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Roma Aeterna XXXVI

Vocabulary for Ørberg's Roma Aeterna

casa cottage, hut
strāmentum straw
arx hill-top, citadel
cōnsul consul
incendium fire, conflagration
marmor marble
cella temple chamber, chapel
simulācrum image, statue
sēdēs seat, abode, dwelling
triumphus triumph
sacrificium sacrifice
metallum metal
aes copper, bronze, money
palūs fen, swamp
cloāca sewer
basilica basilica
vīcus street, village
cūria curia (division of the people, Senate-house)
senātus senate, assembly, sitting
senātor senator
ōrātor speaker, orator, envoy
rōstrum beak, beaked prow
prōra prow
aedēs temple, pl. house
prōmunturium headland, promontory
focus hearth
rēgia royal palace
pontifex high priest
aerārium public treasury
discordia disagreement, discord
factiō party, faction
patriciī patricians
plēbēiī plebians
concordia concord
vetustās ancient, old
odor smell
porticus portico, colonnade
clīvus slope, sloping street
āra altar
statua statue
genetrīx mother
monumentum memorial, monument
ultor avenger
later brick
bibliothēca library
mausōlēum mausoleum
balneae public baths
thermae public baths
ductus leadership, command
longitūdō length
flamma flame
vestibulum forecourt
stāgnum pool, pond
pecus farm animal, livestock, sheep
candēlābrum candelabrum
tuba trumpet
morbus disease, illness
laurus laurel
stadium running track
pōns bridge
magnitūdō size, greatness
orīgō beginnings, origin
quadrātus square
fīrmus strong, stable, firm
sacer holy, sacred
augustus venerable, majestic
amplus large, big
subterrāneus underground
celeber crowded, well-known
illūstris brilliant, illustrious
rotundus round
domesticus domestic, household
aeternus eternal, everlasting
dīvīnus divine
dīvus divine (m. god)
marmoreus made of marble
aurātus gilded
interiectus situated between
latericius of brick
anniversārius annual
arcuātus arched
īnsānus mad, insane
splendidus shining, splendid
interior interior, inner part of
triumphālis triumphal
aereus of bronze, copper
praeclārus splendid, excellent
vīcēsimus twentieth
restāre remain, be left
tegere cover, conceal
praecipitāre throw, fall, rush headlong
sacrāre consecrate
expellere drive out, expel
cōnsecrāre consecrate, deify
reficere restore, repair
splendēre shine
siccāre dry, drain
dēdūcere lead, bring down, launch
exstruere erect, build
venīre come
locāre place
ēminēre stick out, project
dēstruere demolish
ēvenīre happen, fall by lot
ārdēre burn
exstinguere exstinguish, put out, kill
praeficere put in charge of
cremāre burn, cremate
dēpōnere put/lay down, deposit
restituere rebuild, restore, rehabilitate
collābī fall down, collapse
dēdicāre dedicate
triumphāre celebrate a triumph
renovāre renew, resume
superāre cross, surpass, overcome, defeat, remain
incendere set on fire, inflame
ulcīscī revenge, avenge
vovēre promise, vow
incohāre start work on, begin
absūmere consume, waste, destroy
glōriārī boast
exercēre exercise, practice, worry
indūcere lead, bring in, introduce
inīre enter (upon), begin
probāre approve of, prove
collocāre place
adimere take away (from), steal
tertium third
ibīdem in the same place
Created by: tjnor
Popular Latin sets




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