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Histology (1st Exam)

1st Test

That branch of anatomy that deals with external form and internal organization of both plants and animals Anatomy
Microscopies are classified by the type of light source used. What is this called? Resolution
Name the visible light scopes. There are 5. O P P I D Optical, Polarizing, Phase Contrast, Interference and Dark-Fiels
Name the two types of Electron microscope. Transmission Electron Microscope and Scanning Electron Microscope
A microscope that utilizes reflecting optics or quartz and other ultraviolet-transmitting lenses Ultraviolet
A microscope in which x-rays are used instead of light, the image usually being reproduced on film. X-Ray Microscope
The principle microscope used in histology and eytology is the ____________ microscope. Compound
The method of chemical localization is called what? Autoradiography (radioiodine localization)
This method of enables investigators to locate sites of antibody-antigen reactions Immunocytochemistry
The stain used for the nuclear region is: hematoxylin (basic stain)
The stain used for the cytoplasmic region is: Eosin (acidic dyes)
What are the two important considerations with regards to methodology in Histology? 1. Kind of microscope used 2. Preparation of the tissue or organ in a manner suitable for viewing with the microscope.
According to Schwann and Schleiden, All living matter is composed of Cells. True or False True
Cells do not arise from pre-existing cells, True or False False
All the metabolic reactions of the living organism including all the energy exchanged, biosynthetic processes, all hereditary processes take place within the cell. True or False True
Cells are not the basic structural and functional unit of living matter. True or False False
Cells are composed of protoplasm - viscus suspension of various chemical elements. True
Cytoplasm is responsible for the metabolic and synthetic activity in the cell. True or False. True
What is responsible for differentiation and function? Nucleus
What type of cell is a primitive cell, nucleus not surrounded by a membrane? Prokaryotic
A Eukaryotic cell is the true cell of higher plants and animals. True or False True
What is the fundamental living substance of the cell? Protoplasm
What are the two present elements in Protoplasm? Oxygen and Nitrogen
The protoplasm is what percentage water? Seventy Five
Proteins are integral to cell structure, and are amino acid building blocks. What percentage of the cell is proteins? Ten to twenty
Lipids are 2-3% of the cell? True
Carbohydrates are two or more simple sugars, oxidized as a source of energy for repair and growth. What % make up the cell/ two to three
Salts make up 1% of the cell. True or False. True
The protoplasm can be divided into two parts what are they? Nucleoplasm and cytoplasm
The Nucleoplasm contains what? Chromatin Material (DNA) and nucleolus
The cytoplasm is the protoplasm surrounding the nucleus. True or False. True
What is the primary function of the Cytoplasm? Absorption and Secretion
What are the properties of protoplasm? ICMMGRASER Irritability, Conductivity, Contractility and Mobility, Metabolism, Growth, Reproduction, Absorption, Secretion, Excretion, and Respiration.
Ribosomes are considered an organelle. True or False False
What is an example of an inclusion? fat deposits, pigmented granuoles
The Cell membrane is also known as: Plasma membrane or plasmalemma
The cell membrane is thin and limiting, separating the cell contents from the external environment. True or False. True
AKA known as Chomidial Substance or Ergastoplasm Endoplasmic Reticulum
This is found in cells lacking a well developed rough E.R. Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum
The function of the S.E.R. depends on the cell type. Name an example. Liver: lipid and cholesterol metabolism
The function of this organelle is protein synthesis. Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum
The fragments of the E.R. are referred to as __________. microsomes
A closed mesh 3-D network of tubules that are interconnected is characteristic of S.E.R. or R.E.R.? Smooth E.R.
This organelle has two membranes. What is it? Mitochondria
The Cristae functions to do what in the Mitochondria? Increase surface area and efficiency.
