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Muscles of the Body

definitions of muscles

used in all side lifting movements and any movement of the humerus on the scapula. It is divided into three portions, anterior, middle and posterior, with the fibres having different roles due to their orientation. Deltoid
Outer 1/3 of the clavicle - Acromion process -Spine of the scapula Origin of Deltoid
Deltoid tuberosity on the humerus Insertion of Deltoid
Anterior portion - Shoulder flexion and internal rotation Posterior portion - Shoulder extension and external rotation All fibres - Shoulder abduction Actions of Deltoid
Should joing consists of what muscles Deltoid, Supraspinatus,Subscapularis,Teres Major,Infraspinatus, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Minor,Pectoralis Major
is the largest and most superficial of the two chest muscles. IT and the anterior fibres of Deltoid work closely together. Pec-fly and push-up exercises work IT. Pectoralis Major
Medial 1/2 of the clavicle Costal cartilages of the first 6 ribs Sternum Origin of the Pectoralis Major
Intertubercular groove (between the greater and lesser tubercles) of the humerus Insertion of the Pectoralis Major
Shoulder flexion Internal rotation Adduction Actions of the Pectoralis Major
Vastus Lateralis Vastus Intermedius Vastus Medialis Popliteus Muscles that make up the knee joint
is sometimes classified as two muscles, Iliacus and Psoas major, with Iliacus arising from the Ilium and Psoas from the vertebrae. Iliopsoas
Flexion of the hip Lateral rotation of the hip Flexes torso when the legs are fixed (e.g. laying to sitting) Action of the iliopsoas
Iliopsoas Sartorius Rectus Femoris Tensor Fasciae Latae Gluteus Medius Gluteus Minimus Gluteus Maximus,Piriformis,Biceps Femoris,Semitendinosus,Semimembranosus,Pectineus,Adductor Brevis,Adductor Longus,Adductor Magnus,Gracilis Muscles that make up the hip and pelvic girdle
is part of the Quadriceps muscle group. It is the only muscle of the group which crosses the hip joint and is a powerful knee extensor when the hip is extended, but is weak when the hip is flexed Rectus Femoris
Flexion of the hip Extension of the knee Action of THe Rectus Femoris
is one of the three muscles which form the hamstring group forming the back of the thigh. The muscle is often described as having a long head (the attachment from the ischium) and a short head (attached to the femur). Biceps Femoris Muscle
is the middle of the three short adductor muscles. Groin strains are common injuries to the adductor muscles, which occur without a thorough warm-up or in individuals with chronically tight or weak adductor muscles. Adductor Longus
Hip adduction Hip flexion Action of the Adductor Lungus
Rectus Abdominus, External Obliques, Internal Obliques, Transversus Abdominus,Quadratus Lumborum,Erector Spinae,Splenius,Multifidus Muscles that make up the Trunk
(sometimes known as sacrospinalis) is often described as a group of different muscles called iliocostalis, longissimus and spinalis. Erector spinae consists of lots of small fibres which are situated very close to the spine. erector spinae
Extension of the spine, Lateral flexion (side-bending) of the spine, Maintains correct curvature of the spine Actions of the Erector spinae
wrap around the trunk on each side to form our waists and join to the linea alba, a band of connective tissue running down the front of the abdomen. External obliques
wrap around the waist and insert into the linea alba, a cord like strip of connective tissue running down the centre of the abdomen. Internal obliques
is the largest and most superficial of the calf muscles. Together the IT, Soleus and Plantaris are known as Triceps Surae. IT is the main propellant in walking and running. Gastrocnemius
is a large large muscle, deep to Gastrocnemius. Together the Gastrocnemius, IT and Plantaris are known as Triceps Surae. IT is used constantly in standing to maintain an upright position. Soleus
is a small muscle which is often described as the key of the knee joint. It unlocks the knee joint by rotating the femur at the beginning of knee flexion to allow full knee flexion to occur. Popliteus
is located deep in the thigh underneath the Rectus Femoris muscle. Vatus Intermedius
is the largest and most superficial of the three gluteal muscles which forms the rounded shape of the buttocks Gluteus Maximus
The Femur (thigh bone), the Tibia (shin bone), The fibula (outer shin bone) and patella (kneecap) The four main bones that make up the knee.
Created by: kyfleming2
Popular Science sets




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