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以上 yǐshàng above (inclusive in Mainland usage, like "the commune level and above"); above, more than, over, upwards; the above (mentioned), the preceding
指控 zhǐkòng accuse, charge, censure; accusation, charge
行政 xíngzhèng administration; administrative
侵略 qīnlüè aggression, invasion; to commit aggression against, invade
空军 kōngjūn air force
美国在台协会 Měiguó Zài Tái Xiéhuì American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) (organization established by the US Congress to handle bilateral relations between the US and Taiwan after the severance of diplomatic relations in 1979)
陆军 lùjūn army, ground force
当时 dāngshí at that time, then
攻击 gōngjī attack, assault, charge, accuse
法案 fǎ'àn bill, draft (of a law)
生物化学 shēngwù huàxué biochemistry (as a study)
武器 wǔqì weapons, arms
预算 yùsuàn budget
资本主义 zīběnzhǔyì capitalism
法官 fǎguān judge, justice; judge (a respectful form of address for a Taoist priest)
中央情报局 Zhōngyāng Qíngbàojú the Central Intelligence Agency, the CIA
崩溃 bēngkuì collapse, break down, fall apart
消费 xiāofèi consume, expend; consumption, spending
继续 jìxù continue, carry on; continuation
控制 kòngzhì control, take control of, dominate, command
批评 pīpíng criticize; criticism
文化大革命 Wénhuà Dà Gémìng the (Great) Cultural Revolution (period from 1966-1976 during which youths were encouraged to destroy the relics of old feudal society)
文化 wénhuà culture, civilization; education, schooling
现任 xiànrèn currently in the post of; incumbent
海关 hǎiguān customs, customs house, maritime customs
衰退 shuāituì decline (of one's health, will or of an economy, etc.); recession
下跌 xiàdiē decrease, drop, fall (of the stock market, prices, etc.)
赤字 chìzì deficit, shortfall, in the red
民主党 Mínzhǔdǎng the Democratic Party (of the United States or the Early Republic in China)
示威 shìwēi demonstrate; demonstration; show of force
部门 bùmén {admin} department, branch, sector, division
kào lean on; keep to, be or stay near; near, close to; depend on; trust, rely on
部署 bùshǔ deploy (personnel, responsibility etc.)
分歧 fēnqí difference, divergence (of ideas or opinions), dispute
外交关系 wàijiāo guānxi diplomatic relations
解除武装 jiěchú wǔzhuāng disarm (like surrendered troops)
赶出 gǎnchū drive out, expel
义务 yìwù duty, obligation; voluntary (service etc.); uncompensated
经济衰退 jīngjì shuāituì economic recession
经济 jīngjì economy, economic; financial condition (like of a family); economical
改革 gǎigé reform
经济 jīngjì economy, economic; financial condition (like of a family); economical
效率 xiàolǜ efficiency, ability
选举 xuǎnjǔ elect; election(s)
企业 qǐyè a business/enterprise; (the) industry
平等 píngděng equal; equality
成立 chénglì establish, found; be tenable, be logical; grow up, mature
设立 shèlì set up, establish
甚至 shènzhì even, go so far as to
měi each, every
出口 chūkǒu export; export(s), exportation; an exit, way out
贸易顺差 màoyì shùnchā favourable balance of trade, trade surplus
联邦调查局 Liánbāng Diàochájú the Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI
联邦 liánbāng union, federation
所得税 suǒdéshuì income tax
联邦 liánbāng union, federation
比方说 bǐfang shuō for example
结社 jiéshè organize an association
正式 zhèngshì formal, official
建国 jiànguó found a nation; strengthen a nation
言论自由 yánlùn zìyóu freedom of speech (or expression)
生来 shēnglái since childhood
职能 zhínéng function, functional, job function
将军 jiāngjūn general (military rank); (Japan, hist.) shogun; {chess} check; embarrass, put on the spot
共和党 Gònghédǎng the Republican Party (in U. S.)
政府 zhèngfǔ government
增长率 zēngzhǎnglǜ {Mainland usage} growth rate
援助 yuánzhù help, aid, assist, support
众议院 Zhòngyìyuàn House of Representatives (of the United States, etc.)
bìng on a level with, even, equal; and, and also, or, at the same time, equally, simultaneously
人权 rénquán human rights
相同 xiāngtóng identical, alike
移民局 Yímínjú Immigration Office
实行 shíxíng implement, put into practice, carry out; implementation
执政 zhízhèng be in power, be in office
包括 bāokuò include, contain, consist of
遗产 yíchǎn inheritance; legacy, heritage
事件 shìjiàn incident, event (esp. historical); a matter
投资 tóuzī invest (money); investment (of money, effort, time, etc.)
