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drug info and SE

drug info and side effects

drug namedrug informationdrug side effects
carbamazepine anti epileptic Increases Na channel INactivation TX partial simple and comlex seizures, and tonic clonic SE: diplopia
benzodiazepine anti epileptic Increases GABA action Status epilepticus (blank)
anti epileptics carbamazepine, benzodiazepine, ethosuximede, phenobarbital, phenytoin, valporic acid, lamotrigine, gabapentine, topiramate (blank)
ethiosuximide anti epileptic blocks thalamic T type CA channels Tx Abscence Seizures SE: Stevens-Johnson synd.
Phenobarbital anti epileptic Increases GABA action Tx partial simple and complex, and tonic clonic (blank)
Phenytoin anti epileptic increases Na channel INACTIVATION Tx partial simple and complex, tonic clonic, status epilepticus SE:osteoparosis hirutisim gingival hyperplasia
valproic acid anti epileptic increases Na channel inactivation increases GABA concentration Tx tonic colic and abscence SE: Neural tube defects
lamotrigine anti epileptic blocks voltage gated Na channels Tx partial simple and comples, and tonic clonic SE:Steven-Johnson syn
Gabapentine anti epileptic incrases GABA release Tx partial simple and complex, and tonic clonic (blank)
Topiramate anti epileptic blocks NA channels Increases GABA action TX partial simple and complex SE: Kidney stones
NSAIDs aspirin ibuprofen naproxen indomethicin acetominaphen celecoxib valecoxib (blank)
aspirin NSAIDs irreversibly binds (blank)
ibuprofen NSAIDs (blank)
naproxen NSAIDs (blank)
indomethicin NSAIDs used to close PDA (blank)
acetominaphen NSAIDs not anti-inflammatory, CNS action preference Antidote: N-actelcystine (blank)
celecoxib NSAIDs Cox 2 selective (blank)
valecoxib NSAIDs Cox 2 selective (blank)
Opiod analgesics Morhpine Fentanyl codeine Heroin Methadone Meperidine Dextromethorphan Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depresion
Morhpine Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depresion
Fentanyl Opiod analgisic Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depresion
Codeine Opiod analgesic Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depresion
Heroin Opiod analgesic Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depresion
Methadone Opiod analgesic Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depression
Meperidine Opiod anlagesic Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depression
Dextromethorphan Opiate analgesic Antidote: Naloxone SE: respiratory depression, contipation, miosis, addictive, CNS depression
NO general anesthetic: low solubility, fast entry but low potency (blank)
halothane general anesthetic: high solubility, slow entry but high potentcy SE: malignant hyperthermia risk
proxaine local anesthetic: ester (blank)
cocaine local anesthetic: ester (blank)
tetracaine local anesthetic: ester (blank)
lidocaine local anesthetic: amide (blank)
buplvacaine local anesthetic: amide (blank)
succinylcholine depolarizing neuro muscular blocker, used for sx (blank)
tubocuraine non-depolarizing neuro mucular blocker (blank)
atracurium non-depolarizing neuro mucular blocker (blank)
mivacurium non-depolarizing neuro mucular blocker (blank)
pancuronium non-depolarizing neuro mucular blocker (blank)
vecuronium non-depolarizing neuro mucular blocker (blank)
dantrolene neuro muscular blocker; TX for malignant hyperthermia (blank)
thiopental barbiturate for intravenous anesthetics; fast in, good for short sx procedures (blank)
midazolam benzodiazepine intravenous anestheic; used for endoscopy SE: post op respiratory depression, amnesia
ketamine PCP analog; intravenous anesthetics (blank)
morphine and fentanyl intravenous anesthetics (blank)
propofol intravenous anesthetics; fast, good for short sx procedurea (blank)
phenobarbital barbiturate: psychiatric drug Increased duration of CL channel opening > helps GABA action TX: anxiety, seizures, insomnia SE: induces P450, contra in porphyrai, CNS depression with OH
pentobarbital barbiturate: psychiatric drug Increased duration of CL channel opening > helps GABA action TX: anxiety, seizures, insomnia SE: induces P450, contra in porphyrai, CNS depression with OH
thiopental barbiturate: psychiatric drug Increased duration of CL channel opening > helps GABA action TX: anxiety, seizures, insomnia SE: induces P450, contra in porphyrai, CNS depression with OH
scecobarbital barbiturate: psychiatric drug Increased duration of CL channel opening > helps GABA action TX: anxiety, seizures, insomnia SE: induces P450, contra in porphyrai, CNS depression with OH
diazepam benzodiazepine: psychiatric drug; antidote = Flumazenil (blank)
lorazepam benzodiazepine: psychiatric drug; antidote = Flumazenil (blank)
Thoridezine typical antipsychotic: neuroleptics Blocks dopamine D2 receptors Tx: Schizophrenia, psychosis, delusions, mania EPS,NMS (tx w/ dantrolene) parkinsonism, akathisia, toticollis (tx w. anticholinergic), visual impairment, Tardive dyskinesia
Haliperidol Typical antipsychotic Blocks dopamine D2 receptors Tx tourrettes and good for elderly "sundowning" Acute mania, Schizophrenia, psychosis SE: EPS,NMS (tx w/ dantrolene) parkinsonism, akathisia, toticollis (tx w. anticholinergic), visual impairment, TD
Fluphenazine Typical antipsychotic: depot form Blocks dopamine D2 receptors Tx Schizophrenia, psychosis SE: Tardive dyskinesia, extra pyrimidal effects more common
chlorpromazine Typical antipsychotic Blocks dopamine D2 receptors Tx Schizophrenia, psychosis SE:Tardive dyskinesia, atropine like effects are common
thiothixine typical antipsychotic (blank)
clozepine Atypical antipsychotic Blocks 5-HT2 and dopamine receptors Tx Schizophrenia, psychosis SE: May cause agranulocytosis so must monitor WBCs Fewer extrapyrimydal and anticholinergic effect
Olanzapine Atypical antipsychotic Blocks 5-HT2 and dopamine receptors Tx OCD, anxiety,and depression Fewer extrapyrimydal and anticholinergic effect (blank)
