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mental health final


Mental Health is The ability to cope with and adjust to the recurrent stresses of living in an acceptable way.
Mental health is influenced by what 3 factors Inherited characteristics, childhood nurturing, life circumstances.
Social determinants of health include: Income, equity, social inclusion, employment, job security, early childhood care, education, food security, housing.
Mental illness is: Disturbance in the ability to cope effectively.
primitive society viewed mental illness as possession by evil spirits
primitive society tx was to: remove evil spirits by bleeding, message, induce vomiting, trephinig.
First psychiatric text was written by Benjamin Rush called "diseases of mind".
Clifford beers wrote "A mind that found itself" after spending 3 years in a mental hospital.
Sigmond Freud - Psychoanalysis related to repressed sexual energies, first to demonstrate that behaviour could be changed under proper circumstances. Supressed feelings will come out eventually.
Thorazine first antipsychotic
Imipramine first antidepressant
Hildegard peplau Mother of psychiatric nursing, influenced current nursing role.
approx ____ canadians will experience a mental illness in their lifetime 20%
Culture learned or socially transmitted beliefs, values or behaviours. Total way of life
Race group of individuals that share physical characteristics
Ethnicity Social term, associated with patterns, customs and cultural habits of a particular ethnic group.
Norms established rules of conduct
Role Expected pattern of behaviour
Stereotype over simplified mental picture of cultural group.
cultural assessment communication (voice geture touch), Environment (alternative practitioners, victim), Space, Social orientation (family unit, gender roles), biological (genetic makeup)
Watsons caring theory Holistic approach
Social Change the structural and cultural evolution of society
Meyer Psychiatric Pluralism theory integration of human byological functions with the environment
Psychosocially oriented ideas proposed that mental disorders reulted from environmental and social deprivation.
Choice access to a wide variety of of publicly funded services
Community making these services available in the communities
integration using all services and supports across many levels
mental illness began to be viewed as illness in 1800's
Health promotion the process of enabling people to increase control over and improve their health.
Determinants of health Income, equality, social inclusion, employment & security, childhood care, eduaction, food, housing.
Epidemiology Study of pattern of disease distribution in time and space.
Anhedonia Lack of pleasure or interest
AXIS 1 clinical disorder: Panic disorder, schizophrenia
AXIS 2 Personality: Obsessive compulsive disorder
AXIS 3 General medical: Diabetes
AXIS 4 Psychosocial&Environmental: Occupational, frequently absent.
AXIS 5 Global: GAF, symptom scoring system
CRISIS PHASE #1 Problem arises (increased anxiety, usual problem solving)
CRISIS PHASE #2 Usual problem solving not effective, trial and error to try to restore balance
CRISIS PHASE #3 Trial and error attempts fail, anxiety escalates to panic.
CRISIS PHASE #4 Automatic relief behaviours no longer reduce anxiety, personality disorganization. PERSON IS IN CRISIS.
CRISIS STABILIZATION control of precipitating symptoms through medication, behavioural interventions and coordination with agencies.
crisis response short term intervention focuses on de-escalation, stabilization, symptom reduction, prevent relapse.
Moral agent a person engaged in determining or expressing a moral ethical choice.
Virtue the quality of doing what is right and avoiding what is wrong
Deontology is an approach to ethics that judges the morality of an action based on the action's adherence to a rule or rules. The study of moral obligation
therapeutic relationship an exchange of energy that occurs between 2 people that moves a client towards more effective behaviours
TEACH trust, empathy, autonomy, caring, hope
Rapport good reputation, previous dealings of trust and cooperation.
preparation phase data, self assessment, plan
orientation phase introduction
working phase examine problems and solutions, remind relationship will terminate, trust is paramount in this stage
Termination accomplishment, talk about feeling of loss, remind of progress, look forward to future.
Therapeutic communication exchange of information, ideas, feelings, beliefs or attitudes. GOAL directed
Validation checking out ones thoughts or feelings with client
Empathy the ability to experience, in the present, a situation as someone experienced it in the past. acceptance and understanding of ones feelings
Active listening paraphrase, label feelings, validate feelings.