加入 jiārù add, put in; join, enter
司法 sīfǎ administration of justice or law, justice (as in Sīfǎbù 司法部 "Ministry of Justice"); judicial
缺乏 quēfá be short of, lack; lacking, deficient in
领导人 lǐngdǎorén leader(s)
合法 héfǎ legal, legitimate, lawful
立法 lìfǎ legislate; legislation
dī low; lower [like one's head]
大陆 dàlù mainland, continent; (used for 中國大陸/中国大陆 Zhōngguó dàlù) mainland China
努力 nǔlì exert oneself, make an effort, try hard, strive; effort
制造 zhìzào make, manufacture; fabricate, create (mostly sth. bad)
市场经济 shìchǎng jīngjì market economy; market-oriented economy
众议员 Zhòngyìyuán Member of the House of Representatives (of the United States, etc.)
军事 jūnshì military affairs; military
手段 shǒuduàn method, means; {pej} trick
农业部 Nóngyèbù Ministry of Agriculture (one of the Liùbù 六部 Six Ministries in modern China)
商业部 Shāngyèbù Ministry of Commerce; commercial section (of a larger organization)
教育部 Jiàoyùbù {admin} the Ministry of Education (so called in the PRC until June, 1985, then replaced by the Guójiā Jiàoyù Wěiyuánhuì 國家教育委員會/国家教育委员会 "State Education Commission")
外交部 Wàijiāobù Ministry of Foreign Affairs
国土 guótǔ national territory, land
安全部 ānquánbù Ministry of Security
内政部 Nèizhèngbù Ministry of Internal Affairs; Department of the Interior (of the United States); Home Office (of Great Britain); Ministry of the Interior (of Taiwan)
劳工 láogōng worker, labourer; labour
bù part, section; department, ministry; {M} (for films/books/machines)
bān move, remove; move (house)
国会 Guóhuì National Assembly (like Congress of the United States, Parliament of England, Diet of Japan)
自然资源 zìrán zīyuán natural resources
海军 hǎijūn navy
反对 fǎnduì object to, be opposed to, be against; objection(s), opposition
机构 jīgòu organization, institution, establishment, office, agency; organizational structure
组织 zǔzhī organization; organize; weave; {physiol} tissue
推翻 tuīfān overthrow, topple; repudiate, cancel
部分 bùfen a part, portion, section, share; some, a portion of...; partly, in part, partially
通过 tōngguò through, by way of; pass through; pass, adopt (legislation, etc.); pass (an inspection); ask the permission of
海湾 hǎiwān gulf, bay; Persian gulf
地区 dìqū area, district, region, zone, territory; prefecture
计划经济 jìhuà jīngjì planned economy
政策 zhèngcè policy
政党 zhèngdǎng political party, party
政权 zhèngquán political power, state power; regime; organs of political power, state organs
总统 zǒngtǒng the president, chief of state (of a republican form of government)
产品 chǎnpǐn products, produce
证据 zhèngjù proof, evidence
财产 cáichǎn property, assets
抗议 kàngyì protest
证明 zhèngmíng prove; proof; certificate, testimonial
中华民国 Zhōnghuá Mínguó Republic of China (ROC)
集会 jíhuì assembly, rally
达到 dádào reach, accomplish, achieve
代表 dàibiǎo represent, stand for; on behalf of; delegate, representative
代表处 dàibiǎochù representative office
退休 tuìxiū retire
消费税 xiāofèishuì excise tax, consumption tax
国务卿 Guówùqīng Secretary of State (of the United States)
参议院 cānyìyuàn the senate (as of the government in the United States, France, etc.)
