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Science-Chapter 20

What is the Earth surrounded by? A layer of gases called the atmosphere
What is one of atmospheric gases? Oxygen
We inhale ____ and exhale _____. Oxygen……Carbon Dioxide
How did the French scientist use this knowledge? He measured the amount of oxygen a person uses when resting and when exercising
What were the results of this experiment? More oxygen is used by the body during exercise
What is breathing? The movement of the chest that brings air into the lungs and removes wastes
What is respiration? Taking Oxygen to the lungs and swapping it for carbon dioxide. Then body cells use glucose and oxygen to make energy
What does the air entering the lungs contain? Oxygen
Oxygen passes from the ___ into the ____. Lungs….Circulatory System
Why does oxygen pass from the lungs into the circulatory system? There is less oxygen in the blood than in the cells of the lung
Blood carries ___ to ______. Oxygen…..Individual Cells
At the same time, the _____ system supplies ____ from _____ food to the same ____. Digestive…..Glucose….Digested….Cells
What is the oxygen delivered to the cells used to release? Energy from glucose
What is this chemical reaction called? Cellular Respiration
Without _____, this reaction would not take place. Oxygen
What are waste products of cellular respiration? Carbon Dioxide and Water Molecules
What happens to carbon dioxide and water molecules? They are carried back to the lungs in the blood
What does exhaling eliminate? Waste carbon dioxide and some water molecules
What is the respiratory system made up of and what do they do? Structures and organs that help move oxygen into the body and waste gases out of the body
Air enters your body through_________. Nostrils or through the mouth
What, in your nose, trap dust from the air? Fine hairs
Air then passes through the _____. Nasal cavity
What happens in the nasal cavity? Air gets moistened and warmed by the body’s heat
Glands that produce ___ mucus line the nasal cavity. Sticky
What does the mucus trap? Dust, pollen, and other materials
What does this process help do? Filter and clean the air you breathe
What are the tiny, hair like structures called? Cilia
What do cilia do? Sweep mucus and trapped materials to the back of the throat where it can be swallowed
What is the tube like passageway used by food, liquid, and air? Pharynx
What kind of air enters the Pharynx? Warmed, moistened air
What is the flap of tissue at the lower end of the Pharynx called? Epiglottis
When you swallow, what does the epiglottis do? Folds down to prevent food or liquid from entering your airway
The food then enters your _____ instead. Esophagus
Sound made by your vocal cords gets louder with increased ____. Air pressure
Pitch gets higher as ____ pull your vocal cords ____, causing the glottis to close. Muscles….Tighter
Next the air moves from the pharynx into the ____. Larynx
What is the larynx? The airway to which vocal cords are attached
What causes vocal cords to make sounds? Forcing air between the cords makes them vibrate which causes sounds
What is the Respiration Formula? C6 H12 O6 (glucose) + 6 O2 = Energy + 6 CO2 + 6H2O
When you speak, muscles ____ or ___ your vocal cords resulting in ___ sounds. Tighten….Loosen….Different
Your ____ coordinates the movement of the muscle in your throat, tongue, cheeks, and lips. Brain
From the larynx, air moves into the ____. Trachea
About how long is the trachea? 12 cm in length
What prevents the trachea from collapsing? Strong, C-shaped rings of cartilage
What lines the trachea? Mucous membranes and cilia
Why must the trachea stay open all the time? So that your airway is not blocked and you can breathe
Air is carried into your lungs by 2 short tubes called _____. Bronchi
Where are bronchi located? At the end of the trachea
The smallest tubes are called______. Bronchioles
At the end of each bronchiole are _____. Alveoli
Air passes into the _____, then into the _______, and finally into the _____. Bronchi…..Bronchioles…..Alveoli
What surrounds alveoli? Capillaries
Where does the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide take place? Between the capillaries and the alveoli
Why does this exchange easily happen? The walls of both the alveoli and the capillaries are only one cell thick
What happens during the exchange? Oxygen moves through the cell membranes of the alveoli and then through the cell membranes of the capillaries into the blood
There the oxygen is picked up by _____. Hemoglobin