Comprehension reasoning
experiences perceptions
Broad openings, empathetically neutral, clarify misunderstandings effective therapeutic communication
Ethics consideration of the way a person should act in order to live a good life with others
who determines what is ethical CNO
ethics values safe competent care, health, choice, dignity, confidence, justice, accountability, quality environment
Utilitarianism the greatest good for the greatest number. (restraints)
principlism nonmalficence, beneficance, autonomy, justice
non-maleficence Do no harm
beneficience do the best possible for this person
autonomy make own choices
justice equal and fair access to resources for all
Moral dilemma situation in which one is obligated to act, 2 incompatable alternatives. decision making framework
moral distress external restraints. ex. too little time and resources to give adequate time and treatment to patients
veracity duty to tell the truth
fidelity do what you say you will do
mental health act a law that gives certain powers to providing admission and treatment for those with a mental disorder
voluntary admission must be competent to make own decisions regarding treatment, including concequences of decisons.
involuntary admission admitted against their will for assessment and treatment for mental condition that may cause harm or deteriorate.
cannot recieve treatment for illness unless consent is given unless deamed incompliant
just doing what is required at work, clients are just okay. ethics, non-maleficience
ECT breaks ethics of DO no harm (non-malficience)
Form 1 72 hrs, let go if not assessed within 72hrs, if seen harmful after assessment put on form 3 CANT APPEAL! right to a lawyer, no privliges or rights advice
form 3 14 days certificate of involuntary admission. advocacy office rights read
form 4 1-3 mons mandantory meeting after 6months, certificate of renewal client continues to meet criteria for MHA
form 5 releases form 3, 4. change to voluntary status. notify consent and capacity board
form 9 order to return pt on form 1 or 3 who leaves hospital contact police.
signal anxiety an anticipated event produces a learned response
anxiety state a person is overwhelmed by anxiety cannot cope or maintan emotional control
anxiety trait a learned personality response
mild anxiety adaptive responses; still feel safe, automatic behaviours
moderate anxiety competitive state, optimum learning state, adaptive but increased arousal.
severe anxiety fight or flight
panic sympathetic nervous system; hypotension, pale, fainting, disorganization, irrational
anxiety becomes a disorder when it affects ones ability to function normally
asthma, hives and fever are signs of anxiety in children
Freud ID, super ego, ego ID= i want now ego= i want this but i cant afford it super ego= you must not get this its bad
physical coping deal directly with the source of anxiety
intellectual coping try to analyze and problem solve
emotional coping defence mechanism to try to reduce stress, rationalizing, denial
panic attacks shorts sudden bursts of intense fear, symptoms peak in 10mins
panic disorder attack followed by one month worrying about having another attack.
obsession thought image or impulsethat is distressing, persistent and inappropriate.
compulsion a recurring behaviour aimed to reducing anxiety. can include behavioural addctions such as gambeling.
Acute stress disorder reaction to traumatic experience onset 2-4 days lasts for month.
PTSD post traumatic distress disorder. re experiencing trauma, flash backs nightmares, avoidence.
antidepressants are best treatment for anxiety
SSRI's replace seritonin
benzodiazepines work as sedative for immediate anxiety treatment. (ativan)
flooding tx such as fear factor for phobias
desnsitiztion step by step, get used to item causing anxiety.
anxiety can be confused with low blood sugar.
autonomy respecting a persons freedom to make choice
beneficence help those in need
nonmalfience do no harm
confidentiality the protection of privileged information
privacy to determine how or when information about them is communicated
CTO community treatment order
equity being jsut, impartial or fair.
veracity being truthful
dilemma state of uncertainty or perplexity especially as requiring a choice between equally unfavorable options
Suicide risk assessment SADPERSONS
SEX Males more likely to complete suicide
Age Teenagers and persons +65 at higher risk
Depression 10-20% with major depression commit suicide
Previous attempt Extremely high predictor of suicide
Ethanol abuse (Alcohol abuse) significant suicide risk factor (alcoholism)
Rational thinking Impairment of rational thinking or psychosis are predisposing factors for suicide.