参议员 cānyìyuán senator
简单 jiǎndān simple, easy, uncomplicated; common, ordinary (mostly in the negative)
同时 tóngshí at the same time; simultaneously; moreover, furthermore
情况 qíngkuàng situation, circumstances
形势 xíngshì situation, condition, circumstances; geographical features (often strategic)
等等 děngděng et cetera, and so on, and so forth; [děngdeng]: wait a minute; in a moment
de (modifier suffix); (possessive suffix) ...'s; (noun-forming suffix) ... one(s), -er
社会主义 shèhuìzhǔyì socialism
特色 tèsè (special) characteristic, distinctive feature or quality
安定 āndìng (of life, political situation etc.) stable, settled, quiet, calm; maintain, stabilize
生活水平 shēnghuó shuǐpíng standard of living
zhù (of diplomats, troops, news correspondents etc.) be stationed in; (located) in ... (of embassies, consulates)
刺激 cìjī stimulate; excite, spur on, incite; provoke, irritate; shock, stimulus; stimulation, excitation
股票 gǔpiào share, stock, share certificate, stock certificate
储存 chǔcún stockpile, store; deposit in a bank; put away
支持 zhīchí support, back, stand up for, be in favour of, hold out, bear, sustain; support, backing
最高法院 zuìgāo fǎyuàn supreme court
盈余 yíngyú profit, surplus
制度 zhìdù system; (set of) regulations, rules
起飞 qǐfēi take off (literally of an aircraft or figuratively of a business, etc.)
减税 jiǎnshuì reduce taxes; tax reduction
恐怖 kǒngbù terror, horror; terrorist (modifying a noun); terrifying, horrible
威胁 wēixié threat; menace; threaten
总额 zǒng'é total, total amount
海岸防卫队 Hǎi'àn Fángwèiduì Coast Guard
zài be in/on/at; exist, be alive
统一 tǒngyī unify; unified
非正式 fēizhèngshì unofficial, informal
大规模杀伤性武器 dàguīmó shāshāngxìng wǔqì weapons of mass destruction
白宫 Báigōng the White House
quán complete, total; whole, entire, all; completely, totally, entirely
世界贸易组织 Shìjiè Màoyì Zǔzhī the World Trade Organization (WTO)
副总统 fùzǒngtǒng vice-president
负责 fùzé be responsible for, be in charge of
指派 zhǐpài designate, appoint, name
幕僚 mùliáo staff, advisers (mostly of a government official); assistant, adviser (as aide general or high government official)
解决 jiějué (re)solve, settle, overcome; dispose of, eliminate, wipe out (e.g., the enemy)
恐怖分子 kǒngbùfènzǐ terrorist
qiáng strong, powerful; forcibly; strengthen, enhance; (in comparisons:) better, superior
信任 xìnrèn trust (sb. or sth.), have confidence in...; trust, confidence
以来 yǐlái since (a stated time or event)
加强 jiāqiáng strengthen, intensify, consolidate, enhance
统一 tǒngyī unify; unified
联邦 liánbāng union, federation
地方政府 dìfāng zhèngfǔ local government
xiàn county
政府部门 zhèngfǔ bùmén government department
国防部 guófángbù Ministry of National Defense; Department of Defense
商业部 Shāngyèbù Ministry of Commerce; commercial section (of a larger organization)
交通部 Jiāotōngbù the Ministry of Communications (one of the Liùbù 六部 Six Ministries in modern China)
财政部 Cáizhèngbù Ministry of Finance (one of the Liùbù 六部 Six Ministries in modern China)
司法部 Sīfǎbù Ministry of Justice
内政部 Nèizhèngbù Ministry of Internal Affairs; Department of the Interior (of the United States); Home Office (of Great Britain); Ministry of the Interior (of Taiwan)
安全 ānquán be safe/secure; safety, security
国土 guótǔ national territory, land
安全部 ānquánbù Ministry of Security
海岸 hǎi'àn seacoast, seashore
防卫 fángwèi defend; defense
duì correct, right; toward, facing; regarding; be directed at, treat; {M} pair
盟友 méngyǒu (of a country or friend) an ally; allies
伙伴 huǒbàn companion, pal, mate; partner (e.g., in business) [Note: in traditional characters, usu. written 夥伴 when the intended sense is "partner, business associate"]
平衡 pínghéng equilibrium, balance
理论 lǐlùn theory; argue right and wrong, try to reason with; pay attention to, take notice of
需求 xūqiú demand, need, requirement
利益 lìyì benefit, profit, interest
国会议员 Guóhuì Yìyuán Member of the National Assembly (like Congressman in the United States, Member of Parliament)
共产党 Gòngchǎndǎng the Communist Party
