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English Unit 1-Reid
Question | Answer |
Who wrote the "Journal of the First Voyage to America" | Christopher Columbus |
Authors of Historical Narrative | John Smith and William Bradford |
Journals | An individual's day by day account of events. Not always accurate. |
Examples of Slave Narratives | Interesting Narrative Uncle Tom's Cabin |
Who wrote "The Earth on Turtle's Back" | Onondaga |
Who wrote "When Grizzlies walked Upright" | Modoc |
Who wrote "The Navajo Origin Legend" | Navajo |
Who wrote "The Iroquois Constitution | The Iroquois |
What does indication mean | to point out |
What does exquisite mean | of special beauty or charm |
What does affliction mean | a state of pain, distress, or grief |
What does abundance mean | and overwhelming amount |
What is a Journal | an individual's day-by-day account of events. |
What is an Origin Myth | traditional stories that recount the origins of earthly life |
What does ablutions mean | a cleansing with water or other liquid |
what does protrude mean | stuck out |
what does confederate mean | united with others for a common purpose |
what does disposition mean | careful consideration |
what does deliberation mean | inclination to believe, do, or choose something |
Who wrote "The Interesting Narrative of the Life of...." | Olaudah Equiano |
What is a slave narritive | an autobiographical account of life as a slave |
What does summarize mean | to state breafly in your own words it's main ideas and most important details |
What does loathsome mean | disgusting offensive |
what does pestilential mean | causing infection |
what does copious mean | abundant |
what does improvident mean | lacking thrift or foresight |
what does pacify mean | to make peaceful |
what does avarice mean | greed |
Who wrote "The General History of Virgina" | John Smith |
Who wrote "Of Plymouth Plantation" | William Bradford |
What is a historical narritive | writings that provided a factual, chronological account of significant historical events. |
What does pilfer mean | to steal, |
WHat does peril mean | exposure to injury, loss, or destruction; grave risk |
WHat does mollified mean | to soften in feeling or temper, |
What does recompense mean | to repay |
What does sundry mean | various or diverse |
WHat does conceits mean | an excessively favorable opinion of one's own ability |
What does palisades mean | a fence of pales or stakes set firmly in the ground |
What does loath mean | unwilling; reluctant |
Who wrote "To My Dear Loving Husband" | Anne Bradstreet |
Who wrote "Huswifery" | Edward Taylor |
What is Puritan Plain Style | Short words, direct statements, and references to ordinary, everyday objects |
What does recompense mean | to repay; remunerate; reward, as for service, aid |
What does manifold mean | of many kinds; numerous and varied |
What does persevere mean | to persist in anything undertaken |
Who wrote "From Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" | Jonathan Edwards |
What is a sermon | a speech given from a pulpit in a house of worship, usually as part of a religious service. |
What is imagery | the descriptive or figurative language used to create word pictures |
What is a metaphor | a figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as if it were something else |
What is a simile | a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two subjects using either like or as |
What is repetition | the repeated use of any element of language |
What does omnipotent mean | all powerful |
What does ineffable mean | inexpressible |
What does dolorous mean | sad mournful |