The inner membrane of Mitochondria forms an area known as ___________ space. intercrystal
Outer and inner form an area known as __________ space. intracrystal
Mitochondria are found in almost all cell types. True or False? True
Small, round, membrane organelles. Contains hydrolases for break down of protein, nucleic acid, and carbohydrates. Lysosomes
Function at acid pH 5 Acid Hydrolases in Lysosome
This is a newly formed lysosome that buds off the Golgi Body. Primary Lysosome
Microbodies AKA: Peroxisome
This organelle is smaller than the lysosome, is a membrane bound vesicle, contains oxidative enzymes, and is found primarily in liver and kidney cells. Peroxisome
This organelle appears as a clear area in actively secreting cells. ex. pancreas or bone forming cells Golgi Apparatus
Stacks of flat membrane vesicles in the Golgi Apparatus are referred to as saccules, AKA Cisternae, AKA: Dictysomes
Centrosomes are AKA centrosphere or Cell Center. TRUE OR FALSE? True
A centrosome is specialized, lies near the cell nucleus, and containing _____________. centrioles
Small granules or short rods is a characteristic of: Centrioles
A centriole is self replicating. True or False? True
A centriole may migrate near the cell surface and if it does become a basal body AKA Kinetosome, it will become a: Flagellum or Cillium
Microfilaments are made up of Actin. Where is this filament located? Found in various embryonic epithelium that undergo rapid cell shape changes. ex. intracellular muscle
Tonofilaments are AKA Intermediate filaments
Intermediate filaments are not known to be contractile, usually serve supporting role, anchorage. True or False. True
Thick filaments are: Myosin and Microtubules
What is the protein that makes up Microtubules? Tubulin
Function of microtubules is to maintain cell shape and form ____________ _____________ in mitotic division. spindle apparatus
The nucleus contains two membranes with pores. True or False True
What is inside of the nuclear membrane/ Nucleoplasm, Chromatin Material, and nucleolus
The nucleus functions to do what? Regulate metabolic activities of the cell.
The two types of chromatin are: Heterochromatin and Euchromatin
Euchromatin is dispersed during interphase. True or False True
Chromosomes become visible in this phase. Prophase
The nuclear membrane begins to break down and disappear in which phase of Mitosis? Prophase
Spindle fibers appear in this phase of Mitosis. Metaphase
Chromosomes gather in the center of the cell along the equatorial plate. Metaphase
Cleavage furrow starts to appear. Anaphase
The nuclear membrane reforms in this phase along with the nucleolus. Telophase
Wet Epithelium is known as: Nonkeratinized
Simple Squamous Tissue is found in Bowman Capsule of Kidney, Lung alveoli, and Blood Vessels
What epithelium is located at the thyroid, free surface of the ovaries, inner surface of capsule of lens, ducts of glands, and retina? Simple Cuboidal
Simple Columnar epithelium contains what type of cell that occurs in mucosa of intestine and respiratory tract? goblet cells
In regions where epithelial lining of the organ combines with function of secretion with that of protective membrane. What epithelial tissue is this? Simple Columnar
Simple Columnar Epithelium is found where in the body? KUDOS Kidneys, Uterus, Digestive Tract, Oviduct, and small bronchi of lungs
Pseudostratified epithelium is located where: Lacrimal Sac, Male urethra, large excretory ducts of parotid gland, lines the greater part of the respiratory tract, part of tympanic cavity.
Stratified Epithelium has what function? Protective
Stratified Squamous can be found where? CUEVEM Cornea, lined portion of female URETHRA, Epidermis, Vagina, Esophagus, Mouth
Which epithelium is extremely rare? Stratified cuboidal
This epithelium if found in ducts of sweat glands and certain layers of testes and ovary. Stratified cuboidal
Stratified Columnar is located in the: APEE Anal mucus membrane, pharynx, Epiglottis, and Exocrine Ducts
Adherent Junctions or differntiations are concerned with cell attachment permitting groups of similar cells to function as a structural unit. true or false? True
What are the two types of adheren junctions? Zonula and Macular
Created by: palmeje
Popular Science sets



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