The wastes, which include ____ and other cellular wastes, leave the ____ cells. Carbon Dioxide…..body
The waste gases leave the body during _____. Exhalation
Your brain can change your breathing rate depending on the amount of ____ present in your blood. Carbon Dioxide
If there is a lot of carbon dioxide in your blood than your breathing rate will ____. Increase
If there is little carbon dioxide in your blood then your breathing rate will ____. Decrease
Breathing is partly the result of changes in ____. Air Pressure
Under normal condition, a gas moves from an area of ___ pressure to an area of ___ pressure. High….Low
What is the muscle beneath your lungs that contracts and relaxes to help move gases in and out of your lungs? Diaphragm
What happens when you choke? Food or other objects get lodged in the trachea and the airflow between the lungs and the mouth is blocked
What can you do to help a choking victim? Use abdominal thrusts
What can cause infections that affect any organs of the respiratory system? Bacteria, Viruses, and other microorganisms
The common cold usually affects the ____ part of the respiratory system. Upper
The cold virus can cause irritation and swelling in the ___,____, and ___. Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi
The ___ that line the trachea and bronchi can also be damaged. Cilia
_____ is an infection in the alveoli that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms.
_____ is an infection in the alveoli that can be caused by bacteria, viruses, or other microorganisms. Pneumonia
What is Chronic Bronchitis? A case of bronchitis in which the bronchial tubes are irritated and swell and too much mucus is produces, but does not go away and lasts a long time
What is emphysema? A disease in which the alveoli in the lungs enlarge
What is the third leading cause of death in the United States? Lung Cancer
What are substances that can cause an uncontrolled growth in cells? Carcinogens
What is Asthma? Lung disorder in which there is a shortness of breath, wheezing, or coughing
Waste gases are eliminated through the combined efforts of the ____ and ____ systems. Circulatory….Respiratory
Some ___ are eliminated when you sweat. Salts
What could happen if wastes are eliminated? Toxic substances build up and damage organs
What rids the blood of wastes produced by the cells? Urinary System
The urinary system also controls blood volume by removing ______ produced by body cells during _______. Excess water……Respiration
To stay in good health, the fluid levels within the body must be ___ and ____ blood pressure must be maintained. Balances……Normal
An area in the brain, the ____, constantly monitors the amount of water in the blood. Hypothalamus
When the brain detects too much water in the blood, the hypothalamus releases a lesser amount of a specific ____. Hormone
This signals the kidneys to return less water to the blood and increase the amount of ___ that is excreted. Urine
A specific amount of water in the blood is also important for the movement of gases and excretion of ____ from the body. Solid Wastes
The urinary system also balances the amounts of certain ___ and ___ that must be present for all cell activities to take place. Salts….Water
What is another name for the organs in the urinary system? Excretory Organs
What are the main organs of the urinary system? Kidneys
Where are kidneys located? Back wall of the abdomen at about waist level
What do kidneys do? Filter blood that contains wastes collected from cells
In about __minutes, all the blood in your body passes through your kidneys. 5
What is the red-brown color of the kidneys due to? Their enormous blood supply
Blood enters the kidney through a large ____ and leaves through a large ____. Artery….Vein
The kidney is a __ -stage filtration system. 2
It is made up of about 1 million tiny filtering units called ____. Nephrons
Each nephron has a cup like structure and tube like structure called a ___. Duct
Blood moves from a ______ to capillaries in the cup like structure. Renal arteries
The first filtration occurs when ___,___,___ and ___ from the blood pass into the cup like structure. Water, sugar, salt, and wastes
Left behind in the blood are the _____ and _____. Red Blood Cells and Proteins
What is liquid in the cup like structure squeezed into next? Narrow Tubule
What performs the second filtration? Capillaries that surround the tubule
What kind of blood is returned to the main circulatory system? Purified
An average size person produces about __Liter(s) of urine per day. 1