Risperidone Atypical antipsychotic Blocks 5-HT2 and dopamine receptors TX Schizophrenia, psychosis Fewer extrapyrimydal and anticholinergic effect (blank)
Lithium Anti manic antipsychotic Tx Mood stabilizer for bipolar SE: Tremor, hypothyroidism, polyuria ADH antagonist causing reversible nephrogenic diabetes insipidus teratogenic, narrow theraputic window, close serum monitoring needed
Valproic Acid anti manicantipsychotic (blank)
Fluoxetine SSRI antidepressent Tx: Social phobias, edogenous depression, panic disorder SE: anxiety, insomnia, tremor, wgt gain, impotency, Serotonin syndrome if taken with MAO inhibitor = hyperthermia, muscular rigidity, cardio collapse
Sertraline SSRI antidepressent Tx: Social phobias, edogenous depression, panic disorder SE: anxiety, insomnia, tremor, wgt gain, impotency, Serotonin syndrome if taken with MAO inhibitor = hyperthermia, muscular rigidity, cardio collapse
Paroxetine SSRI antidepressent Tx: Social phobias, edogenous depression, panic disorder SE: anxiety, insomnia, tremor, wgt gain, impotency, Serotonin syndrome if taken with MAO inhibitor = hyperthermia, muscular rigidity, cardio collapse
Imipramine TCA antidepressent; Blk NE and 5HT reuptake TX bed wetting, endogenous depression SE: atropine like (antidown &out) seizures, blurred vision, tachy, hypoTN, OD > to respiratory depression, convulsions, coma, cardio toxic, Contra. w/ Mania or suicide
amtriptyline TCA antidepressent TCA antidepressent; Blk NE and 5HT reuptake TX bed wetting, endogenous depression SE: atropine like (antidown &out) seizures, blurred vision, tachy, hypoTN, OD > to respiratory depression, convulsions, coma, cardio toxic, Contra. w
Desipramine TCA antidepressent TCA antidepressent; Blk NE and 5HT reuptake TX bed wetting, endogenous depression SE: atropine like (antidown &out) seizures, blurred vision, tachy, hypoTN, OD > to respiratory depression, convulsions, coma, cardio toxic, Contra. w
Nortriptyline TCA antidepressent TCA antidepressent; Blk NE and 5HT reuptake TX bed wetting, endogenous depression SE: atropine like (antidown &out) seizures, blurred vision, tachy, hypoTN, OD > to respiratory depression, convulsions, coma, cardio toxic, Contra. w
Clomipramine TCA antidepressent; TX OCD TCA antidepressent; Blk NE and 5HT reuptake TX bed wetting, endogenous depression SE: atropine like (antidown &out) seizures, blurred vision, tachy, hypoTN, OD > to respiratory depression, convulsions, coma, cardio toxic,
Doxepin TCA antidepressent TCA antidepressent; Blk NE and 5HT reuptake TX bed wetting, endogenous depression SE: atropine like (antidown &out) seizures, blurred vision, tachy, hypoTN, OD > to respiratory depression, convulsions, coma, cardio toxic, Contra. w
Trazodone Heterocyclic antidepressents (blank)
Buproprion Heterocyclic antidepressents; Tx smoking SE: can make psychosis worse, NOT for panic attack (takes too long to work)
Venlafazine(Effexor) Heterocyclic antidepressents MXN: NE and 5ht reuptake inhibitor TX: generalized anxiety disorder (blank)
Phenelzine (Nardil) MAO inhibitor: psychiatric drug TX: phobias, hypochondria, depression SE: HTN crisis if take with tyrimine foods as well as with meperidine; contraindicated with SSRIs or Beta agonists, Contra in suicide pts
Tranylcypromine (Parnate) MAO inhibitor: psychiatric drug TX: phobias, hypochondria, depression SE: HTN crisis if take with tyrimine foods as well as with meperidine; contraindicated with SSRIs or Beta agonists, Contra in suicide pts
HTZ Thiazide, diuretic, anti hypertensive; TX: HTN, CHF,works in the DCT; decreases K, Increaces CA and lipids in serum(less to kidneys), synergistic with loops, good for reducing risk of Ca kidney stones (blank)
Metolozone thiazide like, diuretic, anthypertensive, good for LOW GFR, decreases K (blank)
Indapamide Thiazide like, diuretic, hypertensive; NO increase in lipids, decreases K (blank)
Furosemide Loop diuretic, antihypertensive; works in TALH TX: HTN, CHF, doc for pulmonary edema SE: ototoxicity, decreased K
ethacrynic acid Loop diuretic, antihypertensive; works in TALH ototoxicity, decreases K, can cause acute GOUT
Spironlactone K sparing diuretic, works in the colleting duct, antihypertensive; good with acne pts SE: gynecomastia
amiloride K sparing diuretic, antihypertensive SE: photosensitivity
Triamterine K sparing diuretic, antihypertensive (blank)
Captopril ACE-I diuretic antihypertensive; works in DCT, DOC in HTN diabetics; has a positive effect on lipids SE: angio edema, cough, rash, taste change
Losartan AGII recp. Antag (ARB); useful in CHF, increases K, doc if ACEI cause cough SE: respiratory infection, fetal renal toxicity
Methyldopa Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive SE: liver toxic, anemia, + combs
Clonidine Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive Binds A2 in medulla SE: rebound HTN
Hexamethonium Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive SE: orthostatic hypotention
Reserpine Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive SE: depression, no ejaculation
Guanethidine Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive SE: orthostatic hypotention, sexual dysfunction
Prazosin Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive SE: fisrt dose orthostatic hypotention
B blockers Sympatho diuretic antihypertensive: atenolol, metoprolol, carvedilol; good with CHF SE: impotency, bradycardia
Hydralazine Vasodilators, antihypertensives SE: SLE like synd., angina, reflex tachy ( give with B-Blocker to avoid)
Minoxidil Vasodilators, antihypertensives: SE: pericardial effusion, reflex tach (give with B-Blockers to avoid)
Verapimil Vasodilators, antihypertensives: Calcium channel blocker, negative ionotrop SE: flushing, constipation,nausea, brady, AV block, negative
Diltiazem Vasodilators, antihypertensives (blank)
Mannitol antihypertensive: decreases intra cranial and intra occular pressure Works in Prox. tubule, contraindicated in CHF TX: shock, Drug OD SE: pulmonary edema
Acetozolamide antihypertensive: works in proximal tubule Tx alttitude sickness; tx glucoma, decreased Hco3 metabolic alkosis SE: sulfa allergy
