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Emergency MR

McGraw-Hill Emergency Medical Responder 2nd Edition Ch.30

Musculoskeletal system Gives the body its shape,and Provides a rigid framework that supports and protects internal organs, Provides for body movement, Maintains posture, Helps stabilize joints, Produces body heat.
Gives the body shape, support, and form, Works with muscles to provide for body movement, Stores minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, Produces red blood cells, and Protects vital internal organs Skeletal system
Three sections that make up the sternum Manubrium, body, and the xiphoid process
Manubrium The uppermost (superior) portion of the sternum; it connects with the clavicle and the first rib.
Body The middle portion of the sternum.
Xiphoid process A piece of cartilage that makes up the lowemost (inferior) portion of the sternum.
A place where 2 bones come together. Joint
Three main parts of a skeletal muscle. The Origin, Insertion, and Body. (The ORIGIN is the stationary attachment of the muscle to a bone, the INSERTION is the movable attachment to a bone, the BODY is the main part of the muscle).
Injuries to bones and joints can be caused by Direct forces, Indirect forces, and Twisting forces.
Fracture A break in a bone.
Occurs when the bone breaks on one side but not the other. Greenstick fracture
Growth plate (epiphyseal plate) An area of growing tissue found near each end of a long bone in children and adolescents.
Dislocation Occurs when the end of a bone is forced from its normal position in a joint.
A strecthing or tearing of a ligament, the connective tissue that joins the end of one bone with another. Sprain
Strain A twisting, pulling, or tearing of a muscle.
Six P's of musculoskeletal assissment. Pain or tenderness, Pallor, Paresthesia, Pulses, Paralysis, Pressure
Anatomic splint The use of the body as a splint.
The natural position of the hand or foot at rest Position of function
Swathe A piece of soft material used to secure the injured extremity to the body.
A device used to maintain a constant, steady pull (traction) on a closed fracture of the femur. Traction splint
Pneumatic splint Splint that requires air to be pumped in or suctioned out of it.
Using an anatomic splint by taping an injured finger or toe to an uninjured finger or toe next to it. Buddy taping
Created by: Jimmyc
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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