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Worsham RA Q1

What is the purpose of RA? Care of the deceased to recreate natural form and color.
Physiognomy the anatomical study of the face and features, usually eyes, nose, mouth, and ears
who is the founder of RA Joel E. Crandall
projection jetting out in compareison to the back ground plane
prominence the part that projects
recession moving backward of part or structure compared to the forground plane
depression the part that recesses from from the foreground plane
the most common skull shape oval
the width of the skull is ___ the length 2/3
the are _ crainal bones and _ facial bones 6, 7
the crainal bones are occipital, frontal, parietal and temporal
the facial bones are nasal, zygomatic, maxillary, mandible
occipital bone is located the most posterior and inferior of the cranium, supports & protects the bottom of brain (cerebellum).
occipital bone is separated by ____ and is bordered by lamdoidal suture, separating it from the parietal and temporal bones
how many landmarks does the occipital bone have 3
foramen magnum located medially on the inferior underside of the occipital bone. opening the spinal cord descends
external occiptial protuberance (EOP) located medially and posterior to the foramen magnum
superior (nuchaline) crest bony ridge extending bilaterally from EOP
the superior crest is the origin of ________ muscle which marks the change in direction form bertical to horizontal occipto frontalis
occipital condyles eminences on either side of the foramen magnum, points of attachment to the vertebrae
the first cervical vertebrae, fused to the skull and does not move atlas CV1 or C1
axis the second cervical vertebrae, allows movemnet
the widest part of the skull is measured between the parietal eminances
the parietal bones are located superior to the temporal and occipital bones, posterior to the frontal bone
forms the largest part of the cranium and protects the superior part of the sides and back of the brain, posterior and top 2/3 as well the parietal bones
the parietal bones are separated by the mid-saggital suture
the parietal bones are separated from the occipital bone by lamdoidal suture
the parietal bones are separated from the temporal bone by squamosa suture
the parietal bones are separated from the frontal bone by coronal suture
parietal eminence bumps on the parietal bones, posterior to the ear
the temporal bones are located inferior to the parietal bones and anterior to the occipital bone. Forms lower side and part of the base of the cranium. Protects the temperal lobe of the brain.
the temporal bones are separated from the occipital bone by the lamdoidal suture
the temporal bones are separated from the parietal and frontal bones by the squamosal suture
squama the temple, anterior and superior part of the temporal bone, the thinest cranium bone
temporal-recesses medially, forms the temporal cavity
external auditory meatus ear passage, acts as a funnel, leads into interior of skull, leads to inner ear
mandibular fossa socket-like depression directly anterior to external auditory meatus. Joint that allows the lower to move.
mastoid process most posterior & inferior part of the temporal bone, triangular in shape
the widest measurment of the neck between the mastoid process
zygomatic arches or zygomatic process of the temporal bone long thin narrow arch-like ribbon of bone. Arises directly above ear passage, extends anteriorly, and bulges out.
