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881 Vocab (1-50)

Korean 881 Vocab

가격 (-인상/-인하/-조정/-변동) price hike/drop/adjust/change
가로/세로 breath/length
가죽 leather
간암 liver cancer
간판 (store) sign
간호사/간호하다 nurse
갈색 brown
갈아타다 transfer
감상하다 appreciate (music/art)
감시하다 keep watchful eye on
강박감 obsession
강의하다 lecture
강제로 forcibly
강진 strong earthquake
갖추다 have / be quipped with
개막식 opening ceremony
개발하다 develop (a product)
개방하다/개방되다 open / be opened
개업하다 open a business
개통하다/개통되다 open to traffic
객차/화물차 passenger train / cargo train
거동이 불편하다 have difficulty moving
거부하다/거부감 refuse / feeling of rejection/refusal
거주하다 reside
거짓말 탐지기 lie detector
건강 (-보험/-식/-관리) health (-insurance/-food/- management)
건널복 crossing
검거하다/검거 작전 arrest
결과/결과적으로 result / as a result
결식아동돕기 help-a-hungry-child
결핵 (퇴치) tuberculosis (eradication)
겸손하다 be humble
경고하다/경고문 warn / warning
경기 (-회복/불-/-불황/-호황) economic condition (-recovery/recession/economic boom)
경상수지 trade balance
경위를 조사하다 examine the details
경향 tendency / trend
경력/경험 experience
계모 stepmother
계절 season
계획하다/짜다/만들다 plan
고도/높이 (제한) altitude / height (restriction)
고발하다/신고하다 report (to authorities)
고생스럽다/고생하다 experience hardship
고소하다 sue
고아원 orphanage
고학력 실업자 highly-educated and unemployed
골수 bone marrow
공개하다 reveal / open to the public
공고하다/공고문 (publicly) announce / announcement
Created by: Dragon06
Popular Korean sets




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