Social Supports social isolation, from community, friends and relatives contribute to suicidal motivation
Organized plan Tangible, specific plan equals very high risk
No spouse Older people who are divorced, widows, and widowers are at high risk of suicide
Sickness Chronic and sever illness increase risk
how many canadians in a 12month period will suffer with a major depressive or manic episode? 4.9%
mood disorders may occure in individuals with major chronic health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, thyroid conditions
Mood disorders effect social, occupational, and physical functioning.
Mood disorder is defined as recurrent alteration or disturbance in mood. This causes psychological distress and behavioural impairment
Emotion is defined as A feeling or nonintentional response,Reactions to stimuli based on individual points of view
Patterns of response develop and become MOODS
Mood is defined as prolonged emotional state that influences whole personality and life functioning.
Mood disorders are cause by genetics, biochemical imbalances, childhood and adult experience, Social circumstances
women are more than twice as likely to become _____ as men. depressed. because of role stress, onset of prgnancy childbirth and menopause.
Psychodynamic anger turned inward, conflict of wanting to be loved and fear of rejection.
behavioural group of a learned responses
cognitive focuses on restructuring faulty beleifs and assumptions
developmental- loss of a parent, spouse, parenting, development milestones
social factors related to mood disorders include family relationships/conflicts, lack of nurturing as a child, losses, role changes, poor social supports; therefore lonliness, povert/financial deprivation.
Children have depression related to specific situations, loss of parent or divorce.
Adolescence have depression related to self esteem (media, friends), lonliness (fitting in c school), family strengths, parent teen communication, depression at this age serious! sets back drop for future mental illness, HIGH SUICIDE RISK
Adults have depression related to expected to have emotional control, many demands, work stresses, family interactions, physical illness, seen as "Character flaw", have difficulty asking for help.
Side effects of depression are similar to Chemotherapy.
The most important signs of depression are Ahedonia (lack of interest and pleasure) +physical signs.
Chronic stress hormones cause, which leads to decreased immunity, organ damage, less sleep, appetite.
antidepressant treatment peaks 4-6 weeks with mood responses
antidepressant treatment peaks 2-4 weeks with physical responses
older adulthood and depression HIGH SUICIDE RISK, increased in medically ill and those in long term care, 40% very serious, signs less obvious (avoid sharing feelings)
_____ is classified as a whole body illness depression
the most common and most treatable of mental health illnesses is depression
moderate depression persists for a long period of time (>2yrs)also known as dysthymia
major depressive episodes are severe and last a min of 2weeks c continuous symptoms, rapid onset (acute), ahedonia
if a major depressive episode repeats itself for more than 2yrs it is a Major depressive disorder
successful suicide rate with depression 15%
mild treatment for depression includes talk, interpersonal (group therapy); most affective in acute stages
moderate to severe treatment includes antidepressants SSRI's (paxil, prozac)Atypicals (effexor), MAOI, TCA, ECT, hospitalize
MAOI and TCA are not given much anymore because of overdose rate, lead to hypertensive crisis, diet restrictions, binds with sodium.
a unipolar disorder is depression
a bipolar disorder is depression and mania
postpartum depression lasts longer than 2 weeks
mania is abnormally and persistantly elated, expansive or irritable mood for duration of at least one week.
people with mania seek stimulation, continuous adrenaline
hypomania is mania that is less severe lasts 4days.