Digoxin antihypertensive: increases contractility = use for CHF, decreases conduction = use for A Fib SE: blurry yellow vision
Adenosine Antihypertensive: the heart stopper, treat AV arrythmia (blank)
K+ antihypertensive: depresses ectopic, Ts digoxin toxicity (blank)
Mg+ antihypertensiv: TX Torsades and Digoxin toxicity (blank)
Quinidine Antiarrhythmic: Class 1A: Na channel blockers: decrease conduction, increase AP & QT SE: chinconism, can lead to torsades
Amiodarone Antiarrhythmic: Class 1A: Na channel blockers: decrease conduction, increase AP & QT SE: Pulmonary fibrosis, corneal deposits, hepatotoxic, hyper or hypo thryroidism, check PFT, LFT, TFT; can lead to torsades
Procainamide Antiarrhythmic: Class 1A: Na channel blockers: decrease conduction, increase AP & QT SE: fever rash, can lead to torsades, SLE like symptoms
Dispyramide Antiarrhythmic: Class 1A: Na channel blockers: decrease conduction, increase AP & QT SE: can lead to torsades
Lidocaine Antiarryhthimic: Class 1B: decrease AP (blank)
Mexiletine Antiarryhthimic: Class 1B: decrease AP (blank)
Tocainide Antiarryhthimic: Class 1B: decrease AP (blank)
Flecainide Antiarryhtmic: Class 1C: no effect on AP, good for V-tach progressed to V-fib, contraindicatedin post MI (blank)
Encainide Antiarryhtmic: Class 1C: no effect on AP, good for V-tach progressed to V-fib, contraindicatedin post MI (blank)
Propafenone Antiarryhtmic: Class 1C: no effect on AP, good for V-tach progressed to V-fib, contraindicatedin post MI (blank)
Propranolol Antiarrhytmic: Class 2: Beta blockers: increase PR, decreases contractility & HR SE: impotentcy, increase asthma, masks si of hypoglycemia (caution in DM) (blank)
Esmolol Antiarrhytmic: Class 2: Beta blockers: increase PR decreases contractility & HR SE: impotentcy, increase asthma, masks si of hypoglycemia (caution in DM) (blank)
Metoprolol Antiarrhytmic: Class 2: Beta blockers: increase PR decreases contractility & HR SE: impotentcy, increase asthma, masks si of hypoglycemia (caution in DM) (blank)
Atenolol Antiarrhytmic: Class 2: Beta blockers: increase PR decreases contractility & HR SE: impotentcy, increase asthma, masks si of hypoglycemia (caution in DM) (blank)
Timolol Antiarrhytmic: Class 2: Beta blockers: increase PR decreases contractility & HR SE: impotentcy, increase asthma, masks si of hypoglycemia (caution in DM) (blank)
Sotolol Antiarrythmic: Class 3: K channel blockers; increase AP, increase QT SE: torsades
Ibutilide Antiarrythmic: Class 3: K channel blockers; increase AP, increase QT SE: torsades (blank)
bretylium Antiarrythmic: Class 3: K channel blockers; increase AP, increase QT SE: new arrythmia, HypoTN (blank)
Amiodarone Antiarrythmic: Class 3: K channel blockers; increase AP, increase QT SE: pulmonary fibrosis, hepatotoxic, hyper/hypo-thyroidism: must check PFT, LFT, TFT
Verapamil Antiarrhytmics: Class 4, Ca channel blockers: decrease conduction, increase PR works at the AV node TX: SVT SE: constipation, fulshing, edema, CHF, AV blk (blank)
Diltiazem Antiarrhytmics: Class 4, Ca channel blockers: decrease conduction, increase PR (blank)
Lovastatin Lipid lowering agents: HMG-COA reductase inhibitors: big decrease in LDL, small increase in HDL SE: expensive, reversible increased LFT, myositis, works in the hepatocytes (blank)
Pravastatin Lipid lowering agents: HMG-COA reductase inhibitors: big decrease in LDL, small increase in HDL SE: expensive, reversible increased LFT, myositis, works in the hepatocytes (blank)
Simvastatin Lipid lowering agents: HMG-COA reductase inhibitors: big decrease in LDL, small increase in HDL SE: expensive, reversible increased LFT, myositis, works in the hepatocytes (blank)
Aorvastatin Lipid lowering agents: HMG-COA reductase inhibitors: big decrease in LDL, small increase in HDL SE: expensive, reversible increased LFT, myositis, works in the hepatocytes (blank)
Niacin Lipid lowering angent: decreases LDL and good increase in HDL works in hepatocyes SE: flushing (can decrease se w/ ASA)
Choestyramine Lipid lowering agent: Bile acid resin: decreases LDL (blank)
Colestipol Lipid lowering agent: Bile acid resin: decreases LDL (blank)
Ezetimibe Lipid lowering agent: Cholesterol absorber: decreases LDL SE: rarely, increase in LFT (blank)
Gemfibrozil Lipid lowering agent: Fibrates: good decrease in triglycerides SE: myositis, Increased LFT (blank)
Clofibrate Lipid lowering agent: Fibrates: good decrease in triglycerides SE: myositis, Increased LFT (blank)
Bezafibrate Lipid lowering agent: Fibrates: good decrease in triglycerides SE: myositis, Increased LFT (blank)
fenofibrate Lipid lowering agent: Fibrates: good decrease in triglycerides SE: myositis, Increased LFT (blank)
L-dopa Neurologic drugs: Tx Parkinsons: dopamine agonists, Incease dopamine in brain: L-dopa can cross BBB (dopamne can't) & converted by dopa decarcoxylase in CNS to dopamine SE:arrhytmias for peripheral conversion to dopamine (carbadopa given with it lessen)
carbidopa Neurologic drugs: Tx Parkinsons: dopamine agonists (blank)
bromocriptine Neurologic drugs: Tx Parkinsons: dopamine agonists (blank)
pramipexole Neurologic drugs: Tx Parkinsons: dopamine agonists (blank)
ropinirole Neurologic drugs: Tx Parkinsons: dopamine agonists (blank)
Amantadine Neurologic drugs: Tx Parkinsons: dopamine agonists (blank)
Selegiline Neurologic druga: Tx Parkinsons: MAO type B inhibitor: adjunct to L-dopa (blank)
Benzotropine Neurologic drug: Tx Parkinsons: Antimuscarinic: improve tremor and rigidity (blank)
Entacapone, tolcapone Neurologic drug: COMT inhibitor: adjuct to Levodopa (blank)
Sumatriptan Neurologic drug: 5HT agonist, half life < 2 hours: Tx acute migraine, cluster headaches SE: chest discomfort, mild tingling: contraindicated in pts with CAD or Prinzmetals angina
diphenydramime Respiratory: H1 blocker, First generation; Tx allergies, motion sickness, sleep aid (blank)
dimenhydrinate Respiratory: H1 blocker, First Generation; Tx allergies, motion sickness and sleep aid (blank)
