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Beowulf anglo-saxon


comitatus bond of loyalty between the king and the people
scop storytellers, poets, entertainers, historians
byrny armor (chain mail)
swords Hrunting “thruster”- didn’t work
sword in Grendel Mom’s home it was a giant’s sword
caesura a pause in the middle of a line in poetry
iambic iamb- u/- michelle duh- DUH
Romeo and Juliet iambic pentameter
trochaic trochie- /u- Kayla DUH-dum
anapestic anapest- uu/ kangaroo duh-duh-DUH
dactylic dactyl- /uu Catherine DUH-duh-duh
meter number of feet per line
trimeter 3
tetrameter 4
pentameter 5
hexameter 6
alliteration repetition of an initial sound in several words of the line
rhyme scheme the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song
epic poem a long narrative poem presented in an elevated style, relating the heroic deeds of noble or semi divine persons
Kenning 2 or more words which name something metaphorically
mead hall (mead: fermented honey) a building for celebration while scops tell stories
rhyme scheme the pattern of rhyme between lines of a poem or song
Connotations subjective cultural and/or emotional coloration in addition to the explicit or denotative meaning of any specific word or phrase in a language
Values of the Anglo Saxon Society military strength, material wealth, fidelity to oath, and fame
Two Kinds of Epic Poems Folk epic (started orally)(Beowulf), and Literary Epic (written down since the beginning)
Epic Features 1. central character had heroic or superhuman qualities 2. the action is on an immense scale and involves the fated of a whole people 3. gods or semi divine creatures come to the aid of one side or another
Epic Devices (1-3) 1. Author usually announces his theme at the opening and calls on the muses to help him tell his story 2. The poem usually begins in medias res: in the middle of things at a critical point in the action 3. style: noble and majestic
Epic Devices (4-5) 4. Characters speak ceremoniously in long set speeches 5. Literary inventories (catalogues/ lists) often form part of the descriptive passage
Basic Kinds of Humor 1. wit- words 2. farce- situations, irony, surprises-- unexpected 3. slapstick- based on physical assault
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