the widest part of the face is measured between the zygomatic arches
The frontal bone is located most anterior and superior bone of the cranium. Forms the forehead and anterior part of the crown, also forms the upper part of the temple
frontal bone is separated from the parietal bones by the coronal suture
frontal bone is separated from the temporal bones by the squamosal suture
frontal eminece is where dirction changes on frontal bone. 2 round bumps in the hairline
superciliary arches eyebrow arches, 2 comma-shaped arch-like eminences, lower part of the forehead, just above the medial ends of the eyebrows
supraorbital margin 2 ridges just above the eye sockets, curves and forms the lateral boundary of the eye sockets
glabella small, smooth elevation between superciliary arches, nasal bone starts right below
lines of the temple 2 vertical ridges on each side of the frontal bone, starts above the lateral rim of the eye socket, goes up vertically and arches medially, ends at level of frontal emineces. divides forehead from lateral part of frontal bone
what is the degree of the angle of the frontal bone 110
central plane of the frontal bone located in the front of the forehead between the upper arch of eyebrows, is the flattest part of the skull. extends vertically and horizontally
medial plane of the frontal bone narrow area just above the nose midline, imaginary line rising vertically above a point slightly lateral to the ends of the eyebrows
lateral plane on the frontal bone wider, extends from line to line of temple-curve inward
the nasal bones are located directly inferior and obliquely anterior to glabella. nasal bones fuse and form superior part of nose. 2 frontal planes, 2 lateral planes-dome of the nose is where glasses sit
nasal septum bone that divides internally, perpendicular with midline upper plate of ethmoid bone, lower part is vomer
cartalage attaches to ____ and ____ in the nose plate of ethmoid bone and vomer
zygomatic (zygomae) are the _____ and located____ check bones, inferior and lateral to the orbital cavities
prominence of the cheek 2 crests of curbature of zygomatic bones, occurs where the bone changes direction. Slightly inferior and lateral to the outer corner of the eye, refurred to as the warm area of the face
distance between the prominences of the checks are the widest part of the anterior plane of the face
maxillary (maxillar) is located inferior to the nasal cavity and lateral to nasal cavity and nasal bones, forms the boundary of the nasal cavity. connects to the nasal, frontal & zygomatic bones
the central bone of the face is and forms the upper jaw the maxillary
maxilla sinus hollow cavity inside the maxillary bone that warms incoming air and acts as a vocal resonator
nasal spine small sharp spur of bone that projects where 2 bones meet at midline, directly inferior to the nasal cavity
measure the distance of the spine x3= tip of the nose
frontal process long triangular-shaped part of bone that extends superiorly and anteriorly from the body of maxilla that forms the sides of the nasal cavity.
zygomatic process part of the bone that articulates with the zygomatic bone
alveolar process (alveolar margin) row of sockets for upper teeth along inferior edge of bone, made of cancellous bony tissue
the first 4 teeth are incisors
the 2 teeth that are lateral to the incisors canine
the 4 transitional bilateral teeth pre-molars
there are 6 bilateral _____ molars
palatine process inferior and posterior part of maxillary bone, forms the roof of the mouth and floor of the nasal cavity
the mandible is lcated most anterior and inferior of the skull
the mandible is made of 2 parts the _____ and the _____ 1 body and 2 ramus
the body of the mandible is _____ and contains the _____ curved horizontal anterior part of the bone, alveolar processes
the rami are straight vertical and posterior part for the mandible
epidermis superficial layer, thinner of the 2 layers of skin, 4 cells thick contains 2 of the 3 pigments
dermis dense underlying connective tissue, thicker of the 2 layers
what is the "glue" that keeps the epidermis and dermis together retie mucosa
melanin is what color and where is it found brown or black, in the deepest strata of the epidermal skin
where is melanin made melanocytes
what is the purpose of melanosis to protect from UV rays
liver spots are chloasma
what is chloasma local and permanent concentration of melanin due to aging
what is the localized absence or permanent absence of melanin-congenital-gradual loss of color leukoderma/vitiligo
albinism congenital, complete absence of melanin
localized increase in dermal cells-neoplasm nevus (mole)
lentigo/ephelis (freckle) local and temporary concentration of melanocytes
what color is carotene and where is it found yellow, found in low levels of epidermal layer mainly found in adipose and superficial fascia. this is why fat is yellow
sallow variation in melanin or increase in carotene
jaundice yellow-pathological condition (check whites of eyes)
bilirubin chemical in bile (red pigment) which can back up and turn skin yellow
hematin located in blood of superficial capillaries
pallor movement of blood into the deeper tissues/a blood pigmentation
angioma "port wine stain" or "strawberry stain" due to benign tumor in face
what is the guide of the face in profile to determine type the upper lip
convex curve in or recess
concave curve out or project
there are _____ basic profiles three
Created by: 1157564676
Popular Science sets




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