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Med Term Cardiovascular System

card/o, cardi/o heart
arteri/o arteries
capill/o capillaries
phleb/o, ven/o veins
hemo/o, hemat/o blood
heart pumps blood into the arteries
arteries transports blood to all body parts
capillaries exchange nutrients and waste products with cells
veins return blood to the heart
blood brings oxygen and nutrients to all cells and carries away waste
pericardium double walled memrane that encloses the heart
pericardial fluid between the layers - prevents friction when the heart beats
epicardium external layers of the heart. Also the internal layer of the pericardium
myocardium middle and thickest of the three layers. Cardiac muscle
endocardium lining of the heart. comes in direct contact with blood
atria two upper heart chambers (receiving chambers)
ventricles lower chambers
tricuspid valve controls opening between right atrium and right ventricle
Mitral valve/ bicuspid valve controls opening between left atrium and left ventricle
pulmonary semilunar valve located between right ventricle and the pulmonary artery
aortic semilunar valve located between the left ventricle and aorta
P wave contractions of the atria
QRS wave contraction of the ventricles
T wave Relaxation of the ventricles
lubb sound tricuspid and mitral valves closing
dupp sound closing of the semilunar valves
atherosclerosis hardening and narrowing of the arteries due to buildup of cholesterol plaques
ischemia deficiency in blood supply due to either constriction or obstruction
myocardial infarction heart attack - occlusion (closing) of a coronary artery
carditis inflammation of the heart
endocarditis inflammation of the endocardium
myocarditis inflammation of the myocardium
pericarditis inflammation of the pericardium
valvulitis inflammation of the heart valves
mitral valve prolapse abnormal protrustion of the mitral valve which results in incomplete closure
mitral stenosis abnormal narrowing of mitral valve opening
cardiac flutter arrhythmia in which the atrial contractions are rapid but regular
palpitations pounding or racing of the heart with or without irregular rhythms
arteriosclerosis hardening of the arteries
phlebitis inflammation of the veins
thrombosis blood clot
thrombus blood clot is attached to the interior wall of blood vessel
embolus bloot clot is ciruclating through the body
septicemia presence of microorganisms in the blood - blood poisoning
anemia lower than normal levels of RBC
angiography visualization of vessels after injecting contrast medium
valvoplasty surgical repair of heart valve
defibrillation use of electrical shock to restore heart's normal rhythm
pacemaker electronic device (internal or external) to monitor the hearts rhythm
Angina Pectoris chest pain caused by partial occlusion of blood vessel
angiography radiographic (recording) study of blood vessels
angiocardiography radiographic study of the cardiac blood vessels
aplastic anemia absence of all formed blood elements. Caused by failure of blood cell production in bone marrow
pernicious anemia autoimmune disorder in which RBC are abnormally formed due to inability to absorb vitamin B12
angionecrosis death of walls of blood vessel
angiostenosis narrowing of blood vessels
This disease is characterized by fluid build up Congestive Heart Failure
This disease is caused from buildup of plaque on arterial walls atherosclerosis
Myocardial Infarction heart attack
This disease presents with severe chest pain, SOB and is caused from total occlusion of blood vessel Myocardial Infarction
AB universal recipient
O universal donor
Created by: hicksp
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