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Social Studies Test1
first social studies
Question | Answer |
Continent | One of 7 large land masses on Earth |
North Pole | area on the northern most part of the Earth |
South Pole | area on the southern most part of the Earth |
Compass Rose | a small drawing on a map that helps you find direction (looks like a plus sign with arrows) |
Map Key | tells you what the symbol on a map stands for |
Map Locator | a small map on a bigger map that helps you understand where an area is located compared to other areas |
Equator | an imaginary line circling the Earth halfway between the two poles |
Cardinal Directions | North, South, East and West |
Ocean | one of 4 large bodies of water on Earth |
Landform Map | shows different landforms on Earth |
Grid Map | uses a set of boxes, or a grid, to locate places (think of the game "Battleship") |
Map Symbols | drawings on maps that stand for real objects/places |
Africa | 4 of the 5 fastest animals live here (Cheetah, wildebeest, lion and gazelle) |
Antartica | no people live here permanently |
Asia | Oil in the Middle East is a major supplier of much of the world's energy. |
North America | we live here |
South America | most people here speak Spanish and it has the largest waterfall in the world, Santo del Angel |
Europe | contains the countries of Germany, France, Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland and many more |
Australia | is the largest island, but the smallest continent |