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Med Term Chpt 10

nervous system

antiepileptic not having seizures
aphasia w/out ability to speak or communicate
cerebrovascular blood flow to the brain
dementia condition of being w/out the mind
electroencephalography diagnostic procedure to record brain activity
hemiplegic half paralyzed
hyperesthesia heightened awareness to touch
hypoglossal under the tongue
meningitis inflammation of the linings of the brain
paresthesia condition of abnormal sensations (tingling/burning)
HNP herniated nucleus pulposus - slipped disk
seizure epilept/o
speech phas/o
largest part of brain cerebr/o
blood vessel vascul/o
mind, chin ment/o
electricity electr/o
brain encephal/o
paralysis pleg/o
sensation or feeling esthes/o
tongue gloss/o
protective membranes of the brain meningi/o or mening/o
skull crani/o
CVA cerebrovascular accident
coma deep state of unconsciousness
concussion traumatic injury to brain
dementia lessening of brain abilities
dyslexia difficulty reading and writing
enchephalitis inflammation of the brain
epilepsy miss-firing of the brain
hematoma hemat/o blood oma tumor, mass
word lex/o
hydrocephalus water on the brain
swallow phagia
weakness paresis
paralysis plegia
speach phasia
fainting syncope (syncop/o)
meninges pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater
thought, emotion frontal lobe
sensory parietal (high on the side)
hearing temporal (ear area)
vision occipital (very back)
relay station, processes and sent on thalamus
endocrine and neurological function hypothalamus
CSF cerebrospinal fluid found in ventricles in the brain
fight or flight sympathetic branch
rest and digest parasympathetic branch
ALS or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis a w/out, myo muscle, troph/o development, -ic pertaining to, scler/o hard, -osis abnormal condition, process
MS multiple sclerosis chronic progressive degenerative autoimmuine disease, body makes antibogies against myelin
TIA transient ischemic attack mini-stroke comes and goes - lack of blood flow to brain
angiography angi/o blood vessel, lymphatic vessel
doppler high frequency sound waves - 2 dimensional
CAT scan bony structures
MRI soft tissues
myelography myel/o bone marrow, spinal cord, myelin; inject die to look at structure
PET scan positron emission tomography - uses radioactive substance that emits positrons (tom/o cut, slice, layer)
EEG electroencephalography - procedure to record electrical activity of brain
Babinski's sign test for neurological function
GCS Glasgow coma scale - measures depth of coma
LP lumbar puncture - to obtain cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) also called spinal tap
TENS transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
carotic endarterectomy innermost artery surgical excision - to remove plaque from the carotid artery
surgical incision into scull craniotomy
Created by: christiethoreson
Popular Science sets




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