hypomania to mania to _______ delerium
delerium can be life threatening
bipolar 1 is most severe (delusions common)
bipolar 2 is depression and hypomania less severe than 1 (mood swings)
rapid cycling is 4 or more mood episodes in a 12month period
#1 treatment for bipolar is Safety, protection
medicatiouns for bipolar include mood stabilizers, anticonvulsants, antypsychotics
syptoms of lithium toxicity include tremors and diarrhea
EPS is extrapyrmedial symptoms, parkinson like symptoms
EPS is reversed by cogentin
the second leading cause of death is suicide
women 4x likely to attempt suicide men are 3x more likely to suceed
suicide assessment suicidal idaetion, history of attempts, organized plan, availability of means, substance use or abuse, level of despair, contol
Causes of personality disorders biological, psychoanalytical (ego, id, superego), behavioural, socioculture
personality disorder is enduring pattern of inner experience and behaviour that produces distress afection social and occupational function
Antisocial personality disorder pattern of disregard for and violation of rights for others. dramatic behaviour is common, significant hx of abuse before age 3
symptoms of antisocial personality disorder will go to any length to gain money powe, dont experience guit or concience, super ego is under developed. break the law very difficult to treat high risk of harm to self or others
personality is a unique pattern of thoughts, attitudes, values and behaviours one develops to adapt to their environment
adaptive personalities balanced re: some need for intimancy and solitude
maladaptive personalities dependent, lonely, withdrawn, difficulty forming meaningful relationships
at 6-10yrs of age we develop moral values, empathy abstract thinking and need guidance and approval
borderline personality disorder is pattern of instability in mood, thinking, self-image, behaviour and personal relationships. over attach & have abandonment issues
8-10% of people with bipolar disorder commit suicide, usually by accident. increasung their risky behaviour.
Narcissistic is a pattern of grandiosity and need to be admired. take andvantage of other without guilt or remorse
best treatment for bpd long-term consistent therapist with firm limits and NEUTRAL empathy. do not make special acceptions.
substance abuse is excessive use of a substance beyond their cultural norms.
substance addiction physical dependence, withdrawal
Psychosis is the inability to recognize reality, relate to others or to cope with lifes demands.
The most common psychosis is schizophrenia
catatonic schizophrenia mute, extraslow, may not move or blink, rigid, unrelated thoughts, flight of ideas
disorganized schizophrenia no themes, unrelated thoughts and behaviours
paranoid schizophrenia highly organized with persecution themes
undifferentiated schizophrenia features of different types and doesnt fit just one subtype
residual schizophrenia negative symptoms, no social skills, disorganized thinking
positive symptoms are delusions, hallucinations, add to a dx
negative symptoms missing... lack of goals, orginization, social skills
schizophrenia is present for at least 6mons mixture of positive and negative symptoms
prepsychosis (adolescents) poor hygeine, strange speech, social withdrawal, superstition, ideas that they are controlled by others.
schizophrenia prognosis is usually better if some milestones have been developed first. education, career, relationships
paraphrenia late onset psychosis. (older adulthood onset, rare)
a first degree relative is ____X more likely to develop schizophrenia 10X
schizophrenia caused by stress, disease, trauma, hereditary, drug induced.
in schizophrenia the chemical in the brian that is to high is dopamine
positive symptoms grandiouse, nihilistic, persecutory, somatic, halucinations
negative symptoms anhedonia, flat affect, avolition (withdrawal from goals), alogia (decreased speech)
cognitive memory, attention, planning
intelectual ideas of reference, echolalia, vocabulary
behavioural impulse control
NMS- neuroleptic malignant syndrom irreversable. FARM (fever, autonomic lability, rigity, mental sudden confusion)
treatment stabilize, prevent further decline, assist to cope (short term, psychosocial and vocational rehab, CTO, link with family supports
antipsychotics are designed to decrease dopamine in the brain
haldol most effective antipsychotic (doesnt help negative symptoms) side effects are EPS, NMS, ANTIDOTE IS COGENTIN
newer antipsychotics help + and - symptoms but may cause weight gain and metabolic disorders.
if dopamine is to low from antipsychotic overdase EPS will develop (parkinson symptoms)
schizophrenia has a high risk for suicide during the acute phase (most require hospitalization)
depression is most common in what phase chronic (residual)
dx of nps when wbc and cpk are increased
prodminal phase withdrawal, lack of energy
prepsychotic phase prefere to be alone, quiet, obedient
acute phase unable to function, behavioural, thought, visual disturbances
residual phase follows acute episode, lack of energy, goals and very negative
remission some releif, relitively better functioning.
Created by: laken_paterson
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