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Psych Nursing Pharm

medication for psych nursing

How do typical antipsychotics work? (first generation) reduction of overt psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusion r/t dopamine blocade in CNS. They also have a sedating and calming effects
What are some side effects of first generation antipsychotics? EPSE (acute dystonia, pseudoparkinsonism, akathesia, long term tardive dyskinesia r/t dopamine blockades
What are some anticholinergic side effects? can't see, can't pee, can't spit, can't shit, and thats "tacky"
What are some other side effects of first generation antipsychotics? sedation, weight gain, orthostatic hypotension, endocring imbalance, sexual dysfunction, photosensitivity, lower seizure threshold causing risk for sunburn and seizures
What is neuroleptic malignant syndrome sever epse high fever, increased BP and HR, rare but life threatening emergency
What are some examples of first generation typical antipsychotics? Haldol, Stelazine, prolixin, navane, M-mobane, loxitane, Chlorpromaxine (thorazine)-Low potency
How do atypical second/ third generation antipsychotics work? reduction of over psychotic symptoms, increase motivation, alertness, and energy by blocking serotonin receptors
What are some side effects of atypical second and third generation antipsychotics? EPSE, anitcholinergic, weight gain, hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, type II diabets, and NMS but the incidence is much lower than typical antipsychotics
What are some examples of atypical antipsychotics? clozapine (clozaril)- significant incidence of potentially fatal agranulocytosis and requires CBC check. Others: abilify, geodon, sroquel, risperdol, saphris, zyprexa
How do benzodiazepine anxiolytics work? they potentiate GABA; effects include sedation, anxiety reduction, skeletal muscle relaxation, treatment of seizures
What is the most common side effect of benxoiazepine anxiolytics? drowsiness; it is best used short term because of possible dependence
What are some examples of benzodiazepine anxiolytics? xanax, valium, ativan, librium, tanxene
What is Buspirone (BuSpar)? buspirone is a non-benzodiazepine anxiolytic that is less sedating than benzos and not a controled substance; take effect in about three weeks, and usualy not effective if patient was previously on benzos
How do antihistamines work? (nonbenzo) histamine blockade in CNS causes sedation; not controlled substance
What are some examples of non-benzodiazepine anxiolytics? Buspirone (BuSpar) antihistamines: visatril, Atarax, Benadryl
How do mood stabilizers work? modifies transport of sodium ions across neuronal cell membranes, and they have a narrow margin of safety
What are some side effects of lithium? (mood stablizer) blood levels, mild nausea, fine tremor of hands, polyuria, weight gain
What are some toxic effects of lithium? coarse tremor, poor coordination, severe nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea, dehydration, seizures, coma, death
What are some brand names of lithium carbonate? carbolith, duralith, eskalith, lithane, lithicarb, lithizine, etc
How do antileptic drus used as mood stabilizers? possible actions include enhancement of gaba and stailization of ion transfer across neuronal cell membranes
What are common side effects of AED's used as mood stabilizers? sedation, poor coordination, and ataxia
What are some drugs that are approved as mood stabilizers? depakote (need to monitor liver tests), tegretol (monitor liver and CBC for agranulocytosis), Lamictal ( can cause severe skin problems such as steven's johnson syndrome)
How do SSRI's work? inhibition of serotonin increases levels at receptor sites. It is the first line therapy for depression and anxiety disorders
What are some common side effects of SSRI's? nausea, diarrhea, headache, insomnia, sense of feeling wired, spaced out, significant incidence of sexual problems, and rare occurrence of serotonin syndrome
What are some examples of SSRI's? prozac, zoloft, paixil, celexa, luvox, lexapro
What are novel dual action antidepressants? they are also a first line therapy but better than SSRI because the have a lower incidene of sexual side effects; most are serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors
What is buproprion (wellbutrin)? it is a NDRI norepinephrine dopamine reuptake inhibitor
What is traazadone? trazadone is a much older drug used only as a bedtime sedative. Safe to use in combination of SSRIs
What are some example of novel antidepressants? effexor, pristiq, remeron, cymbalta, wellbutrin, zyban, drazadone
What are TCA's? older group of antidepressants that are still widely used; inhibit reuptake of norepinphrine and serotonin, causes significant sedation, high incidence of anticholinergic side effects, tachycardia can be problematic, increased appetite and weight gain
What are some examples of TCA's? elavil, asendin, norpramine, doxepin, tofranil, aventyl, vivactil, sumontil, ludiomil
How do MAOI's work? inhibits monoamine oxidase an enzyme that destroys norepinephrine and serotonin. Can cause hypertensive crisi due to interactions with foods and medications (sudafed)
What are some examples of MAOI's? Nardil, Parnate, EmSam transdermal patch
What are some side effects of cns stimulatns and other meds that are used for ADHD? insomnia, decreased appetite leading to studnted growh, and recreational use can cause a high and lead to dependence
How do CNS stimulants work for ADHD treatment? Selective increase in CNS levels of norepinephrine improves ability to focus
What are some examples of CNS stimulants? Ritalin, Concerta, amphetamine mixture (adderal), Dexedrine, Strattera, Cylert
How do drugs used to control alzheimers and dementia? they are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors-increase levels of acetycholine by inhibiting the enzyme that destroys it.N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists bind with glutamate receptors that may be overactivated in alzheimers disease
What is the goal of alzheimers and dementia therapy? to stabilize cognitive function, delay decline, and improve quality of life
What are some side effects of drugs used to maintain cognitive function in alzheimers dementia? diarrhea/weight loss
What are some examples of alzheimers and dementia medications? aricept, exelon, reminyl, and namenda
Created by: jshawell
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