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Charles A. Beard   A historian who argued that the Founders were largely motivated by the economic advantage of their class in writing the Constitution
Constitution   A set of principles
Articles of Confederation   The governemnt charter of the states in 1776 until the Constitution in 1787
Constitutional Convention   A meeting of delegates in Phili in 1787 charged with drawing up amendments to the Articles of Confederation
Declaration of Independence   A document written in 1776 declaring the colonists' intention to throw off British rule
federalism   A constitutional principle reserving separate powers to the national state levels of government
Federalist paper   A series of political tracts that explained many of the ideas of the Founders
Great Compromise   A constitutional proposal that made membership in one house of Congress proportional to each state's population and membershup in the other equal for all states
John Locke   A British philosopher whose ideas on civil government greatly influenced the Founders
James Madison   A principal architect of the Constitution who felt that a government powerful enough to encourage virtue in its citizens was too powerful
Massachusetts Constitution   A state constitution with clear separation of powers but considered to have produced too weak a government
natural rights   Rights of all human beings that are ordained by God
New Jersey Plan   A constitutional proposal that would have given each state one vote in a new congress
Pennsylvania Constitution   A governing document considering to be hightly democratic yet with a tendency toward tyranny as the result of concentrating all powers in one set of hands
separtion of powers   A constitutional principle separating the personnel of the legislative
Shay's Rebellion   An armed attempt by Revolutionary War veterans to avoid losing their property by preventing the courst in western Massachusetts from meeting
Virginia Plan   A constitutional proposal that the smaller states' representatives feared would give permanent supremacy to the larger states
amendment   change in
Antifederalists   Those who opposed giving as much power ot hte national government as the Constitution did
bill of attainder   A law that would declare a person guilty of a crime without a trial
Bill of Rights   the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution
checks and balances   The power of the legislative
coalition   An alliance between different interest groups of parties to achieve some political goal
confederation   An agreement among sovereign states that delegates certain powers to a national government
Constitutional Convention   A meeting of delegates in 1878 to revise the Articles of Confederation
ex post facto law   A law that would declare an act criminal after the act was committed
faction   a group of people sharing a common interest who seek to influence public policy for their collective benefit
Federalists   Supporters of a stronger central governemnt who advocated ratification of the Constitution and then founded a politcal party
judicial review   The power of the courts to declare acts of the legislature and of the exectuve inconstitutional and therefore null and void
line-item veto   the power of an executive to veto some provisions in an appropriations bill while approving others
Madisonian view of human nature   A philosophy holding that accommodating individual self-interst provided a more practical solution to the problem of government than aiming to cultivate virtue
republic   a from of democracy in which leaders and representatives are selected by means of popular competitive elections
unalienable rights   rights thought to be based on nature and providence rather than on the preference of people
writ of habeas corpus   a court order requring police officials to produce an individual held in cusoty and show sufficient cause for that person's detention
Created by: cpregler
Popular AP Comparative Gov. sets




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