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Science Vocabulary

Words 1-56

Vocabulary WordAnswer
Beaker A tool used to measure liquid. The unit for liquid measurement is the liter
Classification The grouping of things by using a set of rules
Controlled Variable The part of an experiment that does not change
Data List of information collected from an experiment
Degree Celsius The unit of measurement for temperature in the Metric System
Draw Conclusions To explain in your own words the outcomes of an experiment
Experiment A procedure that is carried out to investigate a science question
Graduated Cylinder Tool used to measure liquids
Hand Lens/Magnifying glass A tool used to make objects bigger
Hypothesis An educated guess of a solution for a problem
Infer Make a guess based on observations after an experiment
Manipulated Variable The part of an experiment that changes are made to in order to test the hypothesis
Observation Using the five senses to collect data during an experiment
Predict Make a guess as to an outcome prior to doing an experiment
Record To write down information or observation
Safety Protecting yourself from harmful things
Thermometer A tool that measures temperature
Theory A generally accepted explanation to a scientific problem that is not proven as fact but is well supported by data and other information
Triple Beam Balance The tool used to measure the mass of matter. The unit of mass is the gram
Variable A part of an experiment that can be tested
Absorption The stopping of light when it hits a wall or other opaque object
Boiling Point The temperature at which a liquid begins transformation into a gas; bubbles are formed
Buoyancy The ability of matter to float in a liquid or gas
Capacity The amount of matter an object can hold
Circuit A path that is made for an electric current
Concave Curved inward
Condensation The process by which a gas changes back into a liquid
Conduction The direct transfer of heat between objects that touch
Conductor A material that conducts electrons easily
Convex Curved outward
Density The concentration of matter in an object. The Amount of mass in a given volume
Dissolve When one material forms a solution with another material
Electric Energy Energy created by the movement of charged particles
Electromagnet A temporary magnet made by passing electric current through a wire coiled around an iron bar
Energy The ability to cause changes in matter
evaporation The process by which a liquid changes into a gas
Force A push that causes an object to move
Freezing Point The point when matter changes state from a liquid to a solid. The freezing point of water 0 C.
Friction A force that opposes, or acts against, motion when two surfaces rub against each other
Gas The state of matter that does not have a definite shape or volume
Gravity a force that pulls all objects toward each other
Greenhouse Effect The process by which the Earth's atmosphere absorbs heat
Heat The transfer of thermal energy from one substance to another
Insulator A material that does not carry electrons
Lens A piece of clear material that bends, or refracts, light rays passing through it
Light Energy from the Sun
Liquid The state of matter that has definite volume
Magnetism The force of repulsion (pushing) or attraction (pulling) between poles of magnets
Mass The amount of matter in an object
Matter Anything that has mass and takes up space
Melting Objects in a solid state of matter changing into a liquid because of the addition of heat
Mixture A combination of two or more materials
Opaque Reflecting or absorbing all light; no image can be seen
Created by: kaustrian
Popular Science sets




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