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NCC--FUN 2010

Infection Prevention and Control

What does the term "leuko" mean? White
What does the term "erythro" mean? Red
What does the term "cyte" mean? Cell
What does the term "Itis" refer to? Inflammation
What does "Anti" mean? Against
What does the term anterior mean? Front
What does the term posterior mean? Back
What is the term that means farther away? Distal
What is the entry into the body of an infectious agent that then multiplies and causes tissue damage and may result in illness and disease? Infection
Bacteria, viruses, prions, protozoa, rickettsia, fungi, mycoplasmas, and helminths are all _________________. Infecting agents
What are harmless microorganisms that are found in and on the body? Normal Flora
What are some of the benefits of having normal flora in the body? They perform useful protective functions. Intestinal flora help synthesize vitamin K for blood clotting. They can produce antibiotic and toxic substances that slow or stop the growth of microorganisms.
What is a once celled organism without a true nucleus? Bacteria
How are bacteria classified? The need for O2, aerobic and anaerobic. Gram Stain, + or -Shape, cocci, bacilli, spirochetes, chains, pairs, and clusters. Culture
Which type of bacteria retain the stain on a slide? Gram-positive
Which type of bacteria take up the counter stain? Gram-negative
What are the three types of bacterial clustering? Diplo, Strepto, Staphylo
Protein particles that cause degenerative neurological disease such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease aka "Mad Cow Disease" are known as ___________. Prions
What organisms are typically the responsible mode of trasfer for Rickettsia? Lice, fleas, ticks
What is a helminth? A parasitic worm such as, pin worms, round worms, and tape worms.
What is the process of infection? Causative Agent, Reservoir, Portal of Exit, Mode of Transfer, Portal of Entry, Susceptible Host
Any microorganism or biological agent capable of causing disease is refered to as ____________. Causative agent
What is the most effective way to destroy viruses and all other microorganisms? Exposure to moist heat at high temperatures under pressure for 16-20 minutes, also known as autoclave.
Infected wounds, feces, and contaminated food or water are all examples of _____________ in the Chain of Infection. Reservoirs
What are the Modes of Transfer in the Chain of Infection? Direct Contact, Indirect Contact, Vectors, Droplet Infection, Spread of infection from one part of the body to another.
What is the way in which a pathogen enters the body refered to as? Portal of Entry
What are some examples of Portals of Entry within the Chain on Infection? Breaks in the skinMouthNoseEyes
What does it mean to be a susceptible host? Someone who could more easily get an infection
What are 3 main things that increase susceptibility to infection? AgeState of HealthBroken skin
What is the best measure for decreasing your susceptibility to infection? Hand Hygiene
What factors place the elderly at higher risk for infection? Poor nutrition, Immobility, Poor hygiene, Chronic illness, Physiological factors of aging such as thinner skin
What are the body's second line of defense for helping to destroy pathogens? Fever, Leukocytosis, Phagocytosis, Inflammation, and Interferon
What kind of immunity do you have if you are given antitoxin or antiserum containing antibodies or antitoxins? Passive acquired immunity
What is an example of Naturally acquired passive immunity? A baby receiving antibodies from its mother
Immunizations are an example of which type of immunity? Artificially acquired
What is it called when you gain immunity after having an encounter with a microorganism, such as after you have the chicken pox? Natually acquired immunity
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