The main job of the urinary system is to remove ____ from the blood. Wastes
What is the amount of urine you eliminate each day determined by? The level of hormones produced by your hypothalamus
What does the urinary system include? Kidneys, bladder, and connecting tubes
The urine in each collecting tubule drains into a funnel-shaped area of each kidney that leads to the _____. Ureter
Ureters are tubes that lead from each ____ to the ___. Kidney….Bladder
What is the elastic, muscular bag that holds urine until it leaves the body? Bladder
The elastic walls of the bladder can stretch to hold up to ___Liters of urine. .5
When empty the bladder looks wrinkled and the cells lining the bladder are ___. Thick
When full, the bladder looks like an inflated balloon and the cells lining the bladder are ___ and ____. Stretched……Thin
Large amounts of liquid are lost each day by your body by_____. Exhaling
The ___ also filters the blood by removing wastes. Liver
_____from broken down red blood cells becomes part of bile, which is the digestive fluid from the liver. Hemoglobin
What happens when someone’s kidneys don’t work properly or stop working? Waste products not removed are poisens, Water accumulates and swells the ankles and feet, fluids build up around the has to work harder
Without excretion, an imbalance of ____ occurs. Salts
Infections caused by ______ can affect the urinary system. Microorganisms
Usually the infection begins in the ____. Bladder
Because the ureter and urethra are narrow tubes, they can be blocked _____ in some disorders. Easily
A blockage of one of these tubes can cause serious problems because_______. Urine cannot flow out of the body properly
If the blockage is not corrected the ____ can be damaged. Kidneys
Urine can be tested for a _____. Urinary Tract Disease
What can be a sign of disease? A change in the urine’s color could suggest a kidney or liver problem
High levels of ___ can be a sign of ____. Glucose….Diabetes
Increases amounts of a protein called albumin indicate _____ or______. Kidney disease or heart failure
When the kidneys are damaged, ____ can get into the urine. Albumin
High levels of ___ can be a sign of ____. Glucose….Diabetes
Increases amounts of a protein called albumin indicate _____ or______. Kidney disease or heart failure
When the kidneys are damaged, ____ can get into the urine. Albumin
Can a person with only one kidney still live? Yes
What happens to the remaining kidney? It increases in size and works harder
High levels of ___ can be a sign of ____. Glucose….Diabetes
Increases amounts of a protein called albumin indicate _____ or______. Kidney disease or heart failure
When the kidneys are damaged, ____ can get into the urine. Albumin
Can a person with only one kidney still live? Yes
What happens to the remaining kidney? It increases in size and works harder
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
If both kidneys fail, the person will need to have his or her blood filtered by an artificial kidney machine called a ____. Dialysis
What are 2 facts about chronic bronchitis? 1. Bronchial tubes are irritated and swell and too much mucus is produced; bronchitis occurs 2. Chronic bronchitis occurs when regular bronchitis does not go away
What are 2 more facts about Chronic Bronchitis? 1. Symptoms include coughing 2. Coughing helps clear airways
Functions of the respiratory system- supple ___ to the body. Oxygen
____ ____ - oxygen is used by the cells to release energy from glucose. Cellular Respiration
The waste products of cellular respiration are _____ _____ and _____. Carbon Dioxide....Water
What are the locations of each organ in order? Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Alveoli, Capillaries
Why do you breathe? Signals from your brain tell muscles in your chest and abdomen to contract or relax
If _____ level increases, your ____ rate increases. Carbon Dioxide....Breathing
What happens when carbon dioxide level decreases? Your breathing rate decreases
Why does the diaphragm contract and relax? To move gases in and out of the lungs
Respiratory infections include ___,___, and ___. Cold, flu, and pneumonia
Emphysema can lead to ___ problems. Heart
_____ is uncontrolled cell growth in lung tissue. Lung Cancer
_____ is the greatest contributing factor to lung cancer. Smoking
Tar and other ingredients in smoke are _____. Carcinogens
What are the functions of the excretory system? Remove body wastes through the skin, and through the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, and urinary systems
