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chapter 3

betty davis second endition

cardiac heart
duodenal duodenum
ventricular ventricle
pulmonary lungs
esophageal esophagus
thoracic thorax
neurological nerves
febrile fever
mucoid mucus
auditory hearing
obstertrician specialist in female reproductive
pediatrics doctor specialized in children
psychiatry mental illness doctor
geriatrician specialized in aging
pharmacist prepare and dispense medication
biologist specialist in study of life
biology study of living things
amniocentesis surgical puncture of amniotic sac
osteoclasis surgical fracture of a bone to correct a deformity in the bone
arthrodesis fixation of a joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surfaces
appendectomy surgical removal of appendix
electrocardiograph instrument used to record the electrical activity in the heart
electrocardiogram record of the electrical activity of the heart
electocadiography the process of recording the electrical activity of the heart
anesthetize to induce a state of anesthesia to make one feelingless
dialysis cleaning the blood through semipermeable membrane
pelvimeter measuring the dimension of the pelvis
pelvimetery process of measuring the dimensions of pelvis
colpopexy surgical fixation of a relaxed vaginal wall
rhinoplasty surgical repair of the nose in which the structure of the nose in channged
nephrorrhaphy the operation of suturing the kidney
ophthalmoscopy using the ophthalmoscope to view the interior of the eye
colostomy surgial creation of a new opening between the colon and the surface of the body
phlebotomy incision into the vien
lithotriopsy crushing of a stone in the bladder
cyanoderma blue skin
caudad tail bone area
analgesia sentitivity to pain
cephaloagia headache
hemolysate something that results from hemolysis
leokoblast immature white blood cell
cytocele herniation of the urinary bladder through the wall of the vagina
spermicide chemical substance that kills spermatozoa
osteoclasis intentional surgical fracture of a bone to correct a defomity
leukocyte white blood cell
arthrodesis fixation of joint by a procedure designed to accomplish fusion of the joint surface
cephalodynia headache
dermatome instrument used to cut into skin thin slices for grafting
gatrectasia stretching of stomach or dilatation
hyperglycemia high sugar
radiographer one who takes x-rays
enuresis condition of urinary incontinence
glycogen generates sugar
lithogenesis formation of stones
lithogenic formation of stones
multigravida multi pregnancies
paraplegia paralysis of the lower half of the body
cholelithiasis abnormal presence of gallstones in the gallbladder
conduction heat is tranferred from one substance to another
hirsutism condition of excessive body hair in a masculineline distribution
narcolepsy seizure sudden attack of sleep
rhinolith stone in the nose
keratolytic agent used to destroy hardened skin
megalomania delusions of grandeur
lipoma fatty tumor
myopia condition of nearsightedness
hemanopsia blindness in one half of the visual field
venous veins
adenopathy disease of a gland
leukocytopenia decrease in the number of white blood cells
colpopexy surgical fixation of a vaginal wall
necrophilia attraction to dead people
necrophobia fear of dead people
dyspnea without breathing
gastrorrhagia bursting forth of blood from the stomach
nephrorrhaphy operation of suturing the kidney
rhinorrhea flow or drainage from the nose
hemostasis controlling the flow of blood
relaxation reducing tension
macula small pigmented spot that appears separate from the surrounding tissue
venule smallest vein that collects blood from a capillar
coccus singular bacterium
myopathy abnormal condition of the muscles
Created by: rose phillips
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