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JPos MB Class Final

What is the normal flora of the vagina? Lactobacilli.
What bacteria causes the most nosocomial infections? E.coli.
What is the most common communicable disease in the US? Gonorrhea.
What causes Syphillis? Treponema pallidium.
What are the 4 stages of Syphillis? Primary (chancre), Secondary (rash, hair loss, fever), Latent (no symptoms), Tertiary (lesions called Gummas).
What are the Syphillis tests? VDRL (not really used now), RPR, and FTA.
What 3 things cause Vaginitis? Candida albicans (fungi), Trichomonas vaginalis (protozoan flagellate), Gardnerella vaginalis (bacteria).
What bacteria gets into burns? Pseudomonas aeruginosa, gram neg. rod, grape-like odor.
What are the enterics? These are gram neg. rods: SSSEEKPY. Salmonella, Shigella, Serratia, E. coli, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Yersinia.
What is the difference between Rickettsia and Chlamydia? Rickettsia is transmitted via insect.
What is special about Rickettsia? It's gram neg., has DNA and RNA, and needs living cells for growth.
What is special about C. burnetti? Coxiella burnetti, large and small varieties, usually stains gram neg.
What does R. burnetti cause? Q fever, airborne, acts like a spore, but is not a spore.
What causes Lyme Disease? Borrelia burgdorferi, a spirochete. Bacterial infection from the deer tick.
What is the greatest cause of blindness? C. trachomatis (Trachoma)
What causes walking or atypical pneumonia? M. pneumoniae.
What is Mycobacteria? They are acid fast rods.
What 2 diseases does Neisseria cause? N. gonorrhoeae and N. meningitidis.
What is special about bacteroides? They are gram neg. rods and anaerobic.
What are 2 gram positive cocci? Staph. sp. and Strept. sp.
What is gram negative cocci? Neisseria sp.
What are 2 anaerobic wound infectors? Bacteroids and Clostridium perfingenes (gas gangrene).
What is an infection? Pathogen enters the GI and multiplies, delay in sickness while the pathogen multiplies.
What is an intoxication? Ingestion of a toxin (usually Steph. aureus) with very sudden symptoms in a short time.
Where do we find Salmonellosis? Poultry products, requires a large infective dose.
What causes Typhoid fever? Salmonella typhi. 2 week incubation, becomes invasive.
What causes Cholera? Vibrio cholerae. "Rice water" stools. From poor sanitation and water supplies.
What pathogen causes Gastro enteritis? Vibrio parahaemolyticus. From seafood with shells, treat with tetracycline.
What are the 2 type of hepatitis? A- infectious, B- serum.
Created by: 51001500
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