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Emergency MR

McGraw-Hill Emergency Medical Responder 2nd Edition CH 12

Mottling An irregular or patchy discoloration of the skin that is usually a mixture of blue and white; usually seen in patients in shock or cardiac arrest
Rapid trauma assessment A quick, head-to-toe examination performed on a trauma patient with significant mechanism of injury to determine life-threatening injuries.
Sphygmomanometer A blood pressure cuff
Blunt trauma Any mechanism of injury that occurs without actual penetration of the body.
Symptom Any condition described by the patient, such as shortness of breath, nausea, and dizziness.
Patent Open
Crepitation (crepitus) A crackling sensation heard and felt beneath the skin; caused by bone ends grating against each other or air trapped between layers of tissue
Penetrating trauma Any mechanism of injury that causes a cut or piercing of the skin
Stethoscope An instrument used to hear sounds within the body, such as respirations; also used to measure blood pressure
Kinetic energy The energy of motion; the amount of kinetic energy an object has depends on the mass of the object and the speed (velocity) of the object
Cyanosis Blue skin
Gurgling Bubbling noise
Spinal precautions Precautions made to stabilize the head, neck, and back in a neutral position to preent movement that could cause injury to the spinal cord.
Baseline vital signs An initial set of vital sign measurements against which later measurements can be compared
Medical patient A patient whose condition is caused by an illness.
Vital signs Assessments of breathing, pulse, skin, pupils, and blood pressure.
Pulse The rhythmic contractions and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart.
Snoring Noisy breathing through the mouth and nose during sleep
Kinematics The science of analyzing the mechanism of injury and predicting injury patterns
Chief complaint The reason EMS has been called, usually in the patient's own words
Diastolic blood pressure The pressure in the arteries when the heart is at rest
Stridor A high-pitched sound that is usually heard on inhalation; a sign of upper airway obstruction
in-line stabilization A technique used to minimize movement of the head and neck
Respiration The act of breathing air into the lungs (inhalation) and out of the lungs (exhalation); the exchange of gases between a living organism and its environment
Patient history The part of the patient assessment during which facts are obtained about the patient's medical history.
Wheezing A high-pitched whistling sound heard during breathing caused by air moving through narrowed airway passages
Mechanism of injury The manner in which an injury occurs and the forces involved in producing the injury
Sign Any medical or trauma condition displayed by the patient that can be seen, heard, smelled, measured, or felt
Perfusion The flow of blood through an organ or a part of the body
Systolic blood pressure The pressure in the arteries when the heart is pumping blood
Stoma A surgical opening in the neck
Trauma patient A patient who has experienced an injury from an external force
Blood pressure The force exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries
Central pulse A pulse found close to the trunk of the body
Arteries Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart to the rest of the body
Created by: AAllegretto
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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