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ADN205 Meds 1

ADN205 Meds Generic vs Trade

acyclovir Zovirax
aldara Imiquimod
ambien Zolpidem
ampicillin Omnipen
anaprox-DS Naproxen Sodium
ancef Cefazolin
vitamin K1 Aqua Mephyton
diphenhydramine HCL Benadryl
celestone Betamethasone
Sodium Citrate Bicitra
marcaine Bupivacaine HCL
dinoprostone Prepidil
clindamycin Clindesse Vaginal Cream
clomiphene Citrate Clomid
docusate Sodium Colace
misoprostol Cytotec
propoxyphene-napsylate Darvocet N-100
meperidine Demerol
depo-Provera Depo-Provera
benzocaine Dermoplast
fluconazole Diflucan
doxycycline Vibramycin, Oracea, Adoxa, Atridox
dimenhydrinate Dramamine
bisacodyl Dulcolax
morphine sulfate Duramorph, MS Contin
Pediatric Energix-B
ephedrine sulfate Pretz-D
hydrocortisone pramoxine Epifoam
epinephrine Adrenalin/Sus-Phrine
erythromycin E-Mycin/EES/Erythromycin/Ilotycin Ointment
50% Dextrose
metronidazole Flagyl
gardasil Silgard
gentamycin Garamycin
gucagon Glucogon
carboprost tromethamine Hemabate
hydralazine Apresoline
hydrocortizone cream DermAid
iberet-Folic 500 Iberet-Folic 500
indomethacin Indocin
lanolin USP Lanolin USP
magnesium sulfate
methylergonovine maleate Methergine
methyldopa Aldomet, Tenex
metoclopramide Reglan
monistat vaginal cream Monistat Vaginal Cream
ibuprofen Motrin/Advil
simethicone Mylicon
naloxone HCL Narcan
nefedipine Procardia
chloroprocaine Nesacaine
nalbuphine HCL Nubain
penicillin G potassium Pfizerpen
sodium citrate and citric acid Orasit
oxycodone Percocet
promethazine Phenergan
oxytocin Pitocin/Syntocin
podocon-25 Podophyllin
Progestone Progesterone
pge2 Prostaglandin E Gel
alprostadil Prostin PR Pediatric
hepatitis B vaccine Recombivax
rh Immune globulin RhoGAM
ringers Lactate Ringers Lactate
yutopar Ritrodine
morphine Roxanol
mmr MMR Vaccine
bupivacaine Sensorcaine
butorphanol tartrate Stadol
fentanyl Sublimaze/Duragesic
tdap TDaP
terconazole Vagistat Vaginal Cream
brethine Terbutaline
ketrolac tromethamine Toradol
trichloracetic Acid Trichlor Fresh Pac
acetaminophen & Codeine Phosphate Tylenol
valacyclovir Valtrex
hydroxyzine pamoate Vistaril
ondansetron Zofran
Created by: 100000426625779
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