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bio 105 vocab

bio 105 summer 2011

1: a- without, lacking (ex: asymptomatic (absence of symptoms)
2: ab- away from (abstinence (to hold back), abduction)
3: -able capable (viable- capable of living)
4: -ac pertaining to (cardiac- pertaining to the heart)
5: acetabul- vinegar cup (acetabulum- hip socket)
6:acro- extremity (ex: acromegaly- enlargement of extremities)
7: acou- hearing (ex: acoustics-science of sound)
8: adip- fat (ex: adipsose tissue)
9: ad- to, toward, near to (ex: adduction - to move towards the midline)
10:aden/o- gland (adenoma - tumor of the gland)
11: aero- air, oxygen (aerobic - oxygen requiring)
12: -al pertaining to (myocardial - heart muscle)
13: af- toward (afferent- moving toward)
14: albi- white (albinuria- passing of pale white urine)
15: aliment- nourishment (alimentary canal- GI tract)
16: -algia painful condition (myalgia- muscle pain)
17: alveol- small hollow cavity (alveolus- small air sacs in lungs)
18: ambi- both, both sides (ambidextrous -able to use both hands equally)
19: an- without, lacking of (anesthesia - absenece of pain)
20: andr/o- male (androgens - male hormones)
21: angi/o- pertaining to vessel, vessel (angiology- study of blood vessesl)
22: aqua- water (aqueous- water containing enviroment)
23: ante- before (antepartum- before birth)
24: anti- against (anticoagulant- prevents blood from clotting)
25: apo- separated from, of (apodia- congenital absence of feet)
26: -aps, -apt fit, fasten (synapse- fasten together, nerve connections)
27: ar- without (arrhythmias -irregulartiry in the heart beat)
28: -arche beginning, origin (menarche- first menstration)
29: arhtr/0- joint (arthritis- inflammation of the joint)
30: artri/o- entryway (atrium- superior chambers of the heart into which blood flow)
31: -ary associated with (urinary- associated with urine)
32: -ase enzyme (polymerase - enzyme that creates polymers)
33: -asis, asia condition or state of (homeostatis- state of metabolic balance)
34: asthen- weakeness (myastenia- condition of muscle weakness)
35: athero- fat (atherosclerosis- fat blaockage that cause hardeing of vessels)
36: audio- hearing (auditory- belonging to the hearing sense)
37: auri- ear (auricle - ear shaped structure)
38: auto- self (autolysis- self breakdown)
39: baro- weight, pressure (baroreceptors- receptor for pressure change)
40: bene- good, well (benign- non-malignent tumor)
41: bi- twice, double (bicuspid - two cusps)
42: bio- life (biology - the study of life )
43: -blast germ, bud (chondroblast - cartiledge producing cell)
44: brachi- arm (brachial - of the arm )
45: brady- slow (bradycardia - slow HR)
46: bronch- air passage (bronchitis - inflammation of pulmonary passages)
47: bucc- cheeck (buccal cavity- inside cheek region)
48: burs/o- bursa (purse like structure surround joints)
49: calc- calcium, limestone (hypocalcemia - low calcium levels)
50: callo- thick (callosity- thickening of keratinized layer of epidermis)
51: calyc- small cup (calyx - area that receives urine in the kidneys)
52: capit/o- head (capitis- head of bone)
53: carcin- cancer (cacinogenic (causing cancer)
54: cardio- heart (cardiogram- register of heart cavity)
55: carp/0- wrist (carpals- wrist bones)
56: cat- breakdown (catabolism)
57: caud- tail (caudal- by the tail)
58: cephal- head (cephalic- by the head)
59: centesis- surgical puncture to remove fluid (amniocentesis-withdrawal of amniotic fluid)
60: cerebro- brain (cerebrospinal- of the brain and spinal cord)
61: cerv- neck (cervicitis (inflammation of the uterine cervix)
62: chondro- cartilage, gristle (chondrocyte- cartilage cell)
63: chlor/o- green- chlorosis- greenish colored skin caused by iron deficiency)
64: chrono- time (chronic- a condition lasting a long time)
65: chrom/o- color (chromocyte- embryonic color or pigment cell)
66: chym- juice (chyme- paste/juice of digective system)
67: -cide kil (spermicide- agent that kills sperm)
68: circum- around (cicumduction- movement forming a circle)
69: cirrh/o- yellow (cirrhosis- livver disease characterized by yellowing eyes and skin)
70: -cise cut (excise- to cut off or cut out)
71: -clast break (osteoclast- cell that breaks down bone)
72- co- with, together (cooperate - work together)
73: coel- swelling, hollow cavity (coelom- enlarged space or cavity)
74: com- with, together (gray commissure - connect right and left horns)
75: con- with, together (congenital - born with)
76: contra- against opposite (contralateral - opposite side)
77: corn- hardness (corn -callous on toes or feet caused by pressure)
78: corp- body (corpus luteum - yellow body)
79: cost- rib (intercostals- between the ribs)
80: coxa- hip (os coxa - hip bone)
81: crani- skull (cranial cavity- where the brain is)
82: -crin/o secrete (crinology- study of secretions)
83: crito- to separate (hemocrit - separation of blood to determine percent erythrocytes)
84: cune- wedge (cunelform - wedge shaped)
85: cusp- point (tricuspid - three ponted tooth)
Created by: jmkettel
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