cholorpheniramine Respiratory: H1 blocker, First Generation; Tx allergies, motion sickness, and sleep aid (blank)
Loratadine Repsiratory: H1 blocker, 2nd generation; Tx allergies (blank)
Fexofenadine Respiratory: H1 blocker, 2nd generation; Tx allergies (blank)
Desloratadine Respiratory: H1 blocker, 2nd generation; Tx allergies (blank)
Isoproterenol Respiratory: Asthma: Non specific B-agonist relaxes bronchial smooth muscles SE: tachycardia
Alburteol Repsiratory: Asthma: B2 agonist; Tx acute exaccerbations (blank)
Salmeterol Respiratory;Asthma: B2 agonist: Tx used for long acting prophylaxis (blank)
Theophylline Respriatory: Methylxantihines: Asthma SE: not used much,has narrow theraputic window, and can be cardio toxic
Ipratropium Respiratory:Asthma: Muscarinicn Antagonist First line for COPD (has less arrythmia SE) (blank)
Beclomethason Respiratory: Asthma: Corticosteroid First line for chronic asthma SE: can lead to thrush (blank)
Prednisone Respirtory: Asthma: Corticosteroid First line for chronic asthma SE: can lead to thrush (blank)
Zileuton Respiratory: Asthma: Antileukotriene (blank)
Zafirlukast, Montelukast Respiratory: Asthma: Antileukotriene (blank)
Cimetidine GI: H2 blocker; Tx ulcer, gastritis, reflux SE: inhibits p450, decreases renal creatinine excretion
Rantidine GI: H2 blocker; Tx ulcers, gastritis, reflux (blank)
Famotidine GI: H2 blocker; Tx ulcer, gastritis, reflux (blank)
Nizatidine GI: H2 blocker; Tx ulcer, gastritis, reflux (blank)
Omeprazole, Lansoprazole GI: Proton Pump Inhibitor; Tx ulcer reflux, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome MXN: irrev. decrease in H/K ATPase in stomach parietal cells SE: atrophic gastritis, Carcinoid tumors (blank)
Bismuth, Sucralfate GI: Tx binds ulcer base for physical protection, heals ulcers (blank)
Misoprostol GI: Increases mucous production maintains the opening of a PDA, induces labor SE: aboritfactant
Infliximab GI: Tx Crohns, RA SE: respiratory infection, fever, hypoTN
Sulfasalazine GI: Tx Ulcerative Colitis, Crohns (blank)
Ondansetron GI: central antiemetic, 5HT3 antagonist Tx nausea in chemo pts SE: HA and constipation
Aluminum hydroxide GI: Antacid: SE: constipation ("minimun" feces), hypocalemia
Magnesium hydroxide GI: Antacid SE: diarrhea (Mg = Must Go), hypocalemia
Sildenafil Reproduction: Inhibits cGMP phos = increased cGMP = fill the penis SE: blue-green color vision, potential fatal hypotention if taken with nitrates, HA, flushing
Vardenafil Reproduction: Inhibits cGMP phos = increased cGMP = fill the penis SE: blue-green color vision, potential fatal hypotention if taken with nitrates, HA, flushing
Tadalafil Reproduction: Inhibits cGMP phos = increased cGMP = fill the penis SE: blue-green color vision, potential fatal hypotention if taken with nitrates, HA, flushing
Clomiphene Reproductive:increases LH and FSH leading to stimulation of ovulation; partial agonist of estrogen at pituitary receptors, prevents feedback inhibition SE: visual disturbance, multiple pregancy, hot flashes
Mifepristone (RU-486) Reproduction: Abortofacient (morning after pill); decreases progesterone at receptor ( competitive inhibitor of progesterong at progesterone receptor SE: bleeding, Nausea, Vomiting, abdominal pain
What are the benefits and the deficits to using Oral Contraceptives Good: decreased risk of endometrial and ovarian CA, extopic pregnancy and PID. Bad: inceased triglycerides, depression, weight gain, hypercoaguable state, HTN (blank)
Heparin Hematologic:Effects Intrinsic path (PTT) activates antithrombin III = decrease thrombin and Factor Xa: Used for Immediate anticoagulation for PE ect.; Okay for pregnant pts: Antidote = protamine sulfate (blank)
Warfarin Hematologic: Effects extrinsic path (PT)decreases Vit. K dependent clotting factors 2,7, 9,10, protein C adn S; Dont use in pregnant pts (crosses the placenta); antidote = IV Vit. K and FFP (blank)
Aspirin Hematologic: Antiplatelet, no effect on PT or PPT SE: tinnitus (CN VIII), Reye's syndrome
Cloidogrel Hematologic: decreases aggregation, prevent gp IIb/IIIa expresion (blank)
Ticlopidine Hematologic: decreases aggrgation, prevent gp IIb/IIIa expression SE: thrombocytopeina
Abciximab Hematologic: binds gb IIb/IIIa SE: thrombocytopenia
streptokinase Hematologic: Thrombolytics: cleave fibrin and plasminogen; aids conversion of plasminogen > plasmin which cleaves thrombin & firbrin clots SE: contraindicated in sever HTN
urokinase Hematologic: Thrombolytics: cleave fibrin and plasminogen; aids conversion of plasminogen > plasmin which cleaves thrombin & firbrin clots SE: contraindicated in sever HTN
tPA Hematologic: Thrombolytics: cleave fibrin and plasminogen; aids conversion of plasminogen > plasmin which cleaves thrombin & firbrin clots SE: contraindicated in sever HTN
insulin Endocrine: Diabetes: binds insulin receptors increases glucose storage and K uptake ( Tx hyper K in blood) SE: hypoglycemia
metformin Edocrine: Diabetes: MXN unknown, increases glycolysis, decreases serum glucose; Decrease LDL and triglycerides, so DOC for fat diabetics SE: lactic acidosis, contraidicated with Cr >1.5mg/dl in males and 1.4 mg/dl in females
tolbutamide Endocrine: Diabetes: Sulfonylureas: inactivates ATP sensitive K channel increased endogenous insulin (won't work in IDDM) SE: disulfiram like effect (severe nausea, vomiting, and headache.)
chlorpropamide Endocrine: Diabetes: Sulfonylureas: inactivates ATP sensitive K channel increased endogenous insulin (won't work in IDDM) SE: disulfiram like effect (severe nausea, vomiting, and headache.)can cause SAIDS
glyburide Endocrine: Diabetes: Sulfonylureas: inactivates ATP sensitive K channel increased endogenous insulin (won't work in IDDM) SE: disulfiram like effect (severe nausea, vomiting, and headache.)can cause SAIDS, renally extreated can accum. w/pt w renal dx
glipizide Endocrine: Diabetes: Sulfonylureas: inactivates ATP sensitive K channel increased endogenous insulin (won't work in IDDM) SE: disulfiram like effect (severe nausea, vomiting, and headache.)
