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Health Assessment

Chapter 25

adventitious breath sounds abnormal breath sounds
auscultation listening with a stethscope
bronchial sounds high pitched harsh sounds. expiration long than inspiration
bronchialvesicular sounds blowing sounds inspiration equal to expiration
comphrehensive assessment health history and completed physical history examination.
cyanosis bluish or grayish discoloration of the skin due to inadequate oxygen
ecchymosis collection of blood in subcutaneous layer causes purplish discoloration
edema difficulut to lift the skin due to excessive fluid in the skin
emergency assessment rapid focused assessment for fatal situation
erythema redness of the skin
focused assessment assess a specific problem
jaundice yellowish tint to skin or eyes
ongoing partial assessment conducted at regular intervals ex.each hospital shift
pallor paleness of skin due to inadequation blood circulation
palpation assessing using sense of touch
percussion striking one object against another to produce a sound
precordium aortic,pulmonic,tricuspid,and apical areas for visible pulsation
turgor fullness or elasticity of the skin
diaphoresis excessive amount of perspiration
vesicular breath sounds soft low pitched sounds.
ophthalmoscope lighted instrument used to visualize the eyes
otoscope lighted instrument used to examine ear and tympanic membrane
snellen chart screening test for distant vision
nasal speculum look inside the nose
vaginal speculum to examine the vaginal canal and cervix
tuning fork test auditory function and vibratory perception
percussion hammer called reflex hammer and test deep tendon reflexes
inspection observation in systematic manner
Created by: chynag1
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