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Lab Unit 2 Review

Lab Unit 2 Review WITC

Tube for coagulation studies Light Blue
Normal value for WBC 5K-10K/cu mm
What % of people are type O 45%
What % of people are type A 41%
What % of people are type B 10%
What % of people are type AB 4%
Most important Rh antigen D
Blood disorder where the RBC are too numerous Polycythemia Vera
Formed element that is most numerous in the body RBC’s
The study of elements of blood cells and blood-forming tissues Hematology
The process of stopping bleeding Hemostasis
Forward blood typing detects _______ Antigens
Reverse blood typing detects_______ Antibodies
Anticoagulant present in a green tube Heparin
Anticoagulant present in a lavender tube EDTA
Anticoagulant present in a black tube Buffered Sodium Citrate
Anticoagulant present in blue tube Sodium Citrate
Liquid portion of blood after it clots Serum
Pregnant mother is Rh neg and baby is Rh pos HDN can occur
Major human blood group ABO
Fetal blood cells are formed in the Liver
Type of blood given in emergency O-
Megakaryocyte fragments are Platlets/Thrombocytes
Antigen(s) present on type AB pos ABD
Antigen(s) present on type O neg None
% of population that are Rh neg 15%
Tube used for drug levels Red (no anti-coag)
Tube used for CBCs Lavendar
Fights infection WBC’s
Vessel that carries oxygenated blood Arteries
Substance that prevents clotting Anti-coagulant
Formed element that lives for 120 days RBC’s
3 formed elements of blood RBC’s, WBC’s, Platelets
Liquid part of blood with anticoagulant Plasma
Most common anticoagulant used in coagulation studies EDTA
Anticoagulant in red tube None
Parts of the CBC RBCs, WBCs, Hct, Hgb, Platelets, & Differential
Colors for serum tubes: Red, Red/Gray, Yellow, Yellow/Gray
Proper order to draw tubes Lt. Blue, Serum tubes (Red-Yellow/Gray), Green, Lavender, Gray, Black
What color tube would you use for a Chemical Profile (Blood Chemistry) Green
What color tube would you use for a drug level Red
What color tube would you use for a Protime (Coag Study) Lt. Blue
Color of tube used for ESR (Erythrocytic Sed Rate) Black
Created by: jruhde
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