Pioglitazone Endocrine: Diabetes: Glitazone: increses response to insulin, decreases triglycerides, no hypoglycemia SE: weight gain, liver toxicity, use w/ caustion w/ CHF
rosiglitazone Endocrine: Diabetes: Glitazone: increses response to insulin, decreases triglycerides, no hypoglycemia SE: weight gain, liver toxicity, use w/ caustion w/ CHF
Acarbose Endocrine: Diabetes: Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor: decreases hydrolysis of sugar, leads to decrease postprandial; Take with first bite of meal; decreased triglycerides, additive effect if given with sulfonylureas SE: GI distress, hypoglycemia, contraindic
Miglitol Endocrine: Diabetes: Alpha-Glucosidase Inhibitor: decreases hydrolysis of sugar leads to decrease postprandial; Take with first bite of meal; decreased triglycerides, additive effect if given with sulfonylureas SE: GI distress, hypoglycemia, contraindica
Leuprolide Endocrine:Tx uterine fibroids: pulsitile = infertility, continued w. flutmide = prostate cancer, GnRH anaolog SE: nausea and vomiting (blank)
Propylthioruracil, Methimazole Endocrine: Hyper -Thyroid: decreases peripheal T4 to T3 SE: rash, agranulocutosis, aplastic anemia
Finasteride Endocrine: Antiandrogens: Tx BPH and Male pattern Baldness SE: sexual dysfunction in males; breast tenderness and enlargement
flutamide Endocrine: Anti-androgen: Tx prostate Carcinoma (blank)
ketoconazole, Spironlactone Endocrine: Anti-androgen:Tx polycictic ovarian syndrome to prevent hirsutism (blank)
Hydrocortisone Endocrine: Glucocorticoid: decreases expression of COX-2: Tx Addisons, inflammation, imune suppression, asthma SE: iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome w/ buffalo hump, moon face, truncal obesity, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenocorical atrophy
Prednisone Endocrine: Glucocorticoid: decreases expression of COX-2: Tx Addisons, inflammation, immune suppression, asthma SE: iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome w/ buffalo hump, moon face, truncal obesity, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenocorical atrophy
Triamcinolone Endocrine: Glucocorticoid: decreases expression of COX-2: Tx Addisons, inflammation, immune suppression, asthma SE: iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome w/ buffalo hump, moon face, truncal obesity, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenocorical atrophy
Dexamethasone Endocrine: Glucocorticoid: decreases expression of COX-2: Tx Addisons, inflammation, immune suppression, asthma SE: iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome w/ buffalo hump, moon face, truncal obesity, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenocorical atrophy
Belomethasone Endocrine: Glucocorticoid: decreases expression of COX-2: Tx Addisons, inflammation, immune suppression, asthma SE: iatrogenic Cushing Syndrome w/ buffalo hump, moon face, truncal obesity, muscle wasting, osteoporosis, adrenocorical atrophy
Indomethacin Rheumatoogic: NSAID; Tx doc for ACUTE gout (blank)
colchcine Rheumatologic: Gout: Tx acute gout SE: GI upset
Probenecid Rheumatologic: Gout: Tx chronic gout; decreases uric reabsorpton, increases penicillin action (blank)
allopurinol Rheumatologic: Gout: Tx chronic gout; decreases uric acid production (blank)
methotrexate Oncologic: hits S phase: used for leukemia, lymphoma, chorioscarcinoma, sarcoma, abortion, extopic pregnancy, RE, psoriasis MXN: decreases thymidine and purine synthesis SE:reversible myelosuppression, fatty liver change
5-Fluorouracil Oncologic: hits S pahse: Tx colon cancer, basal cell carcinoma SE:non reversible myelosuppression, photosensitivity
6-Mercaptopurine (6-MP) Oncologic: blocks purines; Tx leukemia Blocks purine synthesis SE: bone marrow suppression, increased toxicity with allopurinol
busulfan Oncologic: alkylates DNA; Tx CML SE: pulmonary fibrosis, hyperpigmentation
cytarabine Oncologic: decreases DNA polymerase; Tx AML SE:leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, megablastic anemia
cyclophosphamide, Ifosfamide Oncologic: cross links DNA; Tx non hodgkins SE: meylosuppression, hemorrhagic cystitis; Use MENSA to decrease SE
Carmustine, Lomustine, Semustine, Streptozocin Oncologic: Nitorsoureas: alkylate DNA TX: Brain tumors SE: CNS toxicity, dizzy, ataxic
cisplatin, carobplatin Oncologic: alkylating agents; hits DNA cross linking Tx testicular bladder, ovary, lung carcinoma SE:nephrotoxicity, acoustic nerve damage
Doxorubicin Oncologic: breaks DNA strands; Tx = part of combo for Hodgkins SE: dialated cardiomyopathy, cardiotoxic, alopecia
bleomycin, dactinomycin Oncologic: increases free radicals leading to DNA breaks: Tx testicular CA, lymphoma SE:pulmonary fibrosis, skin changes
etoposide Oncologic: hits G2 stage; increases DNA degradation; Tx oat cell CA of lung and prostate, testicular CA SE: myelosuppression, alopecia
prednisone Oncologic: triggers apoptosis; Tx CLL, Hodgins, and autoimmune dx SE: Cushings like syndrome, immunosuppression, cataracts, acne, osteoporosis, HTN, ulcers, hyperglycemia, psychosis
tamoxifen, raloxifene Oncologic: blocks estrogen binding: Tx breast CA, prevents osteoparosis SE: increase risk of endometrial CA, causes hot flashs
trastuzumab (Herceptin) Oncologic: monoclonal antibody against erb-B2; Tx metastatic breast CA SE: cardiotoxic
vincritine, vinblastine Oncologic: hits Mpahse; blocks mitotic spindle formation; Tx lymphoma, Wilms tumor and choriocarcinoma SE: neurotoxicity, bone marrow surpression, Ileus
paclitaxel Oncologic: hits M phase, blocks mitotic psindle breakdown so anaphase can't occur: SE: myelosuppression and hypersensitivity
cyclosporine Immunosuppressant: decreases IL2 leading to decreased T cell action: Tx: suppress organ rejection SE: increase risk of infection, nephrotoxic (preventable with mannitol); increases uric acid
tacrolimus Immunosuppressant: decreases IL2 leading to decreased T cell action: Tx potent immunosuppression for organ transplants SE: neprotoxicity, peripheral neuropathy, HTN, pleural effusion, hyperglycemia
azathioprine Immunosuppresant: decreases nucleic acid synthesis, toxic to proliferatin lymphocytes; Tx Kidney transplants, autoimmune dxs (blank)
aldesleukin recominant cytotokine: Tx renal cell carcinoma, metastatic melanoma (blank)
erythorpoieitn recominant cytokine: Tx anemia, renal failure (blank)
filgrastim recombinant cytokine: Tx recovers fo bone marrow (blank)
sargromostim recombinant cytokine: Tx recovery of bone marrow (blank)
