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ISC2 09

硕大无朋 shuo4 da4 wu2 peng2 huge
素不相识 su4 bu4 xiang1 shi2 not know at all; never met
拘谨 ju1 jin3 overcautious; reserved
jing4 offer politely (food, drinks, etc.)
庞大 pang2 da4 huge
小视 xiao3 shi4
产业 chan3 ye4 industry / estate / property
气质 qi4 zhi4 appearance
tou4 show;appear
一无是处 yi4 wu2 shi4 chu4 devoid of merit
座谈 zuo4 tan2 have an informal discussion
敢情 gan3 qing why; so (sth. discovered for 1st time)
嘲笑 chao2 xiao4 to tease
通宵 tong1 xiao1 throughout the night
透支 tou4 zhi1 to misuse / overdraw money
成瘾 cheng2 yin3 to get addicted to
恶心 e2 xin1 to feel sick
何苦 he2 ku3 why bother to
莫名其妙 mo4 ming2 qi2 miao4 be puzzled
贪杯 tan1 bei1 alcoholic
传诵 chuan2 song4 to be on everyone's lips
融入 rong2 ru4 to become part of
排遣 pai2 qian3 to dispel (loneliness, pressure, etc)
多姿多彩 duo1 zi1 duo1 cai3 colourful
款待 kuan3 dai4 to entertain (guest)
助兴 zhu4 xing4 to add to the fun
灵感 ling2 gan3 inspiration
文人墨客 wen2 ren2 mo4 ke4 literati
摆脱 bai3 tuo1 free oneself from
束缚 shu4 fu4 to restrain
不朽 bu4 xiu3 immortal (good)
氛围 fen1 wei2 atmosphere (inside)
气氛 qi4 fen1 atmosphere (outside)
心扉 xin1 fei1 mind; heart; thought
坦诚 tan3 cheng2 frank; honest
衡量 heng2 liang2 to judge (balance in complex sit.)
判断 pan4 duan4 to judge (right/wrong)
俗气 su2 qi vulgar
郁闷 yu4 men4 gloomy; depressed
Created by: mencius
Popular Chinese sets




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