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what is a grand mal seizure? lose consciousness
what is a generalized tonic-clonic seizure? sudden cry, falling, rigidity, followed by muscle jerks, shallow breathing, apnea
what is an absence seizure? staring, fluttering of the eyes. no unconsciousness
what is a myoclonic seizure? brief massive muscle jerk with no unconsciuosness
What must you always do with anticonvulsants? draw serum drug levels
when used prolonged Barbiturates are among the safest form of what anticovulsant therapy? long term
Phenytoin (dilantin) is in what class of anticonvulsants? hydantoins
which route is most popular and why? oral because IV is very irritating to the vein and also precipitates out when used IV
which class shouldn't you use while pregnant? Hydantoins
Phenytoin (dilantin) has a narrow therapeutic range...what is it? 10-20 mcg/ml
phenytoin (dilantin) decreases the effects of what? anticoagulants and oral contraceptives
Fosphenytoin (cerebyx) is in which class of anticonvulsants? Hydantoins
which route is the most popular with Fosphenytoin (cerebyx) IV (be careful though because too fast is bad)
Fosphenytoin (cerebyx) is water or fat soluble? water
what does fosphenytoin (cerebyx) treat? status epilepticus
what is status epilepticus? no return of consciousness between seizure
what are some side effects of phenytoin (dilantin)? gingival hyperplasia (gums), slurred speech, confusion, thrombocytopen, leukopenia.
fosphenytoin (cerebyx) may cause..? bradycardia, cardiac arrest, heart block, ventricular fibrillation
Oxazolidinediones is a class of what? anticonvulsants
oxazolidinediones are rarely used because of what? side effects
which class of anticonvulsants has very serious side effects that include blood dyscrasias and or renal and hepatic hysfunction? oxazolidinediones
paramethadione (paradione) is in what class of anticonvulsants? oxazolidinediones
what is paramethadione (paradione) used for? treating absence seizures when others do not work.
which anticonvulsant class is primarily used for absence seizures? succinimides
the safest drug in the succinimides class is what? ethosuximide (zarontin)
what should you do when taking ethosuximide (zarontin)? take with food (upsetting to the GI) and check cbc every 3 months incase of blood abnormalities
which classes of anticonvulsants are also in the sedatives and hypnotics section??? benziodiazepines and barbiturates!
clonazepen (klonopin) is in which class of anticonvulsants? benzodiazepines
clonazepan (klonopi) is a controlled substance....? 4
which two other benzodiazepines are used as anticonvulsants? diazepam (valium) and lorazepan (ativan)
Iminostilbene is a class of what? anticonvulsants
Carbamazapine (tegretol) is in which class? anticonvulsants
which drug do you take for congenital myalgia? Carbamezapine (tegretol)
with carbamezapine (tegretol), what do you watch for? sodium levels...they can deplete
valproic acid (depakene) is in which class? valproate
divalproex na (depakote) is in which class? valproate
which class do you check liver functions? valproate
which class is gabapentin (neurontin) in? miscellaneous
which drug is used secondarily to treat chronic nerve pain? gabapentin (neurontin)
magnesium sulfate is in which class? miscellaneous
Created by: lyndsey_168
Popular Pharmacology sets




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