alpha-interferon recombinant cytokine: Tx hep B and C, kaposis, leukemia, malignant melanoma (blank)
beta-interferon recombinant cytokine: Tx multiple sclerosis (blank)
gama-interferon recombinant cytokine: Tx chronic grnaulomatous dx (blank)
operelvekin, interlukin 11 recombinant cytokine: Tx thrombocytopenia (blank)
thrombopoeitin recombinant cytokine: Tx thrombocytopenia (blank)
Penicillin Antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor; Tx Gram + cocci and gram - cocci, and spirochetes SE: allergic rxns, hemolytic anemia
methcillin, nafcillin, dicloxacillin antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor; Tx S. aures SE: methicillin = interstitial nephritis
ampicillin, amoxicillin antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor; Tx extended spectrum, H. Flu, E coli, Listeria, Proteus, Salmonella, enterococci SE:ampicillin rash, pseudomembranous colitis
carbenicillin, piperacillin, ticarcillin Antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor: Tx pseudomonas, gram - rods, use with clauvulanic acid (blank)
cephalothin Antimicrobial: Cephalosporins: First Generation: Cell wall inhibitor: Tx gram - cocci, proteus, E coli, klebsiela (PEK) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cephalexin Antimicrobial: Cephalosporins: First Generation: Cell wall inhibitor: Tx gram - cocci, proteus, E coli, klebsiela (PEK) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cephapirine Antimicrobial: Cephalosporins: First Generation: Cell wall inhibitor: Tx gram - cocci, proteus, E coli, klebsiela (PEK) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cepradine Antimicrobial: Cephalosporins: First Generation: Cell wall inhibitor: Tx gram - cocci, proteus, E coli, klebsiela (PEK) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefadroxil Antimicrobial: Cephalosporins: First Generation: Cell wall inhibitor: Tx gram - cocci, proteus, E coli, klebsiela (PEK) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefazolin Antimicrobial: Cephalosporins: First Generation: Cell wall inhibitor: Tx gram - cocci, proteus, E coli, klebsiela (PEK) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefalcor antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefamandole antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefonicid antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
ceforanide antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefoxitin antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefuromime antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefuroximeaxetil antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Second generation: Tx gram - cocci, H flu, enterobacter, Neisseria, Proteus, E coli, Klebsiela, Serratia (hen Peks) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
ceftizoxime Antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Third generation: Tx serious gram - microbes SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefotaxime Antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Third generation: Tx serious gram - microbes: Gonorrhea (gets to the CNS) SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
ceftriaxone Antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Third generation: Tx serious gram - microbes SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
ceftazidine Antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Third generation: Tx serious gram - microbes: pseudomonas SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefoperazone Antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Third generation: Tx serious gram - microbes SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
cefixime Antimicrobial: Cephalosporin: Third generation: Tx serious gram - microbes SE: pennicillin cross hypersensitivity, nephrotoxicity of aminoglycodises, disulfiram like rxn with OH
aztreonam Antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor: Tx kelbsiella, pseudomonas, serratia: No action on g+ or anaerobes: NO cross reaction with penicillin allergies (blank)
imipenem/cliastatin Antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor: always used together as cilastatin helps to save renal tubules: Tx enterobacter DOC SE: rash, seizures at high concentration
vancomycin antimicrobial: cell wall inhibitor; Tx gram +, S aureus, D difficille SE: nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity, red-man syndrome (take antihistimine to lessen) NOT REALLY MANY PROBLEMS WITH THIS, WELL TOLERATED
streptomycin Protein synthesis inhibitor: aminoglycosides, act on 30s; Bactericidal: cause mRNA misread SE: teratogen, nephrotoxic with cephalosporines; ototoxicity with Loop diuretics
gentamicin Antimicrobial: Protein synthesis inhibitor: aminoglycosides, act on 30s; Bactericidal: cause mRNA misread SE: teratogen, nephrotoxic with cephalosporines; ototoxcity with Loop diuretics
neomycin Amtimicrobial: Protein synthesis inhibitor: aminoglycosides, act on 30s; Bactericidal: cause mRNA misread; Tx bowel sx SE: teratogen, nephrotoxic with cephalosporines; ototoxcity with Loop diuretics
amikacin Protein synthesis inhibitor: aminoglycosides, act on 30s; Bactericidal: cause mRNA misread SE: teratogen, nephrotoxic with cephalosporines; ototoxcity with Loop diuretics
tobramycin Protein synthesis inhibitor: aminoglycosides, act on 30s; Bactericidal: cause mRNA misread SE: teratogen, nephrotoxic with cephalosporines; ototoxcity with Loop diuretics
Tetracycline Antimicrobial: Protein synthesis inhibitor: works at 30s; don't take with milk or antacids; Tx vibro, acne, chlamydia, mycoplasma ;, borrellia, rickettsia, tularemia SE: tooth discolor and bone inhibition in kids
doxycycline Protein synthesis inhibitor: works at 30s; don't take with milk or antacids; Tx vibro, acne, chlamydia, mycoplasma ;, borrellia, rickettsia, tularemia SE: tooth discolor and bone inhibition in kids
demeclocycline Protein synthesis inhibitor: works at 30s; don't take with milk or antacids; Tx vibro, acne, chlamydia, mycoplasma ;, borrellia, rickettsia, tularemia SE: tooth discolor and bone inhibition in kids; decreased kidney response to ADH > nephro DI
chloramphenicol antimicrobial: protein synthesis inhibitors: work at 50s; bacteriastatic (blank)
erythromycin antimicrobial: protein synthesis inhibitors: work at 50s, bacteriastatic (blank)
lincomycin antimicrobial: protein synthesis inhibitors: work at 50s , bacteriastatic (blank)