What gets rid of cell wastes which accumulate in the blood and controls blood volume? Urinary System
The part of the brain called the ____ regulates the amount of ____ in the blood. Hormones…Less Hypothalamus...Water
if too little water, hormones tell ____ to decrease the amount of __ and return more water to the blood. Kidneys....Urine
What does the hypothalamus do? Regulates the amount of water in the blood
What are the organs of the urinary system? Kidneys.....bladder.....Liver
What passes urine from the bladder to the outside of the body? Urethra
___ often occur in the bladder then spread to the _____. Infections.....Kidneys
Ureters or urethra can become ____, interrupting the flow of ____ and damaging ____. Blocked...Urine....Kidneys
Urine ____ can detect urinary tract disorders and other health problems tests
If both kidneys fail, the person might need a ____ machine to filter blood. Dialysis
What monitors the amount of water in the blood? Hypothalamus
What connects the kidneys to the bladder? Ureter
what is the process of artificial blood filtration? Dialysis
Oxygen passes from them into capillaries Alveoli
Organs made up of alveoli Lungs
Sheet of muscle across the bottom of the chest cavity Diaphragm
Division of the trachea Bronchi
what happens to oxygen after it enters the lungs? Oxygen is inhaled through the mouth and enters the lungs. Then it is carried to blood cells and carbon dioxide is removed from cells and goes to the lungs to be exhaled
what is the use of oxygen by body cells and what is an important waste product of this? Cellular Respiration...Carbon Dioxide
what happens to oxygen after it enters the lungs? Oxygen is inhaled through the mouth and enters the lungs. Then it is carried to blood cells and carbon dioxide is removed from cells and goes to the lungs to be exhaled
what is the use of oxygen by body cells and what is an important waste product of this? Cellular Respiration...Carbon Dioxide
What happens after blood returns to the lungs? You exhale which eliminates wastes and some water molecules.
Where is urine stored? Bladder
what warms and moistens air? nasal cavity
what transports air to lungs? Trachea
what prevents food from entering the trachea? epiglottis
oxygen passes into the capillaries alveoli
what is the organ made up of alveoli? lung
A sheet of muscle across the bottom of the chest cavity? Diaphragm
Division in the trachea? Bronchi
what functions do the organs of the urinary system perform? Rids the blood of wastes and controls blood volume by removing excess water
What are the 3 excretory organs? Liver, kidney, and bladder
What happens when your kidneys don't work? Blood does not get filtered and you could die
Why is the skin considered an excretory organ? It rids the body of wastes when it sweats
Why do you see your breath on a cold day? Your breath is warm and contains moisture vapor whereas the air is cold
What are the functions of the excretory system? Remove body wastes through the skin, and through the digestive, circulatory, respiratory, and urinary systems
If too much water is in the blood, hormones from the hypothalamus tell ___ to increase amount of _____ and return less water to the blood. Kidneys....Urine
How do infections spread from the bladder to the kidneys? Through the urethra and ureter tubes
When your diaphragm contracts do you inhale or exhale? Inhale
When the air pressure in the chest cavity increases do you inhale or exhale? Exhale
When the gases inside the lungs are pushed out through air passages do you inhale or exhale? Exhale
When the air pressure in the chest cavity decreases do you inhale or exhale? Inhale
When the volume in the chest cavity increases do you inhale or exhale? Inhale
Blood enters kidneys through a large ___ and leave through a large ____. Artery....Vein
How does the urinary system control the volume of water in the blood? The hypothalamus monitors it
What is the formula CALLED? The Respiration Formula
Whats the difference between breathing and respiration? Breathing is inhaling and exhaling and respiration is when oxygen is taken to the lungs to be swapped for carbon dioxide
Order: a)urine - ureters to bladders b)blood enters nephrons c)blood enter kidney through aorta d)urine drains to kidney e)Cap. reabsorb water/sugar/salt f)water...enter cup-struc. g)renal v. purifies bl. h)urine-bladder through urethra to outside of body c..b..f..e..g..d..a..h
Created by: booklover7
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