roads, bridges, power plants, and schools.
77) Desalinization - The process of removing salt from seawater so that it can be used for drinking and irrigation.
78) Arid - Extremely dry (without moisture)
Created by: daistudy
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