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Gen Pharmacology

Chapter 10

Absorption The process by which medications travel through body tissues until they reach the bloodstream.
Action The therapeutic effect of a medication on the body.
Activated Charcoal An oral medication that binds and adsorbs ingested toxins in the GIl tract for treatment of some poisonings and med overdoses. Ground into a very fine powder that provides medications that have been taken by mouth; it is carried on the EMS Unit.
Adsorption The process of binding or sticking to a surface.
Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid (ASA)) A med that is an antipyretic (reduces fever), analgesic (reduces pain), anti-inflammatory, and potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation (clumping)
Contraindictions Conditions that make a particular medication or treatment inappropriate, for e.g., a condition in which a medication should not be given because it would not help or may actually harm a patient.
Dose The amount of medication given on the basis of the patient's size and age.
Epinephrine A medication that increases heart rate and blood pressure but also eases breathing problems by decreasing muscle tone of the bronchiole tree; you may be allowed to help the patient self-administer the medication.
Gel A semiliquid substance that is administered orally in capsule form or through plastic tubes.
Generic Name The original chemical name of a medication (in contrast with one of its "trade names"); the name is not capitalized.
Hypoglycemia An abnormally low blood glucose level.
Indications The therapeutic uses for a specific medication.
Inhalation Breathing into the lungs; a medication delivery route.
Intramuscular (IM) injection An injection into a muscle; a medication delivery route.
Intraosseous (IO) Into the bone; a medication delivery route.
Intravenous (IV) injection An injection directly into a vein; a medication delivery route.
Metered-dose inhaler (MDI) A miniature spray-canister through which droplets or particles of medication may be inhaled.
Nitroglycerin A medication that increases cardiac perfusion by causing arteries to dilate; you may be allowed to help the patient self-administer the medication.
Oral By mouth; a medication delivery route
Oral glucose A simple sugar that is readily absorbed by the bloodstream; it is carried on the EMS unit.
Over-the-counter (OTC) medications Medications that may be purchased directly by a patient without a prescription.
Oxygen A gas that all cells need for metabolism; the heart and brain, especially, cannot function without oxygen.
Per os (PS) Through the mouth; a medication delivery route; same as oral.
Per rectum (PR) Through the rectum; a medication delivery route.
Pharmacology The study of the properties and effects of medications.
Polypharmacy The use of multiple medications on a regular basis
Prescription medications medications that are distributed to patients only by pharmacists according to a physician's order.
Side effects Any effects of a medication other than the desired ones.
Solution A liquid mixture that cannot be separated by filtering or allowing the mixture to stand.
Subcutaneous (SC) injection Injection into the tissues between the skin and muscle; a medication delivery route.
Sublingual (SL) Under the tongue; a medication delivery route.
Suspension A mixture of ground particles that are distributed evenly throughout a liquid but do not dissolve.
Topical medications Lotions, creams, and ointments that are applied to the surface of the skin and affect only the area; a medication delivery route.
Trade name The brand name that a manufacturer gives a medications; the name is capitalized.
Transcutaneous Through the skin; a medication delivery route.
Transdermal Medications Medications that are designed to be absorbed through the skin (transcutaneously)
Created by: azoch
Popular Paramedic/EMT sets



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