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delivers oxygen, nutrients, homones, and antibodies to organs, tissues and cells; removes end products of metabolism from tissue and cells functions of the circulation system
heart pumps oxygenated blood into ______ system to supply capillaries and tissues arterial
heart pumps oxygen-poor blood from the _____ system through the lungs to be reoxygenated venous
function is to carry blood to and from the body's tissues and cells Blood vessels (arteries, capillaries, veins)
the heart is a cone-shaped, hollow, muscular organ located in the ____________ which is the space between lungs in the thoracic cavity mediastinum
the _______ of the heart is directed toward the body's right side base
______ is directed toward the left, resting on the diaphragm apex
______ side of heart recieves deoxygenated blood from the body and pumps it into the lungs right
_____ side of heart recieves oxygenated blood from the lungs and pumpts it through the aorta to the body left
loose-fitting membrane or fibroserous covering of the heart pericardium
outer layer of the heart epicardium
middle layer of the heart; composed of striated muscle fibers myocardium
innermost layer of the heart; continuous with the blood vessels, lining the hearts cavities and valves endocardium
two upper "recieving" chambers in the heart atria
two lower "distributing" chambers in the heart ventricles
recieves deoxygenated blood from body via superior and inferior venae cavae and pumps into the right ventricle right atrium
recieves oxygenated blood from lungs and pumps into the left ventricle left atrium
separates the atria interatrial septum
recieves blood from right atrium and pumps out to lung via pulmonary arteryh right ventricle
recieves oxygenated blood from the left atrium and pumps out blood to body left ventricle
largest, most muscular chamber in the heart left ventricle
seperates the ventricles ventricular septum
provide for one-way flow of blood cardiac valves
atrioventricular valves tricuspid and mitral
guards opening between right atrium and ventricle (prevents backflow) tricuspid valve
guards opening between left atrium and ventricle (prevents backflow) mitral valve
prevents backflow into ventricles semilunar valves
valve between pulmonary artery and right ventricle pulmonary semilunar valve
valve between aorta and left ventricle aortic semilunar valve
disease of these arteries is the leading cause of death in the US coronary arteries
supply the left ventricle, septum, and apex left coronary arteries
supply the right ventricl and the SA node right coronary arteries
site of impulse initiation; located at junction of SVC and RA; regulates heart rate, rhythm, and regularity Sinoatrial node (SA node)or pacemaker
located at the base of the right atrium; recieves impulses from SA node and delays them slightly; generates impulses when SA node fails (at a rate of approx. 40-60 bpm) Atrioventricular node (AV node or AV junction)
composed of special cardiact muscle fibers that originate in the AV node, then break into left and right bundle branches that extend down the interventricular septum, where they are continuous with purkinge fibers Bundle of His
contraction of (ejection of blood from) both atria and then both ventricles systole
relaxation and filling of both atria and then both ventricles diastole
amount of blood ejected with each beat stroke volume
number of beats per minute heart rate
stroke volume X heart rate cardiac output
cardiac output depends on: (3) preload, afterload, contractility
ability of the heart to adjust to increased demands from stresses such as exercise, excitement, fever, cold, acceleration, deacceleration, or disease states cardiac reserve
originate in the aorta or its branches; transport blood to the systemic circulation arteries
assists the flow of blood to the arteries or acts as a reservoir for blood during ejection of the ventricles aorta
originates in the right ventricle and transports deoxygenated blood from the circulation to the lungs to be oxygenated (only artery that carries deoxygenated blood) pulmonary artery
carry deoxygenated blood and body waste from the systemic circulation to the right atrium by way of the IVC and SVC veins
largest veins in the body; bring deoxygenated blood from the upper and lower body to the right atrium Superior and Inferior Vena Cava
return ocygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium (only vein carrying oxygenated blood) pulmonary veins
capillaries that are the smallest arteries arterioles
capillaries that are the smallest veins venules
veins have ______ to ensure unidirectional blood flow valves
regulates heart rate, influences arterioular constriction and blood pressure autonomic nervous system
neural reflexes are controlled via vasomotor center in the _______ _______ medulla oblongata
pressure exerted by the blood against walls of vessels blood pressure
max pressure of blood against arterial wall when contracting systolic blood pressure
lowest pressure of blood exerted against arterial wall when heart is at rest diastolic blood pressure
difference between systolic and diastolic blood pressure pulse pressure
ABC's of CPR when pt in cardiopulmonary arrest Airway, Breathing, Circulation
rhythmic disturbances dysrhythmias
failure of cardiac muscle to pump sufficient blood to meet the body's metabolic needs heart failure
formation of localized necrotic areas within the myocardium, usually following the sudden occlusion of a coronary artery and the abrupt cessation of blood and oxygen to the heart muscle myocardial infarction
oxygen supply to heart is not sufficient, usually due to atherosclerotic changes in the coronary arteries angina pectoris
elevation of blood pressure (BP >140/90) hypertension
regulates plasma volume; regulates osmotic pressure albumin
produced in bone marrow hemopoiesis
transport of oxygen by hemoglobin erythrocytes (RBC)
protection from infection Leukocytes (WBC)
involved with coagulation Thrombocytes (platelets)
Created by: nickijohnson07
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