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Chapter 5: Somat/Dis
Question | Answer |
factitious disorder | NONEXISTENT physical or psychological disorder deliberately faked for no apparent gain, except possibly sympathy and attention |
somatoform disorder | pathological concern of individuals with the APPEARANCE or FUNCTIONING of their bodies, usually in the absence of any identifiable MEDICAL condition |
dissociative disorder | Disorder in which individuals feel detached from themselves or their surroundings and feel reality, experience, and identity may disintegrate |
hypochondriasis | somatoform disorder involving SEVERE anxiety over beleif IN HAVING a disease without any evident physical cause |
somatization disorder | somatoform dis. involving extreme and long-lasting focus on MULTIPLE physical symtoms for which no medical cause is evident |
conversion disorder | physical malfunctioning, such as blindness or paralysis, suggesting neurological impairment but with no organic pathology to account for it |
malingering | DELIBERATE faking of a physical or psychological disorder motivated by GAIN |
munchausen syndrome | parent responsible for children's symptoms, inducing illness |
Pain disorder | somatoform disorder: featuring TRUE pain but for which psychological factors pay an important role in onset, severity, and maintanence |
body dysmorphic disorder | somatoform dis. featuring a disruptive PREOCCUPATION with some imagined defect in appearance or gross exaggeration of a slight blemish |
depersonalization | altering of perception that causes people to TEMPORARILY lose a sense of their OWN reality; dissociative disorder. there is often a feeling of being outside observers of their OWN behavior |
DEREALIZATION | situation in which the individual loses a sense of the reality of the external world. things may seem to change in size and shape. people may seem dead or mechanical |
depersonalization disorder | dissociative disorder in which feelings of depersonalization are so SEVERE they dominate the individual's life and prevent normal functioning////RARE |
DISSOCIATIVE AMNESIA | DISSOCITIVE disorder; the inability to recall personal information; usually of a STRESSFUL or TRAUMATIC NATURE |
GENERALIZED AMNESIA | loss of memory of ALL PERSONAL information, including IDENTITY |
localized amnesia | memory loss limited to SPECIFIC TIMES AND EVENTS, particularly traumatic events. also known as selective amnesia |
dissociative fugue | diss. dis. featuring sudden, unexpected travel away from home, along with an inability to recall the past, sometimes with an assumption of a new identity |
dissociative trance disorder | altered state of consciousness in which people firmly believe they are possessed by spirits; considered a disorder only where there is distress and dysfunction |
dissociative identity disorder (DID) | disorder in which as many as 100 personalities or fragments of personalities coexist within one body and mind. |
alter | shorthand for alter ego/ one of the different personalties or identities in dissociative identity disorder |