clindamycin antimicrobial: protein synthesis inhibitors: work at 50s, bacteriastatic (blank)
erythomycin antimicrobial: macrolide: inhibit protein synthesis; Tx URI, STD, Mycoplasma, legionells, chlamydia, neisseria acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash
azithromycin antimicrobial: macrolide: inhibit protein synthesis; Tx URI, STD, Mycoplasma, legionells, chlamydia, neisseria acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash
clarithromycin antimicrobial: macrolide: inhibit protein synthesis; Tx URI, STD, Mycoplasma, legionells, chlamydia, neisseria acute cholestatic hepatitis, rash
choramphenicol antimicrobial: inhibits at 50s; Tx meningitis, H flu, neisseria, strep p anemia, aplastic anemia, gray baby syndrome (lack of UDP-glucuronyl trasferase in newborn)
clindamycin antimicrobial: blocks bond at 50s; Tx baceroided f, C perfringens pseudomemebranous colitis (c difficille overgrowth)
sulfamethoxazole antimicrobial: sulfonamides: anti PABA; Tx nocardia, chlamydia hemolysis if G6PD deficient, hephrotoxic, kernicterus in infants
sulfisoxazole antimicrobial: sulfonamides: anti PABA; Tx nocardia, chlamydia hemolysis if G6PD deficient, hephrotoxic, kernicterus in infants
triple sulfa antimicrobial: sulfonamides: anti PABA; Tx nocardia, chlamydia, simple UTI hemolysis if G6PD deficient, hephrotoxic, kernicterus in infants
sulfadiazine antimicrobial: sulfonamides: anti PABA; Tx nocardia, chlamydia hemolysis if G6PD deficient, hephrotoxic, kernicterus in infants
trimethoprim antimicrobial: decreases DNA synthesis; Tx use with sulfonamide (TMP-SMX); Tx recurrent UTI, shigella, salmonella, P carinii megoblastic anemia
ciprofoxacin antimicrobial: flouroquinolones; Tx pseudomonas, neisseria tendon and cartilage damage
norfloxacin antimicrobial: flouroquinolones; Tx pseudomonas, neisseria tendon and cartilage damage
ofloxacin antimicrobial: flouroquinolones; Tx pseudomonas, neisseria tendon and cartilage damage
metronidazole antimicrobial: antiprotozoal; Tx giradia, entamoeba, trichomonas (GET on the METRO) use with bismuth and amoxicillin for h pyloris disulfiram like rxn with OH
polymixins B and E antimicrobial: disrupts membrane osmotics, like detergetn; Tx gram - infections neurotoxic, acute renal tubular necroosis
rifampin antimicrobial: anti- TB; RNA polymerase inhibitor hepatotoxic, Revs up P450, red body fluids, rapid resistance if used alone
ethambutol antimicrobial; anti-TB hepatotoxic
streptomycin antimicrobial; anti-TB hepatotoxic
pryrazinamide antimicrobial; anti-TB hepatotoxic
isoniazid antimicrobial; anti TB; can be used as solo prophylaxis for TB hemolysis if G6PD deficient, neurotoxic (can avoid this by giving with B6) SLE like syndrome, hepatotoxic
amphotericin B antifungal; binds ergosterol leading to leaky memebrane; Tx cryptococcus, blastomyces, coccicioides, aspergillus, histoplasma, candida, mucor; does not cros the BBB fever and chills, hypotension
nystatin antifungal: binds ergosterol leanding to leaky membrane; Tx swish and swallo for candida, ok with pregnancy (blank)
flucytocine antifungal; decreases DNA synthesis;Tx candida, cryptococcus nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bone marrow suppression
caspofungin antifungal: cell wall inhibitor; Ts aspergillosis flushing
terbinafine antifungal; decreases squalene epoxidase; Tx dermatophytes like onychomycosis (blank)
griseofulvin antifungal; disrupts mitosis; Tx oral superficial infections, tinea, ringworm (blank)
fluconazole antifungal: Azoles; decreases ergosterol synthesis; Tx mycosis, cryptococcal meningitis in AIDS pts and candida gnecomastia, decrease p450, fever chills
ketoconazole antifungal: Azoles; decreases ergosterol synthesis; Tx mycosis, blastomyces, coccidioides, histoplasma, cnadida, hypercortisolis gnecomastia, decrease p450, fever chills
clotirmazole antifungal: Azoles; decreases ergosterol synthesis; Tx mycosis gnecomastia, decrease p450, fever chills
miconazole antifungal: Azoles; decreases ergosterol synthesis; Tx mycosis gnecomastia, decrease p450, fever chills
itraconazole antifungal; Azole: decreases ergosterol synthesis; Tx mycosis gynecomastia, decreases P450, fever, chills
amantadine antiviral: blocks viral penetration;Tx propylaxis for Influenza A, Parkinsons ataxia, dizzy, slurred speech
anamivir, oseltamivir antiviral; Tx influenza A and B (blank)
Ribavirin antiviral: inhibits sythesis of quanine: Tx RSV, chronic Hepatits C teratogen
acyclovir antiviral: Tx HSV, VZV, EBV, prophylaxis in immunocompromised delirium, tremor, pehrotoxic
ganclycovir antiviral: inhibits CMV DNA polymerase; Tx CMV leucopenia, neutropenia, thrombocytopenia
foscarnet antiviral: DNA polymerase inhibitor; Tx CMV retinitis in immunocompromised pts when ganciclovir fails nephrotoxic
saquinavir HIV: protease inhibitor (blank)
ritonavir HIV: protease inhibitor (blank)
indinavir HIV: protease inhibitor thrombocytopenia
nelfinavir HIV: protease inhibitor (blank)
amprenavir HIV: protease inhibitor (blank)
zidovudine (AZT) HIV: reverse transcriptase inhibitors nucleosides (blank)
didanozine HIV: reverse transcriptase inhibitors nucleosides (blank)
zalcitabine HIV: reverse transcriptase inhibitors nucleosides (blank)
stauvudine HIV: reverse transcriptase inhibitors nucleosides (blank)
lamivudine HIV: reverse transcriptase inhibitors nucleosides (blank)
abacavir HIV: reverse transcriptase inhibitors nucleosides (blank)
nevirapine HIV: non nucleosides bone marrow suppression, lactic acidosis, rash, megoblastic anemia
delavirdine HIV: non nucleosides bone marrow suppression, lactic acidosis, rash, megoblastic anemia
efavirenz HIV: non nucleosides bone marrow suppression, lactic acidosis, rash, megoblastic anemia
ivermectin antiparasitic; Tx onchorcerciasis (river blindness) (blank)
mebendazole/thibendazole antiparasitic: Tx nematode/roundworm infestations (blank)
pyrantel pamoate antiparasitic: Tx ascaris, hook worm, enterobius (pinworm) (blank)
praziquantel antiparasitic; Tx trematode/ fluke/ schistosomes, pargonimus, clonorchis (blank)
niclosamide antiparastic: Tx cestode, diphyllobothrium, tenia (blank)
pentavalent antimony antiparasitic: Tx leishmaniasis (blank)
chloroquine and quinines antiparasitic; Tx malaria (blank)
primaquine antiparasitic: Tx plasmodium v, P ovale (blank)
metronidazole antiparasitic: Tx giardia, entamoeba, histolytica, garnerella v., trichomonas (blank)
pentamidine antparasitic; Tx pneumoncystis carinii peumonia prophylaxis (blank)
