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Major problems of cirrhosis Decreased liver function and Portal hypertension
3 main risks to developing cirrhosis Alcoholism, Viral Hepatitis, and Exposure to toxins
1st sign of cirrhosis Hepatomegaly
Spider angioma Small blood vessels get dilated, whole area looks red, permanent dilation that stays there
Two ways to diagnosis cirrhosis Liver Enzymes and Biopsy of liver
What will happen to liver enzymes? They are relased from damaged liver cells - enzymes are increased.
What happens to the levels of liver enzymes? AST, Alk. Phos, Bilirubin, Amonia are all elevated; Albumin Low; PT, PTT, INR prolonged!
What should the nurse do immediately after a liver biopsy? Put pressure on site, pressure bandage
What Vitamins do we give to someone with liver failure? Fat soluble; A, D, E, K
What diet should one be on that has chronic liver failure: High Protein, Low Na, Low fat, High Carbs
What diet should one be on that has acute liver failure: Low protein, low Na, Low fat, High Carbs
Portal HTN: Increased venous pressure in the portal circulation
Esophageal Varices: Complex of tortuous veins at the lower end of esophagus that are enlarged and swollen
Diet for one with Esophageal Varices: Soft diet and no roughage; small more frequent feedings and supplements like ensure
Sengstaken Blakemore Tube: Way to temporarily stop bleeding and control hemorrhage; pressure on varices inside esophagus
Sengstaken Blakemore Tube: Way to temporarily stop bleeding and control hemorrhage; pressure on varices inside esophagus
Vasopression Vasoconstriciton to make arteries and veins smaller so there is less blood there; for EV
NTG Vasodilate and keep blood in vasculatorue a little bit more so t a little less blood coming to varices; for EV
Beta blockers Vasodilate and keep blood in vasculature a little bit more so there is a little less blood coming to varices; For EV
Ascites: Accumulation of serous fluid in the perioneal or abdominal cavity
Manifestations of Ascites: Portal HTN, low Na, Low colloidal osmotic pressure, abd. distention with wt gain, dehydration, hypokalemia
Manifestations of Ascites: Needle puncture of abdominal cavity - remove ascitic fluid; temporary
Hepatic Encephalopathy Terminal; Elevated ammonia, change in mental status
Asterixis: Flapping tremors: unable to hold arms and hands straight out, rapid flexion and extension of hands; sign to tell when they are going into hepatic encephalopathy
Neomycin: Antibiotic, reduce level of ammonia by reducing bacteria flora in the colon
Lactulose: Cause ammonia to bind to it and excrete ammonia
Created by: MissyMasae
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