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Nervous System 2

Nervous system

threshold & stimulation Stimulus needed for an action potential
Summation several stimuli needed to reach action potential
Resting potential difference in charge between 2 sides of membrane
sensory nerves carry info to brain
motor nerves carry info away from brain
myelin sheath coating of myelin, covers myelin layers
Schwann cells neuroglial cell in PNS; insulates and increases speed of impulse
PNS peripheal nervous system; consists of all nerves outside brain and spinal cord; cranial and spinal nerves, effectors
diencephalon thalamus and hypothalamus
occipital lobe posterior lobe; vision and intrepretation of what is seen
thalamus main relay ctr for incoming sensory info; goes to cerebral cortex; desending fibers pass thru; crude awareness of pain, touch, temperature
temporal lobe below lateral sulcus; hearing and understanding of what is heard
cerebral cortex outer surface of brain; "conscious brain", composed of nerve cell bodies and dentrites, gray matter
white matter inner portion of brain; made up of lg. groups of axons
meninges dura mater, arachnoid mater, and pia mater
brainstem midbrain; pons and medulla oblongata
ventricles 4 interconnected spaces within brain; contain csf
csf enters subarachnoid space, surrounds brain and spinal cord; cushiions and supports brain/spinal cord
sensory areas of cerebral cortes postcentral gyrus; stimulus travels up ascending tract, crosses over at medulla oblongata, up to sensory cortex
cranial nerves OLd OPie OCcasionally TRies TRIGonometry, And Feels Very GLOomy, VAgue, And HYPOacitive
olfactory smell
optic vision
oculomotor eye movement
trochlear eye movement
trigeminal mastication and sensory to face
abducens eye movement
facial facial expression and taste
vestibulocochlear hearing and balance
glossopharyngeal taste,swallowing, and salivation
vagus heart rate, Hcl secretion, and peristalsis
accessory motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
hypoglossal tongue movement
neurons sends impulses to other neurons outside CNS; react ot changes in environment and body; stuctural/functional unit of nervous system
mixed nerves spinal;31 pair; 8,12,5,5,1; sensory and motor
lobes of cerebrum frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, and insula
midbrain part of brainstem; connects thalamus and pons; tracts ascend/descend from cortex pass through
frontal lobe in front of central sulcus; voluntary movement, speech, and personality
hypothalamus critical for homeostatic mechanisms: heart rate, bp, hunger and thirst, sleep and wakefulness
parietal lobe just behind central sulcus; sensation, understanding speech
unipolar neuron one process, two branches; PNS
multipolar neurons many dentrites, one axon; CNS
nodes of ranvier gaps in myelin sheath between schwann cells; action potentials jump over
characteristics of neurons longevity, amiotic, require continous oxygen
CNS nerve cells neurons, neuroglial
neuroglial cells astrocytes, schawnn, microglia, ependyma, and satellite
CNS brain and spinal cord
neurotransmitters stored in synaptic vesicles; epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin, and acetychloline
motor areas of cerebral cortex precentral gyrus and frontal lobe; down corticospinal tract, cross to lateral corticospinal tract, to synaptic bulb, thru anterior horn of spinal cord, synapses with motor neuron, thru ventral root
bipolar neurons cell body- one dentrite, one axon; eyes, nose, and ears
microglia phagocytize bacteria and cell debris
oligodendrocytes form myelin
spinal cord continuation of brainstem; contained in vertebral foramen
make up of spinal cord cental core-gray matter; surrounded by tracts of white matter
structures of spinal cord spinal nerve, dorsal root, dorsal root ganglion, posterior horns, anterior horns, ventral root, white/gray matter
spinal nerve carry impulses in/out spinal cord
dorsal root carry sensory info. into spinal cord
dorsal root ganglion cell bodies of sensory neurons
posterior horns contain interneurons
anterior horns contain cell bodies of motor neurons
ventral root carries impulses to skeletal muscles
white matter bundles of axons; carry impulses to/from brain
gray matter collection of nerve cell bodies
autonomic nervous system involuntary; parasympathetic and sympathetic
parasympathetic body at rest; slow heart rate, digestion
sympathetic frightened or upset; increases heart rate, slows digestion
steps of knee jerk reflex blow to patellar ligament, stretch receptor in quadriceps muscle and tendon,sensory impulse thru dorsal root in spinal cord, stimulates motor neuron impulse, travels to quadriceps muscle (effector), muscle contracts slightly
satellite cells help maintain chemical environment surrounding neurons; associated with Schwann cells
ependyma line ventricles of brain
voltage measure of charge difference between 2 points; use a volt meter, display on oscilloscope
polarized cell membrane electrically charged; unequal distribution of ions- outside membrane compared to inside membrane
ganglia cluster of cell bodies in PNS
synapse junction between 2 neurons
synaptic cleft space between 2 neurons
presynaptic neuron brings impulse
postsynaptic neuron receives impulse
nuclei of nervous system cell bodies in CNS
functions of nervous system sensory- vision, smell, taste, hearing; motor-impulse to effector; integration- interprets senses, make decisions
lateral sulcus separates frontal/parietal lobes from temporal lobe
medulla oblongata between pons and spinal cord; contains ascending/descending pathways
3 important centers of medulla oblongata cardiac, respiratory, and vasomotor(bp)
central sulcus separates frontal/parietal lobes
nerve impulse movement of action potential along nerve fiber to synaptic bulb
unmyelinated fibers conduct impulses over entire surface
myelinated fibers impulses jump over nodes of ranvier
pons carries info to/from cortex; sends impulses from cerebrum to cerebellum; contains pneumotaxic respiratory center
transverse fissure separates cerebrum from cerebellum
regions of cerebral cortex motor areas, sensory areas, association areas
all or none response impulse fires completely
perikaryon Nissl bodies, neurofibers, Axon hillock, and organelles
Nissl bodies RER
neuron structure perikaryon, dentrites, axon, and Schwann cells
dentrites impulses toward cell body; receives input from other neurons
cerebellum 2 hemispheres connected by vermis; connected to brainstem by 3 pr. cerebellar peduncles
functions of cerebellum coordination of skeletal muscle contractions and maintenance of posture
axon impulses away from cell body; "talk" to other cells; branch at end
CNS neurogial cells astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, ependymal, and microglia
PNS neuroglial cells Schwann and satellite
astrocytes structural support, form scar tissue after CNS injury
association areas in cerebral cortex interpretation of sensory experience; memory, reasoning, judgement, and emotions
insula deep inside lateral sulcus
brainstem connects brain with spinal cord; contains bundles of axons(tracts) and nuclei
gyri convolutions
fissure deep convolution
precentral gyrus immediately in front of central sulcus; initiates all nerve impulses for voluntary movement on opposite side of body
postcentral gyrus immediately behind cental sulcus; receives sensory info from opposite side of body
longitudinal fissure separates 2 central hemispheres of cerebrum
sulci grooves
cerebrum 2 cerebral hemispheres connected by corpus callosum
Created by: mjb
Popular Biology sets




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