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EMT-11 Vital Signs

Study Guide

Vital signs (defn.) assessments related to breathing, pulse, skin, pupils, and blood pressure
Vital signs (exam) B-Breathing P-Pulse S-Skin B-Blood Pressure P-Pupils
Respiratory rate range for adult patients is: at rest is 8-24 per minute
Elderly patients have a higher average of chest rises per minute with: 20
Elderly patients also have a decreased: Tidal Volume
If either respiratory rate OR tidal volume inadequate, then: Positive Pressure Ventilation must be initiated
Respiratory quality is another word for: Tidal volume; volume of air moving in and out of the lungs with each breath
Labored breathing indicated by abnormal sound of grunting or stridor (harsh high-[itched sound)
Noisy breathing including snoring, wheezing, gurgling, crowning, or stridor.
Carotid artery either side of neck
femoral artery crease btw lower abdomen
radial artery proximal to the thumb on wrist
brachial artery medial aspect of the arm, btw shoulder and elbow
popliteal artery crease behind knee
posterier tibial artery behind malleolus(ankle bone)
dorsalis pedis artery top of foot on great-toe side
Which artery should be used on all patients 1 or older? Radial artery
tachycardia heart rate greater than 100 bpm
bradycardia heart rate less than 60 bpm
capillary refill time it takes for capillaries to fill up with blood again
Diaphoresis profuse sweating
pulsus paradoxus increase in strength of pulse during inspiratory phase of patient. Could indicate cardic injury or illness
Dilated pupils (big) cardiac arrest, use of certain drugs (LSD, amphetamines, atropine, cocaine).
Constricted pupils (small) central nervous system disorder, use of narcotics, glaucoma meds, or bright environment
unequal pupils stroke, head injury, eyedrops
Reactivity (pupils changing in size response to light in eye)
Un responsiveness in eye cardiac arrest, brain injury, drug intoxication or overdose
consensual reflex Both pupils havin the same response when a light in shining in only one eye
blood pressure pressure exerted on the walls of arteries by blood flowing through them
systolic BP top # in BP. amount of pressure exerted on walls of arteries during contraction and ejection of blood from left ventricle
T or F? Pulse is an assessment of the systolic BP? T, correlates w the wave of blood that creates a pulse
diastolic BP pressure exerted against the walls of the arteries while the left ventricle of the heart is at rest
Diastolic related to BOTH amount of blood in the artery and diameter of the artery? T or F? T
orthostatic vital signs comparison of blood pressure and heart rate readings while a patient is supine and while sitting upright or standing.
Created by: voneckab
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets




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