任命 rènmìng appoint (to office); appointment
修改 xiūgǎi amend, revise, correct, modify
宪法 xiànfǎ constitution, charter (of a country)
制定 zhìdìng formulate, draw up, draft; enact, adopt, make (policy)
部长 bùzhǎng minister, head of department (esp. under the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party)
人民代表大会 rénmín dàibiǎo dàhuì people's congress
最高权力 zuìgāo quánlì supreme power, highest authority
商量 shāngliang negotiate; discuss
讨论 tǎolùn discuss; discussion
试图 shìtú try, attempt
探亲 tànqīn visit relatives/parents, etc. (back in one's home town)
改变 gǎibiàn to change, transform, alter; change, transformation, alteration
外债 wàizhài foreign debt, foreign loan
国内 guónèi domestic, internal, home
国外 guówài abroad, foreign, external
欢送会 huānsònghuì send off party
guāi (of a child) well-behaved, obedient, well-mannered, "good"
希腊 Xīlà Greece
劝架 quànjià try to break up a fight, mediate a quarrel
推翻 tuīfān overthrow, topple; repudiate, cancel
反对 fǎnduì object to, be opposed to, be against; objection(s), opposition
改革 gǎigé reform
机会 jīhuì opportunity, chance
人权 rénquán human rights
示威 shìwēi demonstrate; demonstration; show of force
人民 rénmín the people (of a country)
镇压 zhènyā suppress, put down, crush (a rebellion, etc.); execute (a counterrevolutionary); rolling, tamping (the earth)
继续 jìxù continue, carry on; continuation
产品 chǎnpǐn products, produce
敌对 díduì hostile, antagonistic
利益 lìyì benefit, profit, interest
双赢 shuāngyíng win-win
威胁 wēixié threat; menace; threaten
统一 tǒngyī unify; unified
改革 gǎigé reform
成立 chénglì establish, found; be tenable, be logical; grow up, mature
实行 shíxíng implement, put into practice, carry out; implementation
控制 kòngzhì control, take control of, dominate, command
所有 suǒyǒu all, every
自由 zìyóu freedom, liberty; freedom; free, unrestrained, unrestricted; at ease, carefree
效率 xiàolǜ efficiency, ability
文化大革命 Wénhuà Dà Gémìng the (Great) Cultural Revolution (period from 1966-1976 during which youths were encouraged to destroy the relics of old feudal society)
崩溃 bēngkuì collapse, break down, fall apart
生活水平 shēnghuó shuǐpíng standard of living
资本主义 zīběnzhǔyì capitalism
市场经济 shìchǎng jīngjì market economy; market-oriented economy
社会主义 shèhuìzhǔyì socialism
计划经济 jìhuà jīngjì planned economy
zài be in/on/at; exist, be alive
领导 lǐngdǎo leader; leadership; to lead
xià under, below; next; fall [of rain, snow etc.]; the last part (of a work)
特色 tèsè (special) characteristic, distinctive feature or quality
支持 zhīchí support, back, stand up for, be in favour of, hold out, bear, sustain; support, backing
援助 yuánzhù help, aid, assist, support
继续 jìxù continue, carry on
缺乏 quēfá be short of, lack; lacking, deficient in
自然资源 zìrán zīyuán natural resources
kào lean on; keep to, be or stay near; near, close to; depend on; trust, rely on
努力 nǔlì exert oneself, make an effort, try hard, strive; effort
年代 niándài age, era, time, years, vintage; decade of a century (as in bāshí niándài 八十年代 "the eighties")
工厂 gōngchǎng factory, plant, mill
制造 zhìzào make, manufacture; fabricate, create (mostly sth bad)
出口 chūkǒu export; export(s), exportation; an exit, way out
大陆 dàlù mainland, continent; (used for 中國大陸/中国大陆 Zhōngguó dàlù) mainland China
经济 jīngjì economy, economic; financial condition (like of a family); be economical
增长率 zēngzhǎnglǜ {Mainland usage} growth rate
家用电器 jiāyòng diànqì household appliances, home appliances
经济特区 jīngjì tèqū special economic zones (such as Shenzhen and Xiamen)
转型 zhuǎnxíng undergo a (major) shift; shift, transformation (to a new form, pattern, or model, e.g., a societal shift)
高科技 gāokējì hi-tech
服务业 fúwùyè service trades, service industries
一国两制 Yīguó Liǎngzhì One Country, Two Systems (principle mainly used for the Special Administrative Regions [SAR] of Hong Kong and Macao, granting them autonomy in certain areas)
统一 tǒngyī unify; unified
Created by: wo.hualian
Popular Chinese sets




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