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ATI PHARM unit 9

chapter questions - Meds affecting fluid, electrolytes, minerals, &/or renal sys

Hydrochlorothiazide has just been prescribed for a clt w/hypertension. What should nurse include in teaching? "Your diet should include foods high in potassium." (taking this med causes risk of potassium loss, clts need adequate fluid to promote urine output. fluids best taken in morning.)
Which of the following side effects should a clt taking furosemide (lasix) for hypertension be assessed for? Hearing loss (lasix is ototoxic)
A clt who is taking spironolactone (aldactone) and lisinopril (zestril) should be observed for what additive affect? Hyperkalemia and hypotension (both have potassium-sparing effect; both meds contribute to antihypertensive effects.
A clt who has a serum potassium of 3.6 mEq/L is receiving an oral potassium supplementation. The clt is having difficulty swallowing the large tablet. What is the most appropriate nursing intervention? Contact the pharmacist to provide a powdered formulation that can be mixed w/fluid.
A clt w/hyperkalemia has been prescribed Kayexalate rectally. Which of the following is an appropriate nursing intervention r/t this route of admin? irrigate colon after Kayexalate solutions been expelled. (irrigation prevents impaction & avoids complication of resulting hypokalemia; cool fluid will cause cramping. Enema retained for 30-60 mins; Kayexalate is high in sodium, monitor for hypernatremia.
clt receiving IV magnesium slufate is being evaluated for toxicity. What med should nurse anticipate administering? Calcium gluconate (given for magnesium sulfate toxicity.)
What signs of toxicity should clt be monitored for when receiving magnesium sulfate by the IV route? Depressed deep tendon reflexes (magnesium sulfate depresses the neuromuscular system and can depress deep tendon reflexes.
For which of the following clts is raloxifene (Evista) contraindicated? Woman who is pregnant and woman who has had DVT in the past.
What should be included inthe teaching plan for a clt who is starting alendronate sodium (Fosamax) to prevent osteoporosis? Do not chew or suck on the tablet. Remain standing or sitting for 30 min after taking medication. Notify the PCP if difficulty swallowing develops. Med should be taken on an empty stomach. If one dose missed, clt should not take two doses at one time.
Created by: krislynn
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