nifurtimox antiparasitic: Tx Chagas = american trypanosomiasis = T cruzi (blank)
suramin antiparasitic: Tx African trypanosomiasis = sleeping sickness (blank)
bethanecol autonomics: cholinomimetis; DIRECT AGONIST = STIMULATE THE ACH RECEPTORS; increache Ach = increase muscarinic = increase parasympathetic = increase DUMBBELSS; tX POST OP ILEUS AND URNINARY RETENTION (blank)
carbachol, pilocarpine autonomics: cholinomimetis; DIRECT AGONIST = STIMULATE THE ACH RECEPTORS; increache Ach = increase muscarinic = increase parasympathetic = increase DUMBBELSS; TX GLAUCOMA (blank)
neostigmine Autonomic: cholinomimetics; INDIRECT AGONIST = decrease Ach-ase = increase Ach; TX ILEUS, MYASTHENIA GRAVIS (blank)
pyridostigmine Autonomic: cholinomimetics; INDIRECT AGONIST = decrease Ach-ase = increase Ach; TX MYASTHENIA GRAVIS (blank)
edrophonium Autonomic: cholinomimetics; INDIRECT AGONIST = decrease Ach-ase = increase Ach; USE TO DIAGNOSIS MYASTHENIA GRAVIS, SHORT ACTING (blank)
physotigmine Autonomic: cholinomimetics; INDIRECT AGONIST = decrease Ach-ase = increase Ach; TX GLAUCOMA AND ANTIDOTE FOR ATROPINE OVERDOSE (blank)
echotiophate Autonomic: cholinomimetics; INDIRECT AGONIST = decrease Ach-ase = increase Ach; TX GLAUCOMA (blank)
paration and other organophosphates Autonomic: cholinestease inhibitor poisoning: symptoms include diarrhea, urination, miosis, broncospasm, bradycardia, excitation of skeletal msucle and CNS, lacrimation, sweating, salivation ( increase dumbbelss); antidote = atropien plus pralidoxime (blank)
atropine autonomics: muscarinic cholinoreceptor blockers = decrease Ach = decrease parasympathetic (down and out); TX EYE TO PRODUCE MYDRIASIS (big pupil) at toxicl levels see high temperature, high pulse, dry mouth, disorientated, constipated
bensotropine autonomics: muscarinic cholinoreceptor blockers = decrease Ach = decrease parasympathetic (down and out); TX CNS, PARKINSONS (blank)
scopolamine autonomics: muscarinic cholinoreceptor blockers = decrease Ach = decrease parasympathetic (down and out); TX CNS, MOTION SICKNESS (blank)
ipratropium autonomics: muscarinic cholinoreceptor blockers = decrease Ach = decrease parasympathetic (down and out); TX RESPRIATORY, ASTHMA, COPD (blank)
epinephrine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx open angle glaucoma, asthma, hypotension (blank)
NE autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx hypotension (blank)
isoproterenol autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx AV block (blank)
dopamine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx shock, heart failure (blank)
amphetamine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx narcolepsy, obesity, ADD (blank)
ephedrine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx nasal decongestion, urinary incontinence, hypotension (blank)
phenylephrine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx, use pupil dilator, to vasoconstrict, nasal decongestion (blank)
albuterol, tervutaline autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx asthma (blank)
cocaine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; causes vasoconstriction and local anesthesia (blank)
clonidine autonomic: sympathomimetic catecholamine; Tx HTN, especially with renal dx as it causes no decrease in blood flow to kidney (blank)
phenoxbenzamine autonomics: Non selective Alpha blocker; Tx pheochromocytoma ortho static hypotension, reflex tachy
prazosin autonomics: Alpha 1 selective; Tx hyptention, urinary retention in BPH first dose orthostatic hypotension
terazosin autonomics: Alpha 1 selective; Tx hyptention, urinary retention in BPH first dose orthostatic hypotension
doxazosin autonomics: Alpha 1 selective; Tx hyptention, urinary retention in BPH first dose orthostatic hypotension
mirtazapine autonomic: Alpha 2 selective; Tx depression sedation, increased serum cholesterol, increased appetite
Beta Blockers autonomic: decrease cardio output, decrease rennin secretion, decrease heart rate and contractility, leading to less O2 consumption, decrease mortality, TX MI CHF, ETC impotency, worse asthma, CNS effects
acebutolol autonomic: beta blocker cardio selective; (blank)
metropolol autonomic: beta blocker cardio selective; (blank)
esmolol autonomic: beta blocker cardio selective; Tx SVT (blank)
betaxolol autonomic: beta blocker cardio selective; (blank)
atenolol autonomic: beta blocker cardio selective; (blank)
epinephrine Glucoma: Tx open angle only, increases outflow of aqueous humor (blank)
brimonidine Glucoma: decreases aqueous humor synthesis (blank)
timolol, betaxolol, cartelol Glucoma: decreases aqueous humor secretion (blank)
pilocarpine, carbechol, physostigmine, echothiopate Glucoma: increase otuflow of aqueous humor, contract ciliary muscle and open trabecular meshwork miosis, cyclospasm
prostaglandidn, latanoprost Glucoma: increases outflow of aqueous humor darkens color of the iris (browning)
increases glucose storage and K uptake Insulin hypoglycemia
increased glycolysis > decreased glucose metformin lactic acidosis
increases endogenous insulin sulfonylureas: Tolbutamide, Chlorporpamide, Glyburide,Glipizide disulfiram like effect
increases response to insulin Glitazones: Pioglitazone, Rosiglitazone weight gain
decrease hydrolysis of sugar > decreased postprandial Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors: Acarbose, Miglitol GI upset, hypoglycemia
Mirtazapine (Remeron) Heterocyclic Antidepressant Tx: major depression MXN: alpha 2 antagonist, increased release of NE and 5Ht SE: increased cholesterol, increased appetitie (blank)
Selegiline MAO inhibitor: antidepressant TX: phobias, hypochondria, depression SE: HTN crisis if take with tyrimine foods as well as with meperidine; contraindicated with SSRIs or Beta agonists, Contra in suicide pts (blank)
Nitropursside Vasodilator, anthypertensive; SE: cyanide toxicity (blank)
Loperimide GI: good for non infectious diarrhea (opiate analog) (blank)
Terazosin alpha blocker, treats BPH (blank)
Finasteride decreased 5 alpha reductase, Tx BPH (blank)
Magnesioum sulfate Used to decrease seizures in a pregnant woman with ecclapmsia used to buy time while she is having labor induced (blank)
Tetracyclines: What is the SE of expired tetracylines Fanconis syndrome, decreased proximal tuvular kindy function, polyuris, dehydration, rickets, growth failur, acidosis, hypokalemia, assoc. w/ Wilsons Dx (blank)
Created by: mhj700
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